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Gig Rank surprisingly down & Promoted gig features are suspended


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based in their opinion just one cancelling won’t affect you so badly.

It depends.

Honestly, in my case, there was a bug with the Fiverr payment system. I ended up canceling 20-30 orders in a 2-month span. Yet somehow I had cancellations popping up because people were canceling left and right since their payments were not going through, and they most likely did chargebacks or went to customer support. At one point I had 130 cancellations within 2 months, yet I didn’t lose any level. So clearly those were not taken into account, but the truth is that I never got back on track until the 2 months passed and I had less cancellations.

So as far as I know, everything can be a factor. The sales volume too.

By the way, I think I know why you were pushed.

You have 14 reviews for the past 2 months, and one of them is a 1-star review. So… that 1-star is definitely why they pushed you back. It’s one thing to have 400-500 reviews a month and a 1-star review, and then there’s another to have 15-20 reviews and one of them to be a 1-star review.

Unless you have a large influx of orders to counterract that bad review, you may have to wait 2 months or so for it to not be so important.

What you said have reason, this 1 star review is refered to the cancelation that the CS removed (the cs don’t remove reviews). I think you are right about this 1 star review (even that wasn’t my fault)…

My gig was moved in the same day that i received this cancelation… so i still thinking that the reason could be this cancelation… even though that the CS said the opposite… is really confuse

But is complicated because just 50%-60% percent of the buyers make reviews… so i suposed that if i got more reviews and after 60 days the things become to normal.

Thank you again to take your time to give your feedback based on your knowledge… i really appreciated.

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hi all… I’m a no level seller. but I have no idea about promoted gigs. How can I promote my gigs like this. I’m willing to spent bucks also…

Please tell me if it’s possible.

@mateusbl @uk1000 @vistagrafixguru @syedarslan619 @irfanpro @zahiddesigns @theratypist @himeldhaka7 @nikitakakade24 @shiv_graphix

You cannot promote your Gigs unless your Gigs qualify. You will see on your Dashboard a link to promote your Gigs when your Gigs qualify for this.


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Thanks for the valuable information maa’m

Unless they change the rules you won’t be able to promote gigs while you’re still an unleveled seller. The help says (amongst other requirements) that you need to be level 1 or above and have a gig with at least 20 reviews.

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Unless they change the rules you won’t be able to promote gigs while you’re still an unleveled seller. The help says (amongst other requirements) that you need to be level 1 or above and have a gig with at least 20 reviews.

thanks for your reply sir. I’ve checked about it in fiverr pages.

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I am facing these exact same issues. Level two seller and nothing but 5 stars, and suddenly my gig disappeared to rock bottom for no reason, unpromotable and no new customers coming in.
I would LOVE to hear if anyone has had a detailed answer, as I only get standard texts back from customer support. My profile is showing MANY technical quirks, messages unread, new massage appears but when I click it, nothing there, SEVEREAL conversations with people all stopping simultaneously and no more replies after, and worst of all; customers not seeing deliveries and being autocompleted.
I really want help but it seems we’re not being heard.

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I am facing these exact same issues. Level two seller and nothing but 5 stars, and suddenly my gig disappeared to rock bottom for no reason, unpromotable and no new customers coming in.

I would LOVE to hear if anyone has had a detailed answer, as I only get standard texts back from customer support. My profile is showing MANY technical quirks, messages unread, new massage appears but when I click it, nothing there, SEVEREAL conversations with people all stopping simultaneously and no more replies after, and worst of all; customers not seeing deliveries and being autocompleted.

I really want help but it seems we’re not being heard.

Exact situation here! They should resolve this issue or we risk a collision with our careers…

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I experienced this same issue. After selling here since 2012 and maintaining excellent reviews, my gigs have maintained high visibility. However, after trying the “promoted gigs” feature and randomly having it suspended despite absolutely 0 issues with clients, I’ve fallen to the absolute last page in all categories. This is a very serious bug. Anyone who is experiencing this should report it to customer support and keep messaging them until you get an actual response.

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I experienced this same issue. After selling here since 2012 and maintaining excellent reviews, my gigs have maintained high visibility. However, after trying the “promoted gigs” feature and randomly having it suspended despite absolutely 0 issues with clients, I’ve fallen to the absolute last page in all categories. This is a very serious bug. Anyone who is experiencing this should report it to customer support and keep messaging them until you get an actual response.

i have done this literally every day one month. The checked everything. It has to do with new algorithms. There is a great thread here on the forum about “fiverr 3.0” read up in there!

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