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  1. Hello everyone, Hope all you are doing well. Today it's a great milestone for me that I have completed 2500 order with Fiverr. For last 2 years, I'm waiting for the Top Rated seller badge. Hopefully one day I'll get the TR seller badge. Thank you Fiverr for giving me this opportunities. Best Regards
  2. I also faced this issue. If Fiverr make an option for partial refund, that would be great.
  3. Not at all. It’s depending on your frequent earning and using.
  4. Same to me. It’s not a permanent feature. Maybe it’s depending on your frequent earning and how much time you use this feature.
  5. So what is the advantage of this new feature? :thinking:
  6. Yes. I also used this feature last month. It was very helpful for me in an emergency mode.
  7. This option is now in ‘Beta version’. So it’s depending on our next activities.
  8. Buyer marked that order as complete after deliver without any review
  9. Thank you for sharing your own practical experience with us.
  10. Now every single Early Payout process fee is only 1%. So it can be a good option for us.
  11. Only for the orders that was not left a review is not this option for me, in the rest for all the others I have this option. Today my another order has completed without any review. But Early Payout is displaying in front of that bill. So I think review is not mandatory for this option.
  12. Only for the orders that was not left a review is not this option for me, in the rest for all the others I have this option. Yes. Also for me same.
  13. So do you want to test this feature now? If you will test it, then let us know how it works.
  14. Almost 95% of my pending clearance is showing this Early Payout. But not showing for all pending bill. I’m also searching and want to know details about it.
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