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1 hour ago, arif_saad said:

How reasonable it is to edit the gig after publishing for rank again?

I'm not sure if you have understood how Fiverr works.

Editing your gig won't automatically make you "rank" anywhere.

Fiverr presents your gig to buyers if the system thinks you're one of the most relevant gigs that the buyer is likely to order from. 

This is based on your buyer satisfaction rate, gig optimization, all of your stats and relevancy to each buyer. In other words, if two buyers search for the same thing, that doesn't mean they will see the same gigs. 

You should focus on delivering high-quality work and support to your buyers, and making improvements to your gig when/if they are needed. 

Just like a shark, a business will die if it stops swimming. 

If you make smart edits to improve your gig, then sure, do it. But if you're constantly making random edits to your gig, it will only hurt your business. The idea is to make edits for improvement – not for the sake of it. 

I edit my gigs whenever I see something that can be improved, or if I'd like to test out something new. 

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4 hours ago, md_nurs_hasan said:

 give 10 buyer request regularly.

3 hours ago, nahar_lucky said:

 send buyer request daily. 

This is terrible advice,  Buyer's requests are only for the most unskilled sellers and scammer "buyers". 

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I'm also a new seller like you. I marked some point from my point of view, as a new seller you need to make your gig very professionally and you need to concern about your gig description and pricing also. Then you need to send buyer request regularly. Hopefully it will works with you. 

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You have a gig offering Wix.


Are you saying you're offering a service you claim to do yourself, but don't know how to do? If so, you are breaking the Fiverr ToS.


Gigs and/or users may be removed by Fiverr from the Site for violations of these Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards, which may include (but are not limited to) the following violations and/or materials:

  • Spam, nonsense, or violent or deceptive Gigs
  • Gigs misleading to Buyers or others


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7 hours ago, arif_saad said:

i know wix very well

So why ask:

22 hours ago, arif_saad said:

What is Wix?

when you already know the answer? You'll just get people responding telling you what it is when you already know.

7 hours ago, arif_saad said:

i want to see the demand

Asking what Wix is and whether there are designers here won't really tell you what the demand is from buyers. You could have clarified what you wanted to know in the original post really.

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