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About atulcodex

  • Birthday 07/09/2000


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  1. Ask the chatbot to "connect me real human support person"
  2. Yes, now you are safe. Fiverr AI already detected spammer
  3. You have to use the Fiverr app to be active in the forum with a smartphone
  4. First you have to understand the platform workflow try this free course https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller
  5. I think you have to search by your gig title 😇
  6. It depends on various things like - Competition - Your skills - Platform understandings - Etc
  7. It's like a way to get a new order. Formula Impression > High chances of getting an order Impression < Low chances of getting an order
  8. You have to write this to the Fiverr bot "Connect me to the real support person"
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