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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. I'll encourage you to contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them. Explain everything to them and follow their instructions.
  2. Why are you suggesting these things when you have made Zero Sales since June 2022? Do you think that these tips were effective for you too in order to get orders? I don't think so. So stop please. Kindly do not suggest anything else when you have zero experience yet on Fiverr 🙏
  3. I guess your answer is in Seller Plus feature. Kindly read this article and check if your answer is there: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/6533842204177-Keyword-research
  4. That's why you were recommended to improve your English first. I have never done any marketing for my gigs. If your gigs have an ability to grab buyer's attention then you will start getting orders. Therefore, work on your gigs i.e. improve gig gallery and gig descriptions. That's what I do. Secondly, you have chosen a Logo Design category which is one of the most competitive niche on Fiverr. So you need to make your gigs more stand out among others.
  5. You cannot do anything now I guess 👀 You should not have deleted the first account and created a 2nd account as well. Why did you do it even when you were not getting orders. Do you think with the help of second account, you will get orders magically? 😑
  6. You have actually violated Terms of Services (TOS) by creating a new account (2nd account). So you cannot add your old PayPal account as a Payment method. Avoid it.
  7. You have Third Option too i.e. Work Hard. Do some research first on Fiverr regarding your niche to observe that how other sellers of your same niche are performing well and how are they selling their services. Secondly, you have not added your portfolio in gig gallery. Why? Why using stock photos when you have done 50 architectural drawings for the city permit in 7 years and made numerous floor plans according to your own personal description? Totally strange it is. Or may be it's just a lie? Focus more on your profile first (gig optimization).
  8. Why posting same question in different categories? Check this thread of yours
  9. For what? Kindly read the question again and carefully too.
  10. You need to understand first that Staying Online is Useless so don't focus on staying active rather than you should focus more on your gigs to optimize further to get orders. I'll encourage you to work on your gig gallery i.e. improve gig images so that it can attract buyer's attention.
  11. Like you know how it works since 2021? Still Zero Sales. Kindly avoid suggesting tips when you have zero experience. Please! 🙏
  12. Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr. We have Get Briefs feature now instead of it. Kindly read this thread:
  13. And what are those peak hours? 😕 2am, 5am or 10pm? 😩 Even though I know clearly that staying online is useless 😑
  14. So what have you concluded so far? Just found out the % of cancellation. Thats it? It's better to focus more on sales than these things I think 🤦🏻‍♀️ Don't worry about my perception. Whatever I felt, I shared 🤷🏻‍♀️
  15. Reported. (Reason: Usage of ChatGPT content - Violation of Forum Rules)
  16. Why can't you use your expertise for yourself when you are "Expert in Digital Marketer SEM , SMM and Google Analytics" ?. How will you help your buyers when you are not able to help yourself too? 😑 Portray your portfolio in a creative way (gig gallery) Remove your own intro from gig descriptions and improve gig descriptions as well
  17. There are 1000000s of posts on the same questions in the Forum. Have you ever searched and read them? For now, read the following thread except Buyer Requests part
  18. You are suggesting this tip like it really helped you in getting orders? Since 2 months, you have 1 reviews 😕 So I think you are not in position to suggest or guide anyone else. Don't do it. P.S. Staying Active/Online is Useless and it does not help you in getting orders!
  19. What is the status on your impressions/clicks?
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