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Is a talk, a presentation and a demonstation about fiverr safe for my account?


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I have been invited to give a talk about freelancing and introducing fiverr at local event; mainly to explain the marketplace and the workflow.

The audience will mostly be students and some professionals.

I was thinking about doing a quick demonstration on how to setup an account and create a gig. Also, to explain the process of hiring/delivering, I will need to post a buyer request (logo design) from my account, one of the students will send an offer, I will accept it and hire him. For the tutorial purposes, he will deliver a logo which I will provide.

Is this safe for my account? Specially when multiple accounts will probably signups on the same network, and time between me hiring a student and he delivering the fake project will not be more than half an hour.



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I don't think the half an hour timing is an issue (sometimes I make deliveries in that time frame) but I would clear this with support or your success manager if you have one to be safe.

Fiverr may not like you representing their brand without permission.


  • If you're setting up a new account (for a demo) this is technically against ToS because you can't have 2 accounts.
  • You are also technically doing / getting someone to complete a fake order.

Would you then demo the review process as well? The private and / or the public?

  • If so then you are also doing a fake review.


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1 hour ago, montaaz said:

I will need to post a buyer request (logo design) from my account, one of the students will send an offer, I will accept it and hire him. For the tutorial purposes, he will deliver a logo which I will provide.


I am…. I have no words.

First if all it looks like yourself still has a lot to learn about fiverr. There are no guarantees that those new accounts will get your buyer request that you posted as they are limited in requests they can see. 
And secondly yes, it is against fiverr TOS to deliver fake orders. 
Third, I am personally against all this “classes” on how to set up an account and sell easy on Fiverr. Fiverr has official videos, help page and tutorials on how to do it. They are the official source and they explain it better. 
They even have a free course on fiverr learn on how to be a great seller, how to set up an account and how to deliver work. 

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If you're doing a presentation of/on the topic of Fiverr, the time would be better spent showing how to find reliable sources of help, such as READING the Help Center and Tips forum category.

Actually, you could probably spend a half-hour going over the pitfalls and nuances of the ToS and Community Standards alone. If you genuinely want to help people, arm them with the truth, the 'what' and 'why', not just the 'how'. Otherwise you are just handing a double edge sword to a kid.

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Though Fiverr could create their own system for use in training (like a Fiverr simulation but just for training people how to use the different parts of the site in the best way). So it would save people thinking about doing stuff like that on the live site (which could get their accounts in trouble).

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7 hours ago, montaaz said:

this was a very stupid idea

The basic idea, "a talk about freelancing and introducing Fiverr; mainly to explain the marketplace and the workflow" isn't a bad one. And certainly not stupid. The specifics of what you were thinking of covering are where the trouble lies. A quick seminar about the common pitfalls actually sounds like an interesting premise. I know of a few users here who've made 'presentations', like @frank_d's webinars and @coerdelion's top-fives videos.

I suppose the question, then, is: did the people who invited you to do the presentation set the itinerary? Or do you have some freedom to cover the topic as you like? Because that would be a fantastic opportunity to start these professors and students on the right foot.

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