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Does Anyone Know What Happened To Gabonne & Other 'Positive Energy' Gigs?


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Over the last couple of years, every few months I used to order a 'Positive Energy For 50 Days' gig from Gabonne - https://www.fiverr.com/gabonne/send-you-positive-energy-for-50-days

Even though I was never a stern believer in these new age stuff, his gigs used to work for me miraculously, I used to buy them, and just out of nowhere, things used to start happening.

All of a sudden, however, his gigs, along with his profile are no longer available, and I have no idea how to reach out to him. He was a really popular seller here, with 1,000s of sales each month, so I'm sure there will be someone here who can let me know what happened to him.

If not, I would at least like to know if any of you have had similar experiences with other 'Positive Energy' gigs here on Fiverr.

6 hours ago, buildmyrank said:

so I'm sure there will be someone here who can let me know what happened to him.

You can try reaching out to Customer Support -- support@fiverr.com. The forum is filled with buyers and sellers so all we can do here is speculate at best. I am guessing his gig profile and gig got removed for whatever reason or he simply might have deactivated his account.

I personally have not purchased a positive energy gig, but if you're still looking for other gigs like that I see there are still many available that you can try out. 🙂


My goodness - given the volume of orders and income some of these sellers are getting, I should create a gig for that too!! 
Seriously though, does anyone know (briefly) how this works on 5r - surely any positivity recommendations can be replicated for any customer and no buyer would be any the wiser?? Or am I missing something? I wait to be enlightened.   

1 hour ago, fiveroptic1 said:

My goodness - given the volume of orders and income some of these sellers are getting, I should create a gig for that too!! 

I'm going to create a "I will perform a religious/new age ritual of your choice while wearing my black cloak and devilish Sigil of Baphoment satanic ornaments for five dollars". 

Edit: Then I will not do the ritual. Because I'm evil. 

8 hours ago, buildmyrank said:

I would at least like to know if any of you have had similar experiences with other 'Positive Energy' gigs here on Fiverr.

I'm not sure, but if you got money burning  a hole in your pocket that badly and the casino won't let you back in till 6AM, I offer online 3 card monty. 

Playing Cards GIF by Warner Archive

37 minutes ago, newsmike said:

I'm not sure, but if you got money burning  a hole in your pocket that badly and the casino won't let you back in till 6AM, I offer online 3 card monty. 

We should start a casino gig on Fiverr. All we need to do is register as a tribe. We even have a totem! 

11 hours ago, buildmyrank said:

Even though I was never a stern believer in these new age stuff, his gigs used to work for me miraculously, I used to buy them, and just out of nowhere, things used to start happening.

I make my own positive energy, and it has lead me to some amazing things in life!

Never let someone else control the things YOU have the power to establish. 

Control YOUR OWN destiny. 😉 Be your own positive energy.


You guys should have tried out Gabonne to actually understand, there is a reason why he had 100s of orders each month, and an exceptional repeat order count. By just ordering the gig, seemingly out of nowhere things start to materialize, I've experienced that time and time again, and know for a fact that things like this don't happen during the normal course of life.

23 minutes ago, buildmyrank said:

You guys should have tried out Gabonne to actually understand

Nope. I build my own luck. I don't need someone else to pretend to do that for me.

24 minutes ago, buildmyrank said:

there is a reason why he had 100s of orders each month, and an exceptional repeat order count.

And yet, he no longer sells on Fiverr. Part of me wonders if he was one of the sellers Fiverr removed from the site, because the service no longer fit in the professional realm that Fiverr was seeking to promote. Selling good vibes isn't exactly a professional service skill. 

27 minutes ago, buildmyrank said:

By just ordering the gig, seemingly out of nowhere things start to materialize

Yeah, that's not how the world actually works. Successful people build their own luck.

46 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

And yet, he no longer sells on Fiverr. Part of me wonders if he was one of the sellers Fiverr removed from the site, because the service no longer fit in the professional realm that Fiverr was seeking to promote. Selling good vibes isn't exactly a professional service skill. 

I think this is what is happening. Fiverr seems pretty aggressive in their approach taking down "low-quality sellers."

Shutting down gigs.

Denying new accounts.

I know there's sellers in the marketplace stating that "I will pray for you," and "I will perform a magic spell for you." I've always wondered how Fiverr determines the quality of their gigs.

17 hours ago, buildmyrank said:

If not, I would at least like to know if any of you have had similar experiences with other 'Positive Energy' gigs here on Fiverr.

I haven't had any experiences with 'Positive Energy' gigs... but positive energy in general. My life turned around 360 degrees just because I went from a fearful, anxious person to a more positive person. I used to be angry at the weather for not going according to my "plans." Now I don't worry about things I can't control (not as much).

