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Impressions are getting down


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Guest lloydsolutions
On 3/14/2022 at 2:08 PM, rudra_dey said:

How can i Get my first order on fiverr?

"Hello Dear"

Suggest you remove the above from your profile description as lots of people don't like it and it will put many buyers off.

Also, read this: 


PS. Ignore all of this "stay online" nonsense being spammed all over the forum. 

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  • 2 months later...
Guest lloydsolutions
On 5/30/2022 at 8:19 AM, rudra_dey said:

How to get more impressions and click for old gig. From somedays ago my old gig's impressions & click are getting down. How did I solve it?

I assume you mean .... How do I solve it?

Read this: 



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Hi @rudra_dey! You had two orders in the last 3 weeks, which isn't bad for a new seller. Your two reviews mentioned your attention to detail and that you do great work. So keep delivering quality work to keep your buyers happy.

Also, since you are a graphic designer, it would be great if potential buyers could see the projects that you do for your buyers. Projects can be displayed next to buyers' review by turning on the Live Portfolio option for each gig. Make sure "Live Portfolio" is checked. Buyers would need to approve the image when they write their review. The Live Portfolio is a great way to get more orders. I've had many buyers message me saying, "I know you do great work, I saw your work in the reviews." Then they would place an order with me.


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12 minutes ago, vickieito said:

Make sure "Live Portfolio" is checked.

I gave my client a mockup file to show in live portfolio. But she wouldn't permit it. That's why my live portfolio is empty. Also it's so sad to me. 

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5 minutes ago, rudra_dey said:

I gave my client a mockup file to show in live portfolio. But she wouldn't permit it. That's why my live portfolio is empty. Also it's so sad to me. 

I also noticed you have no PDFs attached to your gallery. You can have unlimited pages of your portfolio attached via a PDF.

Consider attaching a portfolio of your best work to all your gigs. Just make sure you have permission to use any images that are in your portfolio. If you don't have a portfolio, create one! I used my downtime as a newbie seller to create a portfolio for my gigs (I just made up projects to display my skills).

Edited by vickieito
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5 hours ago, vickieito said:

I also noticed you have no PDFs attached to your gallery. You can have unlimited pages of your portfolio attached via a PDF.

Consider attaching a portfolio of your best work to all your gigs. Just make sure you have permission to use any images that are in your portfolio. If you don't have a portfolio, create one! I used my downtime as a newbie seller to create a portfolio for my gigs (I just made up projects to display my skills).

Ok.  I will try my best...

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 6/29/2022 at 1:25 PM, rudra_dey said:

There are no buyer request applications showing for send on my buyer request page.☹️ What should I do?

Buyer requests gets posted when Fiverr receive them, so you should check back frequently. Keep in mind that the buyer requests will only be available for a short while to each seller level, so you need to be ready when they come in. 

You'll only see requests related to the categories you have gigs in, so creating more gigs across different categories where you have something to offer, can help you receive more requests. 

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You will not see many buyer requests till you are a Level One seller,

It's not like you will not see it at all, Some times in a day (Depending on your GIG and service type) you will see maybe 1 to 6 requests.

But basically, you will not see them now as you are a new seller. It's made by Fiverr to avoid spamming.


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3 hours ago, mango_boi said:

most times it depend on your locality, there's time been scheduled for you to see your buyer requests, and also the number of gigs you have created too matters

I have created 7 gigs. But it's not working here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buyer requests are not shown to new sellers all the time. Only level one, level two and top rated sellers can see the requests all the time.

But there are some specific time when buyer requests are also shown to new sellers. So you have to check buyer requests in different times of the day and note those times and send offers as soon as the requests are visible.

Hope this helps!

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5 hours ago, hazzaz_mannan said:

Buyer requests are not shown to new sellers all the time. Only level one, level two and top rated sellers can see the requests all the time.

But there are some specific time when buyer requests are also shown to new sellers. So you have to check buyer requests in different times of the day and note those times and send offers as soon as the requests are visible.

