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The Irresistible Desire for Small Services


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  • 2 years later...

Besides the obvious (relative) small costs and the easy transaction (see, buy, have, no contract/contact and other delays), I believe sometimes there’s a bit of thrift shop adrenaline and excitement involved. For an end user at least.


Yes, I think it’s a big draw for my particular gig (proofreading and copyediting). People who would normally just put their blog post or company email, etc. out there without any proofreading or editing, can easily and inexpensively have me fix it up now. I don’t think that before fiverr you had people regularly buying small jobs like they do here. I get much larger orders, too, but I’m happy to still provide a service for $5 or $10 for those who have smaller pieces of writing and want them to look really good before publishing.


I imagine a lot of the appeal of ‘micro services’ is how little risk it is. Paying a professional a large sum not only requires getting in contact with them, which may be intimidating, but unless you know the benefits of the service they are offering, may seem like a waste of money. It’s not a lot of risk paying $5 and the standard of service you get here is often surprising, hence why some buyers end up buying so many gigs.

Fiverr also makes getting in touch with people very straightforward and there are loads of gig ideas on offer here for services I wouldn’t have previously thought were available. There’s definitely an aspect of finding things that you didn’t realise you wanted/needed when browsing gigs.


I personally enjoy it because I believe it is a niche on its own. Maybe you need a quick job done but professionals would ask way too much, so a micro service site is exactly what you need. Joust point at the problem and get the solution.

Not surprisingly, the gigs that have the biggest activities are those related to fixing one off things, for example fix jQuery bugs or vectorize a logo. But it is also great for smaller creatives to get noticed. Unlikely most freelancing websites, where the offer comes after the need, here there is a large variety of offers to choose from, depending on your need. This helps to individuals to carve in specific micro niches in which to work, depending on the needs of the client.


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