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"Fiverr Promoted Gigs"

Guest lici05


Guest lici05


Just wanted to find out about the Fiverr Promoted gigs section. I have utilized a $10 coupon for the promotion but I don't seem to be getting any impressions or clicks at all from it so im not sure if its promoting or not. I have been away for a few months and recently got back. now Im currently working on a project. Im not sure if me being on hiatus is causing this or if i need to meet some sort of qualification? please help!! 

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5 answers to this question

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Under no circumstances does the Program constitute a guarantee or obligation by Fiverr to promote your Gigs. Furthermore, we cannot promise that an Ad will be clicked, nor that if the Ad is clicked, that the Promoted Gig will be purchased.

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010393757-Promoted-Gigs-Terms-of-Service?segment=seller


Paid Promotions are a somewhat newer feature, so not much is known about how they do or do not work. (There was a thread from another user that talked about it, but apparently it's no longer available.)

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In my experience Promoted Gigs works best if you have a gig that has a higher starting price point. I do not want to pay to have a $5 gig promoted and have to give Fiverr much money for each click. Last night I only had to pay $.02 for a click and inquiry on my book proofreading gig that has a beginning price point of $60 and I had a maximum bid of $.70 on that gig. 

I üst turned promoted gigs on for two of my gigs yesterday after being OOO so we will see how it goes. 

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Guest ligiacarvalho

In my experience Promoted gigs are working really well for two of my gigs. I spend an average of $10-$12 a month and the revenue is ranging from $550 to $700  a month (this is the fourth month I am promoting my gigs), only by promoting itself. Not to mention the custom offers.

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2 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

Source: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010393757-Promoted-Gigs-Terms-of-Service?segment=seller


Paid Promotions are a somewhat newer feature, so not much is known about how they do or do not work. (There was a thread from another user that talked about it, but apparently it's no longer available.)

Excuse me?!

2 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

Under no circumstances does the Program constitute a guarantee or obligation by Fiverr to promote your Gigs.

So you're paying for something, expecting to be given a service ... but it's just a "give us your money and we'll do whatever we feel like"?!

That's pretty outrageous, even for Fiverr ...


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4 minutes ago, coerdelion said:

So you're paying for something, expecting to be given a service ... but it's just a "give us your money and we'll do whatever we feel like"?!

Though for the promoted gigs you pay for the clicks that the promoted gigs get. If they're not promoting (even when you click the "promote" option) you won't be paying for the click because there won't be an ad for that gig to click on.

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