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About nikitakakade24

  • Birthday January 24


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  1. Thanks for sharing this. Even I used to do the same and got disheartened sometimes 😄
  2. Huge congratulations to you on completing your first order! That's a fantastic achievement, especially while juggling the responsibilities of being a mom and taking care of your family. Your hard work and dedication are truly admirable. You're an inspiration to many! Enjoy this moment of pride and celebrate your success. You got this, supermom! 🥳
  3. Very much true. I think what fiverr has done to verify our identity to add “Profession” should be a compulsory thing to create and enter into fiverr marketplace. Only through that, such scammers can be avoided.
  4. Congratulations 🥳 keep growing!!
  5. Wow! Congratulations 🥳. This is the best motivational post I read on forum today!! Thank you so much for sharing. You are inspiring many freelancers like us ❤️
  6. Thank you so much. This was helpful!! After being here after a long time, we often forget to change the password unless we change the device and login to new devices. This was like a reminder to keep track of our account for our own safety. Thank you
  7. Hey even I got a similar message. The profile picture was of fiverr logo but in yellow colour. I reported that message immediately. Thanks for sharing this here so that everybody can be aware of such scammers.
  8. Hello, Initially I was working with one of the buyers. He placed order for one screen and he was satisfied with it. He continued to place the order for rest of the screens. I did the second order and submitted. (It was step 1. I was waiting for him to give me approval for Step 1 so that I can get started with Step 2) He was not there for 15days, the deadline was approaching. So I submitted the order as he was not responding to extend the delivery date and order got marked as completed. He asked me to work on the next step which I did. He asked for changes the. He could have stated these changes in Step 1. i did made the changes. He even said that he will do the rest of the things himself. Now after many days I had withdrawn the money already and he is asking for refund. I had put efforts here. Yet he is asking for refund that too after withdrawing. And I am not ready to give him refund because I had worked for it. Can he still get refund from the future orders I do?? Please let me know your opinion. Thank you
  9. You can share your gig on social media platforms. You can even turn on “promoted gig” option if your gigs are eligible.
  10. It’s not “reacting” as you see on social media platforms. It simply means you are saving that gigs under “gigs I love” category. It has nothing to do with impression.
  11. You can. But you shouldn’t have multiple accounts on the same device.
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