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Hello Fiverr Folks… I am level 2 seller. From last 30 days I did not received any order… Did you peoples face the same problem? Share your experience…
Please check my Gigs, and give me your suggestions…
Best Regards shafiqdeveloper

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Guest uxreview

IF i am saying wrong then please forgive me thanks

Every sellers are saying

Really? Every seller?

C’mon, only a fracture of the sellers come to the forum and by the looks of it, the main complainers are the ones who do it constantly.

Guest uxreview

are you reading here many sellers are saying they are not getting orders i also so i think fiverr should take look that what is happening there

If you take a closer look you’ll see that some of these sellers haven’t done anything to get orders. They are just sitting around and waiting for Fiverr to give them orders.

I’m sure there are sellers who are working really hard and they are going through a sales slump, but they are minority.


IF i am saying wrong then please forgive me thanks

Every sellers are saying they are not receiving any order

many sellers are saying they are not getting orders

Which is it? :thinking:

Your first statement is not true. 🤥 I am one of the sellers and my orders have increased in June and are even better in July. I have read on the Forum that several sellers have said the same thing.

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Guest uxreview

Then what should we do i am sharing my gig to social media every day and my gig impression is increasing but i am not getting order

my gig impression is increasing but i am not getting order

There are usually 2 reasons for that

  1. you’re advertising your gig to the wrong audience
  2. buyers who visit your gig don’t find your service appealing and they buy from someone else

In both cases YOU can improve the situation not Fiverr.


are you reading here many sellers are saying they are not getting orders i also so i think fiverr should take look that what is happening there

are you reading here many sellers are saying they are not getting orders i also so i think fiverr should take look that what is happening there

Think about it sales will not continue to flow constantly as you expect. Some days/weeks dry spells other days not so much. That’s Ebb & Flow if you owned a business outside of Fiverr you would understand that’s how Business works. Finding every opportunity to blame Fiverr for no sales, sorry I just can’t wrap my head around it. I asked you what do you want Fiverr to do? I’m curious to know what are your expectations.

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I think in 2017 sellers was happy no one saying that he was not getting order but now in 2018 sellers are saying they are not getting orders so that is why i am saying.

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Maybe the words of Eoin the wise :mage:

What can you do when your sales have suddenly plummeted? For many people the solution is simple - come on to the forum and complain about something else which “must” have caused this. It is probable that an outside force has caused you to not get as many sales. What is also probable is that you have no control over this “outside force”. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a good rant or moan every now and then as much as the next guy but I never expect my moan or rant to actually change anything. When …
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I think in 2017 sellers was happy no one saying that he was not getting order but now in 2018 sellers are saying they are not getting orders so that is why i am saying.

I think in 2017 every seller was happy no one saying that he was not getting order but now in 2018 sellers are saying they are not getting orders so that is why i am saying.

Hmm, :thinking:

Where are you getting your stats from? You cannot speak for ‘every’ Seller on this platform.

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Many people what are saying that they don’t get orders are the one who are new here. Orders will not magically come when you join. A lot of new sellers expect that and they think they will get orders right away when they join and they will get rich quickly…

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are you reading here many sellers are saying they are not getting orders i also so i think fiverr should take look that what is happening there

Think about it sales will not continue to flow constantly as you expect. Some days/weeks dry spells other days not so much. That’s Ebb & Flow if you owned a business outside of Fiverr you would understand that’s how Business works. Finding every opportunity to blame Fiverr for no sales, sorry I just can’t wrap my head around it. I asked you what do you want Fiverr to do? I’m curious to know what are your expectations.

I’m curious to know what are your expectations.

Realistic expectations: “I know that I may get some orders from Fiverr’s searches, but I shouldn’t rely on just that. I should find where my buyers are and advertise my services there too. Then, I will have some business coming in when Fiverr’s searches don’t bring too many orders”.

Their expectations: “Fiverr should give me a steady stream of orders, all the time. And how dare you even THINK that a buyer may look at my gig and not want to buy it!”

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I’m curious to know what are your expectations.

Realistic expectations: “I know that I may get some orders from Fiverr’s searches, but I shouldn’t rely on just that. I should find where my buyers are and advertise my services there too. Then, I will have some business coming in when Fiverr’s searches don’t bring too many orders”.

Their expectations: “Fiverr should give me a steady stream of orders, all the time. And how dare you even THINK that a buyer may look at my gig and not want to buy it!”

Their expectations: “Fiverr should give me a steady stream of orders, all the time. And how dare you even THINK that a buyer may look at my gig and not want to buy it!”

There is a tremendous amount of competition on Fiverr. Sellers can must promote where their buyers will be.

I proofread so I join online book clubs and once people there know me I let them know the service I offer that could benefit them. It does not do any good to simply open a social media account and post your gig and hope someone will find you.

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Naturally buyer come here to buy a gig service. For this reason he/she choose a gig from search a gig keyword in fiverr search engine or choose a gig from his search related category. If your gig isn’t rank in search page or your gig category, then buyer don’t show your gig. For this reason, you don’t get order in fiverr.

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You have very good reviews and gigs, it is weird if not getting any orders.

Would it be due to that majority of your target audience is in holiday mode?

It is summer now and that may affect your business perhaps.

Anyways hopefully you will begin receiving more orders than you can cope soon! 😀

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same here!!!

No new messages…! No new orders…! This is the 1st time I’m facing this kind of situation since 2011. Normally I have completed more than 5-15 orders on daily basis and now I’m not getting any single message/order. Is there a problem with Fiverr? OR the buyers are leaving the Fiverr now? Where is the problem really exists?
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