Hope this helps!

I know about that. But the algorithm is  so peculiar. 

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On 6/29/2022 at 10:25 PM, rudra_dey said:

There are no buyer request applications showing for send on my buyer request page.☹️ What should I do?

Problem is seller level. Normally that happens to new seller like having 1-3 requests or no requests.

Today I got level one and now I stun to see 600+ requests.

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1 minute ago, grayprogrammerz said:

Problem is seller level. Normally that happens to new seller like having 1-3 requests or no requests.

Today I got level one and now I stun to see 600+ requests.

Even, no new order comes..☹️

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Just now, rudra_dey said:

I've been trying since 9 months after creating the account.😓

And I been trying from 3 years.

I took 2 months with no success, then i gone back, workout, collaborate with my friends in same field...

Again I tried for 3 months, no success ...

Its just last year that I got meaningful success. Keep on trying and in mean time, upgrading your skills.

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6 minutes ago, grayprogrammerz said:

And I been trying from 3 years.

I took 2 months with no success, then i gone back, workout, collaborate with my friends in same field...

Again I tried for 3 months, no success ...

Its just last year that I got meaningful success. Keep on trying and in mean time, upgrading your skills.

I am upgrading my skills and trying to send buyer requests daily. I keep my patience. And Please pray for me so that I can keep my patience. Your speech is so motivative to inspire me... Thank you so much dear.💙

Edited by rudra_dey
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2 hours ago, rudra_dey said:

I am upgrading my skills and trying to send buyer requests daily. I keep my patience. And Please pray for me so that I can keep my patience. Your speech is so motivative to inspire me... Thank you so much dear.💙

Hi Rudra!

I understand Your situation and how You feel. Simply I wanna say I don't have cracked how buyer Requests works, but I think I know atleast some of the things and wanna share my experience with buyer requests. I just promoted to Lvl 1 Seller today before that buyer requests were also rare to me. When I created my account and made 2 GIGs of Portrait Retouching, background Removal, I thought it will be easy to get orders now. I also checked Buyer Requests - but the way I used to do in the first month was checking it 1-2 times a day or not even check. I still remember I even contacted customer support team for this and they explained me I am new seller for now, it will take some time but the tip they gave me was checking them frequently. I just started doing it but still not that much, it increased from 1-2 to 5-6 times a day. I used to see 1 buyer request in 2-4 days. I had sent 20-30 buyer request but not even got a reply. When I got replay from one request and got a sale I remember for 2 Days I saw 2-3 buyer requests each day as then I was excited and maybe that's why I checked buyer Requests too much that I got to see them.

My experience says when You have completed a order with good Ratings you will see buyer Requests a little, but when there is any ongoing order You will find decrease in thier appearing.

I wil highly recommend this - check buyer requests in 15 mins, 2 hours, 5 hours and so. Simply check them frequently, I feel the algorithm is made in a way that it let us see some buyer request when we check them frequently as this behaviour simply tells that we are potentially looking for work.

- I feel there is no perfect timing to check buyer Requests. Just check them Frequently, also when You go to check them also spend 2-5 mins on the site. Check for analytics or do whatever Just spend some time.

- How many and how frequently You will see a buyer request also depends on your Niche. For example when my brother started app development GIG he instantly started to see 3-5 buyer request and that also frequently.

- Repeat Hire rate may also effect the appearance of Buyer Requests.

- If You feel that being all day online will help you see more buyer Requests them You may be wrong. Fiverr know that some people use some extensions to be all day online. That's why I feel those who stay all day online are kind of blacklisted by Fiverr, but not sure.

I hope this helps and sorry for My long story but the funny thing is I was going to explain My Complete journey.

Rudra keep Yourself calm this time is very Precious, keep learning as when You get Orders You don't have time to learn. So Always spend time wisely.

My niche is Graphic Designing, what's Yours?

If I am right I never got a single sale from the Impression and clicks on my GIGs, although got some queries. Maybe I have got 1 sale or 2 but not more than that.


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