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1 hour ago, jagannathroydip said:

One of the gigs has become impression zero. So, I want to delete the gig and upload again.

This is a foolish plan. Doing this does not guarantee impressions. It just deletes a perfectly good gig before it realizes its potential.

1 hour ago, jagannathroydip said:

It will increase the impression of my this gig?

No, it will not.

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While there's probably no specific number of orders that you need, I've not seen Fiverr's choice on gig that isn't a Pro gig unless it has at least around 17 reviews.

Pro gigs can be Fiverr Choice with less, eg. I've seen a Pro gig with Fiverr's Choice with just 6 reviews.

It probably depends on your level. If you're a TRS then you'll probably be a lot more likely to get the Fiverr's Choice badge than if you are unlevelled (level 2 sellers also seem to get that badge a lot but there's a lot more level 2 sellers than TRS, so the chance of a particular level 2 seller getting it at a particular time is probably a lot less than if they were a TRS).

Edited by uk1000
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17 minutes ago, legend_of_web said:

To be eligible for the Fiverr Choice badge, a freelancer must meet the following criteria:

At least 50 completed orders
Maintained an overall rating of 4.5 or higher...

Do you have a link to the source of this info please? Have Fiverr themselves said that?

If it's from a Fiverr link I assume it may be a bit out of date or maybe not taking Pro gigs into account (where they seem to require less orders - though we can can only see the number of reviews not the number of orders).

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47 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

Do you have a link to the source of this info please? Have Fiverr themselves said that?

Sounds like a bot generated answer to me?  If you run it through a plagiarism checker there is no reference to it, not even from Fiverr.

Unfortunately these seem to be commonplace at the minute.

More than happy for you to prove me wrong @legend_of_web

Edited by breals
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7 hours ago, jagannathroydip said:

My gig showing on the first page and I'm online most of the time on Fiverr but why my gig impression is decreasing?

Staying online most of the time is not gonna help you with anything else! 

  • Work on your gigs first
  • Turn on the Get Briefs Feature and Set the price
  • Plus you claim yourself a Digital Marketer, so I think you must know the tips and tricks on how to get orders on Fiverr too..
  • You might be given a negative private feedback from your clients... so on..
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actually staying online, if you don't have good stats, customers constanly sending you messages and requests etc etc is totally useless. BUT ok, this is something I'm known in the forum, and 90% disagree with me. I sleep just few hours and try to reply the most I can to customers worldwide and in different time zones. But it's something I've always done as freelancer, so it's not something specific for Fiverr.

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3 minutes ago, legend_of_web said:

Bot generated answer?? Actually you don't know the main thing that's why you give answer like bot !!

Have you ever research Fiverr sellers? What they said ehat they do what they getting in time ! Everything is not depending on Fiverr sometimes , something its totally depends on experience!!

You are wrong or right ask your self you will get answer! Hope you had get your clearance !! @breals

Based on your illiterate answer I guess I was right 😀

Thanks for the confirmation! 

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