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Sells dropped down What's happening ?!

Guest ali_des

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Guest ali_des

Hi all

I’ve been on Fiverr for almost a year now , the first days were alright , i made a few sells
after a while i noticed that my gigs aren’t getting traffic , which is bad for me
any advises

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Sales rise and fall throughout the year. This is a normal fact of being in business. Use the time when sales are low to improve your gig, and to market and promote your services.

Me too… 😦

but You know, He said everything :hugs:

Sales rise and fall throughout the year. This is a normal fact of being in business. Use the time when sales are low to improve your gig, and to market and promote your services.

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and yet some of us that continue to get the word out and advertise are seeing our best month yet.

If it’s slow, use this downtime to go over your gigs, polish them and brainstorm new ideas that could be potential gigs.
Advertise on facebook or message boards that are for like minded individuals (but don’t spam, be part of the community)

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@uncarved @thatsmauri you both have a great point but everyone already knows that. Obviously, that’s where I’m getting most of my orders but the lack of traffic on Fiverr is concerning, very concerning. Especially, for new or not as experienced sellers so maybe offer them some new advice or at least don’t dismiss an issue as long as it doesn’t affect you.

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@uncarved @thatsmauri you both have a great point but everyone already knows that. Obviously, that’s where I’m getting most of my orders but the lack of traffic on Fiverr is concerning, very concerning. Especially, for new or not as experienced sellers so maybe offer them some new advice or at least don’t dismiss an issue as long as it doesn’t affect you.


I would tell anyone that could listen : Don’t rely on fiverr traffic to get you sales. Make your own traffic.

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I would tell anyone that could listen : Don’t rely on fiverr traffic to get you sales. Make your own traffic.

That’s good advice but that doesn’t help the normal seller at all. @ali_des no…they aren’t.

In either case, Fiverr is low on traffic right now due to most people being on holiday for easter or just vacationing. Two of my clients were on vacation as well.

Actual Advice

Everyone sit tight and wish traffic increases by next month. In the meantime, join forums for people that offer similar services as you and post regularly and advertise you gig when someone needs help with the service you provide.

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the top rated sellers are getting all the traffic

the top rated sellers are getting all the traffic

And there’s nothing wrong with them “getting all the traffic” either, nor is it unfair that they have earned that kind of success. You can become just as successful as they are – if you are willing to work as hard as they have.

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@uncarved @thatsmauri you both have a great point but everyone already knows that. Obviously, that’s where I’m getting most of my orders but the lack of traffic on Fiverr is concerning, very concerning. Especially, for new or not as experienced sellers so maybe offer them some new advice or at least don’t dismiss an issue as long as it doesn’t affect you.


Not all people seem to know that.

The thing is: there’s not really much you can do in terms of traffic. People come and go and sometimes there are months where sales are on an all-time low. To spread the word and thus get traffic, use SNS. Alternatively, try out other freelancing platforms, whose name I won’t mention, because it’s possibly against Fiverr’s rules…

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I have been on Fiverr for over 6 years and have never seen it this slow. I am quite concerned. I have experienced slow downs but nothing like this

It’s the same thing happening to me. It’s my 5th year on Fiverr and it’s NEVER been so low like it’s now.

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