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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. I am sorry to say but it's still not better. I will encourage you to do some research on Fiverr first regarding your niche. Observe how other sellers are selling their services with the help of their gig gallery and gig descriptions. You have to observe only.. not copy them.
  2. Kindly read this topic but ignore Buyer Requests part as it's no more on Fiverr. P.
  3. I think you should feel sorry for yourself first. With zero gigs and zero experience on Fiverr, how can you suggest tips? Using AI content is not gonna help you and others so avoid guiding / suggesting anyone 🙏 Staying active/online is useless. Do you even know the status on Buyer Requests? I will highly encourage you to read all the topics in the Forum regarding Fiverr and it's updates and also how it works etc. Get an experience first till then do not suggest anything.
  4. Hello too What's stopping you to do the changes? If you feel like that your gigs are in need of changes, then do it. But remember, you cannot change the gig title. If you do, then the URL of that gig will remain the same like the 1st title. About ranking, if your gig has an ability to grab buyer's attention and orders, then do not worry about it. It depends on your changes that they are good or not, but impressions and clicks will tell you the results.
  5. How do you know these when you have made Zero Sale on Fiverr yet? Kindly do not guide anyone unless you have experienced it. With zero sales, you are not in position to do it.
  6. Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr. We have a Get Briefs feature instead of it. Kindly read this thread:
  7. You need to understand first that staying online/active does not help you with anything else (not even getting orders). Just respond to your buyers on time and offer quality services.
  8. That's true but I think we should let her experience it first. It's been 2 days yet. We can guide her later. Meanwhile she should optimize her gigs then we will give her more tips if she follows us (our suggestions and tips).
  9. You are promoting yourself in a wrong category. Try "My Fiverr Gigs" for this purpose. Without creating gigs, you cannot get orders and ratings, so create gigs first.
  10. You need to improve gig gallery first because your video is not attractive. And your gig description is not justifying that you have 2 years of experience or not. If it's true then kindly use some of your previous work in a creative way (gig gallery).
  11. Try to cancel an order via Resolution Center (mutual cancellation), once the order gets cancelled and it really affects your stats, then contact Fiverr Support and explain the situation. They will adjust your stats after checking your case. I have done this twice and they really adjusted my stats as both orders were without requirements and buyers were unresponsive too.
  12. Yes you can but still you would need a Payoneer account for it. Without Payoneer account, it won't work.
  13. Use your expertise to get orders so that your gigs can get ranked. Problem is that you have not shown your portfolio in your gig gallery i.e. no previous work that's why buyers have no idea that what can you really do or what not. So you need to add some of your work in your gig gallery. Also, Social Media Marketing is one of the most competitive niche on Fiverr so make your gigs stand out among others by optimizing it.
  14. Are you sure that you have not used Stock Photos in your gigs gallery? Why have not you used your own work/portfolio in gig gallery. Kindly work on gig gallery first rather than complaining. How will buyers know that you are doing a genuine work or using stock photos for them? As for Briefs, you need to test it with the different prices.
  15. Hello too Read this thread except Buyer Requests part as it's no more on Fiverr.
  16. Not impressive. Optimize your gigs further (gig gallery and gig descriptions).
  17. I think you should focus on yourself first rather than focusing on those groups an petty things. You have been on Fiverr since June 2022 and have made 1 sale yet. So you should think about how to get orders etc.
  18. Did you even the read the question carefully? What are you suggesting him?? Read the question again. Is it possible for you to improve your gig gallery so that it attracts buyer's attention? Present your work in a creative way.
  19. Then nothing to worry about. 1st time fund withdrawal usually takes time to load/reflect in the account (PayPal / Bank Account). All is well. Also, in your email, it is already stated that "It may take a few days for your funds to appear in PayPal balance".
  20. Is it your first time doing funds withdrawal?
  21. Get ready for your account suspension due to violation of TOS (sharing of personal information). Don't worry about buyer, worry about yourself first. 😑
  22. So you need to focus on getting orders rather than focusing on Forum or its ranks.
  23. Kindly read this thread: Topic/Question 1. What are common Fiverr myths and bad advice that should be ignored?
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