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About jabirahamed20

  • Birthday 07/15/2000


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  1. Oops you forget to mention, Paitence and Strategy to serve much and more safisfraction and perfection of services
  2. what a brain cell, it won't take time to disable fiverr profile by using this method for sure. Because it's a fake order
  3. Scammers are in forum, they are getting smarter day by day 😞
  4. Most of the new sellers do this mistake to choose the high competition keyword instead of researching the market and finding up the gaps. Understanding the basic concepts of demand and supply there a person can rule
  5. I saw your gig, I really like the gig image, but the issue is with the title and keywords placing. You have chosen all the keywords of high competition, so it's hard to get there. Find out the gap in the marketplace your gigs there make money and enjoy
  6. Do not compare with them, very silly thing. You are comparing chapter 10 and chapter 1 which makes no sense
  7. 2-3 clicks per week? I will definitely like to delete the gig and create a new one and also research the market properly
  8. I personally think that changes are most needed to show us the uniqueness specially, the USP to higher seller. Because that makes an individual personality and brand. now I'm also thinking to make some changes into my profile 🙂
  9. In this case, I will never deliver the work, and go for CS to cancel the order without any affect
  10. Woocommerce, but shopify is more suggestible
  11. New scam for sure, but I am a bit confused about how did they got your email address ?
  12. is she from bangladesh? if yes maybe you can wait a bit, because right now in bangladesh there are some internet issues unfortunately 😞
  13. To be honest, no matter what you learn you won't get orders for long term until you find the gap in the market based on the industry you are working with
  14. Nope you shouldn't do that. Because that can cause restricting your Fiverr profile.
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