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Live stream: "Deep dive into gig creation" 1/12/2022 7:30 pm GMT +2


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4 hours ago, frank_d said:

but I am an experienced freelancer, trying to share everything I know with anyone who is willing to learn and improve.

That's why it's rather sad that more forum members didn't beat a path to your door to view the livestream. The fact that you didn't have 100s, if not more attendees,  demonstrates more than anything, that those who constantly bemoan on here 'why my gig not ranking' or 'how i get order on Fiber' have absolutely no interest in helping themselves, even when it's offered to them on a plate! Or, maybe they were just busy & had more important things to do - like clogging up the forum with spam at 7.30 yesterday :classic_rolleyes:.   

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Well that’s an interesting conversation.

There seems to be a large segment of sellers that message via inbox, asking me to check out their profile/gigs and tell them what to do.

At the same time I post content here on the forum, usually with actionable advice, essentially sharing what I know or what has worked for me.

But said content never gets any major traction.

I think that deep down this is a maturity issue. Sellers that want me to help them in private don’t actually need my suggestions.

They feel like I will fix things for them.

Much like a parent would do.

I’m not talking about people who message me with questions or seek out advice on specific issues, I love getting those!

I’m talking about the “here’s a link to my stuff, figure it out and let me know” crowd.


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23 hours ago, frank_d said:

I’m talking about the “here’s a link to my stuff, figure it out and let me know” crowd.


Some of those find the forum hostile and are afraid to post there (and, considering how messy the forum now is, finding useful stuff through search is more difficult than it used to be).

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On 1/14/2022 at 1:59 AM, fiveroptic1 said:

The fact that you didn't have 100s, if not more attendees

Maybe wait a week or two, people might watch it later? I watched it today. I couldn't even access the forum throughout the week, so I didn't see Frank's announcement about the date, plus I had other issues (private stuff). Others might have had problems, too.

@frank_d, I've noticed a weird thing when watching the video today. While I was watching it, it said that there were 63 views, but now when I've checked it, it says 60 views. Is that kind of thing normal for YouTube?

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Thank you for taking the time to watch.

Let me know if you have any questions and/or feedback. Hope you found it useful.

YT studio now shows 61 views, YT is new to me but from my understanding it is normal behavior.

As for people discovering my content and engaging with me: I would love nothing more than to help fellow forum members but I suspect my content will attract its own crowd via YT and or other platforms.

I will always post Fiverr specific things, but my content will start covering platform agnostic stuff, things that apply to ALL freelancers.

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5 minutes ago, frank_d said:

Hope you found it useful.


I did!

One question about file names for gig pictures: does it make a difference if the words are separated or not (as in, is there a difference between, say, "cat article" and "CatArticle")?

And another question that's a bit off-topic, about the Seller Plus program: do you know (and if you do, are you allowed to say) if there's going to be some kind of deadline for applying, or if there's a limit to how many users will be accepted?

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8 minutes ago, catwriter said:

One question about file names for gig pictures: does it make a difference if the words are separated or not (as in, is there a difference between, say, "cat article" and "CatArticle")?

Capitalization is not important, spaces on the other hand, are. 

Typos will render them useless.

Re: seller plus program 

To the best of my knowledge Fiverr wants to allow as many sellers as possible to join.

I don’t think there’s a time limit, BUT as more features are announced at some point I estimate that demand will be far greater and therefore large waiting lists will probably be a thing.

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1 minute ago, frank_d said:

Capitalization is not important, spaces on the other hand, are. 

I don't like leaving spaces in file names...but good to know for future reference.

2 minutes ago, frank_d said:

as more features are announced at some point I estimate that demand will be far greater and therefore large waiting lists will probably be a thing.

Makes sense.

Thank you!

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On 1/12/2022 at 12:14 AM, frank_d said:











@raselahmed666 @wp_kid @katekk0101 @vickiespencer

Added to the very top, but also adding here for visibility. The stream is tomorrow, 1/12/2022 at 7:30 pm GMT +2.


Thank you so much for the Video. I don't have word to say you thank you. You are legend. I was making many mistake but i don't think i will repeat those mistake anymore.
Thank you so much from my bottom of my heart.

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