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Introducing a new category: Local Photography


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Hey all!

It’s no secret that businesses need high-quality photos. Whether it’s product photography for an eCommerce store, photos for social media accounts, event photography, or headshots — quality visuals are crucial.

After successfully launching our first photography category in 2018. We’re excited to finally share our newest category to help meet other location based, photography need. Introducing, Local Photography .

So, how does this work? While nearly all categories and services on Fiverr are digitally based, Local Photography is a bit different. Since we’re trying something new, we’re going to be rolling out this category slowly. We’re planning a beta launch with verified Fiverr Pro sellers in New York, London, Berlin, and Tel Aviv. The Fiverr Pro status signifies that all photographers in this launch possess a strong portfolio of work across a wide range of photography including: product, portrait, real estate, live-events, food, and more.


As we launch, learn, and make product improvements, we welcome feedback and opinions on how we can make this category as strong as possible. Additionally, if you’re a photographer interested in joining this category, please apply here.

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When the Local Photography category gets launch, will there be location restrictions? I ask because of the location test areas. It’s nice that we have a new category but limiting the test group to just PRO sellers isn’t going to make much of a test IMO.

100s-1000s of sellers are testing it and that’s enough.

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If it’s product photography eg. a big closeup of food (with none of the city location showing), how much does the city it’s taken in really matter?

The city it’s taken is important in the sense of the buyer and seller being in the same place so they can shoot location sensitive products/objects, it’s not about showing a product with the Big Ben in the background (although it’s always an option).


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Guest bestintheword

Hello Fiverr !! Thanks for this awesome Local Photogreaphy theme
And once it’s successful, how you all will implement it in the whole world…
Can you share some information with us please ?

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  • 9 months later...

Love the initiative. Look forward to becoming part of the FIVERR PRO Local Photography beta testers in Paris, France.
Have recently joined here and already excited for the endless professional possibilities that will come it.
Mucho love y’all!

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