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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Kindly avoid suggesting tips as you have made your account in April 2023 and have zero sales too so you are not in position to advise anything yet. 🙏
  2. Then are you gonna place an order for yourself? 👀 It's not gonna help you. You need to work on your gigs for buyers so that they can place their orders on your gigs. Add your portfolio in gig gallery as well as improve your gig descriptions
  3. Kindly read this article. It has your answer: https://www.fiverr.com/levels P.S. Number of gigs is associated with Levels
  4. Kindly check the page and click on each feature (left side): https://www.fiverr.com/support/sections/13701504441617-Seller-Plus-benefits-and-features Edit: But it does not help in getting orders. For that, you need to work hard on your profile (gigs). (Honestly, I have not joined Seller Plus yet but have knowledge about it. Seller Plus Users have shared their experience in the Forum)
  5. Read the suggestions again and work on it
  6. You are "Google and facebook specialist" then why have not you tried to use your expertise for yourself since last 9 months? With these gig gallery (images), you are not gonna get any order so work on it. Present your portfolio in a creative way. Please elaborate it: How Do You Sell Snowshoes to a Camel? My Audience will do Research Just That. What is it? 😑 Languages: English - Native/Bilingual > Kindly change it because it's not your native language. Change it to Basic (suggesting this after checking your gig descriptions and your question here). Improve your gig descriptions as well.
  7. Remove period (dot) at the end of Spain word and then try it.
  8. You have joined Fiverr 2 days ago then you need to give some time to your gigs like 2-4 days then see the results on impressions and click. Till then wait. If impressions/clicks increases (after 2-4 days) then it's fine else improve your gig gallery and gig descriptions Just checked your profile. 4 months ago, you received 2* rating and buyer has specifically mentioned that you have not performed well on his/her project so take that review and learn your lesson means you need to improve your buyer satisfaction rate (which in actual dropped because of it).. Deliver quality work and improve your services. Also you need to work on gig gallery. I cannot see your portfolio in it? Add your portfolio and present your previous work in a creative way. WordPress is a highly competitive niche on Fiverr so make your gigs more stand out among others. Do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche.
  9. You are suggesting like this tip is working for you? 😑 If your impressions are increasing but not clicks then there is an issue with your gig gallery (images) as it's not good enough to attract buyer's attention. So work on adding your portfolio in a creative way via video/images/PDF etc. Improve your gig descriptions as well.
  10. Yessss but I am literally tired of these people. Rather than exploring different topics in the Forum, they start acting like a crybaby and then create questions to look for the answers but they never listen.. Why bother creating questions or looking for advices when they are never gonna listen to our advices or implement? Rather than being a crybaby, they should listen to expert's advices but their ego/pride are not letting them to do..
  11. I don't think there is a skill test for asp.net. See the image below: Source: Image taken from Article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010881597-Taking-a-Skill-Test
  12. And you don't even bother to listen to expert's advices 😯
  13. If your impressions are okay then it means your gig is being shown to buyers. If they are not clicking on your gigs then it means your gig images are not good enough to attract buyers to click and open your gig so work on your gig images then.
  14. Fiverr itself is the best platform for gig marketing. You won't need any other marketing medium if your gigs are strong enough to grab buyer's attention. To increase impressions and clicks, you need to work on gig optimization i.e. gig gallery and gig descriptions. Make them more stand out.
  15. Earlier you created this question/post: If you knew the tips then why did not you work on them for yourself? 😑 Why are you suggesting tips when you have zero experience? Why friends? Are your friends gonna order from you? Stop giving useless advices when you know nothing 🙏
  16. One Year or One Month? Is it your second account? Clarify it first. 😯
  17. I think we have guided you several times but you never listen to our advices. Read this thread: Question for you: Why have you added female pictures in your gig gallery when you are male? Why repetitive images in gigs? Work on your gigs first.
  18. By improving your gig gallery and gig descriptions. Add portfolio in a creative way via gig images/PDF/videos
  19. Really? How? You have zero sales since January 2023 so I'm sure staying online was useless for you because it is really useless 😯 Your last delivery was 26 days ago so it means staying online was also not helpful for you. Did it help in increasing impressions or clicks or getting orders? No Because Staying Online = Useless
  20. With one 1* review, how can you suggest tips to others? You are not experienced yet so I'll encourage you to not advise anything. Staying online is useless.
  21. If you are really a SMM Expert then I'm sure that you can use your expertise for yourself too? Can't you?
  22. Looks like that this tip never worked for you since January 2023 😑 That means Staying Active 24x7 = Useless. Read this article and ignore Buyer Requests part Also, you need to work on your gigs i.e. add your portfolio via PDF/images/videos as well. Work on Gig Descriptions as well Do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche to get an idea how to work on gigs.
  23. Question is why do you want to use someone else's designs or free designs? Don't you have any portfolio which you can use for gig gallery? Yes, it will definitely affect your gig as Fiverr might deny your gig or if you use someone else's designs, he/she can report you for it. It is always recommended to use your own designs/portfolio.
  24. Suggests tips when you are successful. Not before that 🙄
  25. Give it 2-3 days and then check the status on impressions and clicks that they are increasing or dropping.
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