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Video Editing


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👶 In my early days a videomaker I used a lot Sony Vegas Pro (can't recall if was 8 or 9), but now I am completely converted to Adobe.

🤔 As many users I really dislike their policies on customer support and pricing, but...

📽️ If you can really use Premiere Pro and After Effects those two pals can really make anything possible.

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Hi all!

I'm a Final Cutter, but I want to start incorporating custom animations into my work. I notice a lot of the community uses Premiere. Just curious if anyone uses Final Cut and can recommend an animation software that would integrate well with it?



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4 hours ago, thedoreo said:

Hey Nik!

By custom animations do you mean motion graphics and typographic animations, or things like translations/rotations etc. of assets on the screen?

If you have a reference that would really help! 

Hi! @thedoreo Thanks for getting back to me! I’m looking to add motion graphics and infographics. I attached a couple short clips on what I mean.

Ultimately, the goal is to be able to create something interactive with my spokesperson videos, like this:

(PS: Sorry its randomly a gun law video. It was the best sample when I was searching for "spokesperson with graphics" videos 😳)

Edited by nikandco
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Haha all good about the video topic!

I think that then for these kinds of motion graphics what you think is Adobe Premiere Pro is actually Adobe After Effects that has a lot of tools for animating things, so that's definitely worth the try! There is also Cavalry which is a rather new tool for motion graphics!

For Final Cut I think that there are plugins that offer templated animations but I never like to rely on templates - always better to learn and understand the craft itself in my opinion 🙂 



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If you are just starting doing editing then go for Filmora  its lightweight and easy to learn 

if you already have little sense of cutting sorting and managing data then go for Adobe Premiere or maybe BlackMagic DaVinci Resolve

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