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All offers are fake/ spam scams


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I have now posted my request twice the first time I was very excited I had 13 responses. All of them were spam not a single person used any wording in my request. Just generic I can help you do wha troy need blah blah. Not a single one asking about the task I wanted completed. Am I not requesting a discord server in the right section with bots ? Any help appreciated

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I think it’s a bit of an overreach to declare all sellers that responded to you, spammers, scammers, and fake, as your topic title, “All offers are fake/ spam scams” does. Most of them are not likely to be any of those things – they just don’t know how to send winning buyer request offers.

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This is the real problem - for both sellers and buyers. Buyers can’t get the service and good sellers can’t get work, because from 1000 other fake sellers buyer can just think, that everyone here is a fake.

Few times I tried to make a request, when I needed to do some work. And they don’t even read the description - many people just tell, that they will do your work and you will not regret! But then you actually regret, because you lost your time…

Now when I need anything, I try to make manual search on Fiverr and try to find someone, who really can help me

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