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I work 2 month on fiverr , but no jenarate work on fiverr


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14 hours ago, all_asmoule said:

because per day just 5-7 reply , then i not share and not help any man.. because i not give 7+ reply

And rightly so. I checked your replies and some of them give wrong advice, some of them just your assumptions and most are impossible to understand. 
I attached here a couple of examples of your replies. Even with the limit of 5 posts you didn’t proofread or checked the spelling of the words that you wrote. So probably it’s for the best that you can not post more at this point in time. 

Plus why do you need “to give 7+ replies”? 





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On 8/11/2022 at 10:48 PM, all_asmoule said:

sir.. i search on google..but i need live experience.. i know Fiverr Forum has multiple  experiences Fiverr pro-people .. thin i post this comment ..hope that you are help me. and share . on fiverr pro experience 

Your English communicating skills may need to improve before Fiverr would consider you forFiverr Pro. 

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18 hours ago, all_asmoule said:

1: Limited Forum Reply .. Hope That all people know the forum had limited replies on any topic.. i will 5-7 reply then Fiverr block my reply.. It is bad,, because per day just 5-7 reply , then i not share and not help any man.. because i not give 7+ reply

If it makes you feel any better @all_asmoule, I'm the same as you. I can only make 5 posts a day. However, I agree with @smashradio - I don't see this as a bad thing.

Being post-limited is a learning opportunity to see how people interact on the forum and to learn how to make your business better. @mariashtelle1 also mentioned that you have biases and wrong assumptions. I had that too when I first joined the forum. Reading, studying, and reacting to content is a great way to get rid of those biases and assumptions.

I also report duplicate posts, posts that are in the wrong category, and ask to lock posts with very long threads of "thanks" and "congrats" to prevent more spammy responses. So there's a lot that you can do when you aren't able to make a post. This helps to clean up the "gig marketing" and other spam that's on the forum.

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3 hours ago, vickieito said:

If it makes you feel any better @all_asmoule, I'm the same as you. I can only make 5 posts a day. However, I agree with @smashradio - I don't see this as a bad thing.

Being post-limited is a learning opportunity to see how people interact on the forum and to learn how to make your business better. @mariashtelle1 also mentioned that you have biases and wrong assumptions. I had that too when I first joined the forum. Reading, studying, and reacting to content is a great way to get rid of those biases and assumptions.

I also report duplicate posts, posts that are in the wrong category, and ask to lock posts with very long threads of "thanks" and "congrats" to prevent more spammy responses. So there's a lot that you can do when you aren't able to make a post. This helps to clean up the "gig marketing" and other spam that's on the forum.

Thank You,,share.

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7 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

And rightly so. I checked your replies and some of them give wrong advice, some of them just your assumptions and most are impossible to understand. 
I attached here a couple of examples of your replies. Even with the limit of 5 posts you didn’t proofread or checked the spelling of the words that you wrote. So probably it’s for the best that you can not post more at this point in time. 

Plus why do you need “to give 7+ replies”? 





ok.. i give all the legal information. .hope that some spelling of the words not effect on Fiverr forum...  and 80 $ support on the buyer.. because just one buyer report profile, than rejected profile.. ..than you said i give wrong information. 

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6 hours ago, all_asmoule said:

i give all the legal information.

You gave incorrect information, plus with the English language and your mistakes it’s tough to understand what you even mean with your comments. 
If you want to give advice you need to make sure that people can understand you. 
That 80$ Support on buyer doesn’t make any sense. And plus that’s incorrect, support was always on my side if there was trouble with a client. And I would like to see where you took that 80% statistics. 

and again, you wasted one of your posts to reply here and again didn’t even read what you wrote or even tried to fix typos and mistakes even though you have a limit of posts. 

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1 minute ago, all_asmoule said:

I give one service on 250-450$.. it is legal .. but some freelancer give 20-40$. ..Do you think they are ruining the fiverr marketplace?

Are you complaining that other sellers get more work, merely because they compete on a lower price point? Why does this matter to you? You seem to be targeting the $250+ market. Why should it matter what other, cheaper sellers are doing? You're not competing with them, on the $20-$40 price point.

And no, lower prices do not "ruin the marketplace".

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2 minutes ago, jonbaas said:

Are you complaining that other sellers get more work, merely because they compete on a lower price point? Why does this matter to you? You seem to be targeting the $250+ market. Why should it matter what other, cheaper sellers are doing? You're not competing with them, on the $20-$40 price point.

And no, lower prices do not "ruin the marketplace".

80 % sller give 250- 500 $.. just 2-1 seller give 20-40 $....hope that it is ruining the fiverr marketplace

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2 hours ago, all_asmoule said:

80 % sller give 250- 500 $.. just 2-1 seller give 20-40 $....hope that it is ruining the fiverr marketplace

Nope. Not "ruining the marketplace". Not in any way, shape, or form.

Perhaps the challenge may be that you don't know how to market, or compete, as a freelancer.

Here's an example. I, myself, routinely process orders for a few hundred dollars each. My target customers value the services I offer at those prices. I am very good at what I do. Other sellers try to do similar things, for $5, and get plenty of cheap (often troublesome) customers for what they offer. I am not trying to sell my services to those cheap $5 buyers, just as those $5 sellers have absolutely no chance of being hired by my hundred-dollar buyers. Two different sellers, two completely different markets. Neither I, nor those $5 sellers, care what each other does, since we are each appealing to different customer bases. Nothing is ruining any marketplace, we just know how to appeal to our target customers, and offer services they want to purchase.

Different price levels do not, in any way, ruin the market. Sell to YOUR customers, and don't worry what other freelancers choose to do.

It's also not very professional to complain about lower-priced sellers, when you have full control over your own pricing. If you want those lower-paying customers, then lower your prices to a level that they are willing to pay. Problem solved. Otherwise, be content that you have customers who are willing to pay your $250-$500 price point.


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13 hours ago, all_asmoule said:

I give one service on 250-450$.. it is legal

Don't you think 20-40$ is legal?

If you charge 240 still you are making ten time than them, If your services worth people are going to pay you. If you get single order still you are 10 time profitable than them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you think it might be something to do with the fact that your gigs are plagiarised by legitimate digital marketers?  A simple plagiarism check on your social media gig shows that you have taken the content from here.  I'm sure the Fiverr bot has this on it's 'to do list'  But just in case I have reported you for non original content. 

You claim to be a digital marketer, with the 'upmost of sincerity and honesty, yet your own content is not original.  Anyone doing their due diligence can see that you're clearly not as experienced or as trustworthy as you claim. 

Screenshot 2022-09-03 101505.png

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