I don't doubt the power of positive energy!

8 hours ago, smashradio said:

I'm going to create a "I will perform a religious/new age ritual of your choice while wearing my black cloak and devilish Sigil of Baphoment satanic ornaments for five dollars". 

Edit: Then I will not do the ritual. Because I'm evil. 

I'd love to see that! 😂

12 hours ago, smashradio said:


13 hours ago, fiveroptic1 said:

My goodness - given the volume of orders and income some of these sellers are getting, I should create a gig for that too!! 

I'm going to create a "I will perform a religious/new age ritual of your choice while wearing my black cloak and devilish Sigil of Baphoment satanic ornaments for five dollars". 


Remember @smashradio… remind your buyers that if they aren’t positive it won’t work. Guaranteed 5* all the time, every time.


That name sounded familiar....and I went back and checked my orders, and yup, 2013, there it was. I ordered a "make your wish come true" gig from him, out of 100000% PURE desperation.

I've mentioned this before at the forum so some of you guys might remember, but my dear cat ran away from home, and while we saw him walking around in the neighborhood, he showed NO signs of coming back in the house. Now some might think "Pffft, that poor cat didn't want to be trapped inside your damn house, just let him enjoy his freedom!" I get that, but this cat was....strange. Once he goes out of the house, you can TELL he wants to come back inside...but he can't for some reason.
While he is walking around, he will give us this "Why won't you come and get me human?" look as he runs away each time we got close to him. He's gone outside several times BTW and the same thing happened each time. When we fiiiinally managed to catch him and get him inside the house, again he'll give us this " Sheesh, what took you so long human?" look as he purred on my lap. That's just how he was. (We call it "tsun-dere" in Japan, if you are an otaku you know what this means.)

Anyway, this one particular time it was really bad, he kept meowing and walking around the house but juuuuuuust won't get his furry butt back inside the house,
we spent days making the clinking sounds with forks on the side of his favorite can food but wasn't working. (This works like magic on the other cats though)

So out of pure desperation I bought the gig, asking him make my cat come back inside the house.

Fast forward a few weeks later ( yes, WEEKS!! ) he came back home.
Now you might be thinking did this gig work? Did his prayer or ritual make my cat want to come inside the house?

I...don't think so. Again, it took weeks of me and my mother calling his name, walking around with his favorite snack, chasing him as he tried to run away etc etc etc etc, basically it was pure hard work that got him back inside the house.

Now IF he was sitting right outside the door one morning and casually walked back inside, I would have started my own "The House of Gabonne Worshiper" cult.

1 hour ago, zeus777 said:

That name sounded familiar....and I went back and checked my orders, and yup, 2013, there it was. I ordered a "make your wish come true" gig from him, out of 100000% PURE desperation.

Hahaha wait is he a monk? 😆 Hahahaha I browse around that category when I want to amuse myself and I'm sure I've come across his page hahaha

Fiverr featured him in their official page years ago.... haha!


13 hours ago, buildmyrank said:

You guys should have tried out Gabonne to actually understand, there is a reason why he had 100s of orders each month, and an exceptional repeat order count. By just ordering the gig, seemingly out of nowhere things start to materialize, I've experienced that time and time again, and know for a fact that things like this don't happen during the normal course of life.

The 100s of orders just proves my point: common sense isn't very common. 

12 hours ago, vickieito said:

I know there's sellers in the marketplace stating that "I will pray for you," and "I will perform a magic spell for you." I've always wondered how Fiverr determines the quality of their gigs.

You need to send a video of yourself, performing Our Father and The Serenity Prayer. Additionally, you need to show that you're proficient in at least two new religions, including Jediism. "Space Balls" is a required documentary for all spiritualists. It does help if you also know how to perform a rain dance and have at least 20 followers on the Vampirism Forum. 

Don't forget: the schwartz is with you.

8 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

Remember @smashradio… remind your buyers that if they aren’t positive it won’t work. Guaranteed 5* all the time, every time.

Yes. From now on, all my buyers must read "Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength, and Love" by Judith Orloff. I mean... Just the title of that book is literally vibrating with feel-good thoughts and energies!




I'm all for people finding comfort in life. Through religion, a shared belief, a sense of belonging, or whatever else floats your boat and gives you solace, balance and deep meaning to your life. Although I don't believe in most of it myself, if it brings happiness to an individual, then fair enough. It's the method of delivery that I can't get my head around... flogging it on 5r, just makes me laugh. But people are people and they will believe what they want to believe....

I'm going to buy one of these gigs and ask to cast a spell to win the lottery - I'll let you all know what happens!!!! :classic_tongue:         


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