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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. No one is speculating. We all have experience so we are guiding OP accordingly. It's you who need to understand that no one speculates anything without reason.
  2. Yes you can change your profile picture. No problem. But it should be your own picture.
  3. I think that you have not read the question carefully. OP said Gigs are being Removed.. Not accounts being disabled! 🤦🏻‍♀️
  4. But you have not become a professional freelancer yet. Always suggest those tips which you have implemented or experienced them on your own else don't suggest..
  5. This portfolio link on Fiverr is not allowed not even in the Forum so avoid it sending your direct portfolio link here on main Fiverr platform as well else you will get banned. I was referring to gig gallery i.e. add your previous work there.. Also read this topic and ignore Buyer Requests part
  6. If you improve your primary gig image (gig gallery), that would be great. Also, do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche.
  7. With these tips, were you able to become a professional freelancer? 👀
  8. Hello too Read this article and ignore info on Buyer Requests
  9. Kindly enlighten us that have you benefited anything via this tip? Yes. 1 review since June 2020 😑 Staying Active/Online all the time is not gonna help you with anything else. Secondly, you have not much experience on Fiverr yet so you are not in position to guide anyone else. Rather than guiding others, you should focus on yourself (gigs) first!
  10. That's so true. They are just absent-minded people who even don't know about themselves! 👀
  11. And I am sure that in those videos, no one would have gotten orders by staying online like a robot? 😑 YouTube and other things are definitely gonna explain these things i.e. staying active is good for everything but in actual it is not. They just don't know anything about Fiverr..
  12. Only Robot has an ability to stay online for 24 hours 😳
  13. Yes. Your account will be Bye Bye means Suspended. Why? Are you a Robot or trying to become a Robot? 👀 Conclusion: Staying Onlnie/Active for 24 x 7 is Useless as it does not help in anything! So get online whenever you get notification from your buyers or whenever you receive an order. Install Fiverr App in your phone as well.
  14. @filipdevaere Seems like that she is Your Admirer 😄 She has copied your famous lines here!
  15. 2 years? But your account says that you are the member since July 2022? 😑 What is the status on your clicks/impressions? Increasing or Dropping?
  16. Hi there too You won't get orders like the way you are promoting your gigs (question with different description) ? Plus your buyers are not here in the Forum.
  17. Only gig gallery and gig descriptions. Not gig title or tags..
  18. Are you trying to withdraw your funds using the Seller Mode on Fiverr? Double check it.
  19. Already answered i.e. 3-6 months. Honestly, I have never focused on impressions or clicks but I do make changes in my gig i.e. gallery and descriptions whenever I feel like it to be changed. Secondly, my profile is building strong with the passage of time with the help of repeat buyers plus new buyers too so I don't have to worry about these things. I have experienced some delays in orders but not more than 1 or 2 weeks.
  20. It usually takes months (3 to 6 I guess). Meanwhile keep delivering quality services/work. If you do then your scores might get improved!
  21. Read this article > General Analytics part: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-statistics
  22. Your buyers are not in the forum so no one is order your services from here. Focus on gig optimization and improve your gig gallery by adding some of your previous work.
  23. Hello too No problem. You can add more content in gig description or do changes in the gig whenever you need to do except gig title. There will be difference in impressions or clicks after editing your gig so keep an eye on these things.
  24. You need to perform better i.e. deliver quality work because your buyer satisfaction rate has been dropped. We have already guide you what to do next. Changing gig title and description has nothing to do with it.
  25. Read this topic. Ignore info on Buyer Requests.
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