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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. It is mentioned in the screenshot that "Guest post on high DA Google News sites". I think that it is not allowed on Fiverr and he might have written its description in such a way that it triggered the system. As a result, gig got removed!
  2. You cannot do anything now.. even you cannot create a new account (which is a violation of TOS). Looks like that Fiverr is not a right platform for you. Try other platforms. Good Luck. By the way, what services were you gonna offer?
  3. Yes. Congrats to you too that you could not understand the question of OP and without reading or thinking congratulated him 🤦🏻‍♀️ even though your English language = Fluent 🙄 Change your English language settings from Fluent to either Basic or Conversational 😐
  4. Congratulations on becoming a Level 1 Seller. Don't focus on becoming a Top Rated Seller because it's not an easy journey as TRS is hand-picked by Fiverr Team. If you complete its requirements then it does not means that you will become a TRS right away. No.. It takes time.. months or years.. No one knows! But 1 Suggestion for you: Never try to use CAPS anywhere. It looks rude.
  5. Why are you worried about it when you are just a beginner and you have a long way to go yet 👀😕
  6. Why are you suggesting these tips when you have never implemented them for your own gigs? I cannot see any portfolio in your gigs even you have mentioned that you have 5 years of experience? Kindly implement these tips first then suggest others! 😑
  7. Get online whenever you receive a notification i.e. order related, buyer's messages, when you need to do changes in gig etc.. It's not necessary to stay online for 24 hour as it's useless.
  8. You can change it but the thing is that if you change the title and set a new one then the URL of that gig will be the same like the very 1st one. This is why it is always recommended to do proper research and create a gig carefully. So that you don't have to change the gig title in the future (and main category too). Gig Gallery and Gig Descriptions are fine as they can be changed later.
  9. I am wondering that what does it means "Account gig sarbies problem". Did you mean to say Service instead of Sarbies? And yes, you can offer any services as much as you want using one and only Fiverr account. No worries.
  10. Hi too Because of one 4.7* (3 months ago), you lost the promoted gig feature. Your buyer satisfaction rate dropped and therefore you became ineligible for their criteria anymore for now. So if the Support Team has said to wait then you should wait. Keep delivering quality services/work.
  11. Use your expertise to get the orders because you claim yourself to be a "Digital Marketing and SEO Expert". You can do this for yourself. Right?
  12. Read this thread and ignore info on Buyer Requests Also, work on your gigs i.e. add some of your work via gig gallery. Also, you are a Facebook Specialist so use your expertise to get the orders.
  13. Within 2 months, you have received three 4.7* reviews. This is why Fiverr has pushed your gigs back in the search results. With those reviews, buyers might have given you negative private reviews and those have affected your buyer satisfaction rate (low score). You need to deliver quality work/services. It will take time (3-6 months) to recover from those penalties so wait for it.
  14. Better to contact Fiverr Support because no one in the Forum can help you with it.
  15. Hello there too Kindly read this article: It has your answer in the FAQs section: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360015529197-Setting-Your-Availability
  16. Why are you staying online for 24 hours? It's useless to stay active for 24 hours as it does not help you with anything else. Reason of dropping impressions is that your gigs are not attractive for buyers. You need to work on them i.e. gig gallery (unable to see some of your work in a creative way) and gig descriptions as well.
  17. You are not in position to guide anyone else because you have zero experience on Fiverr yet since July 2022. Why are you suggesting your tips when nothing worked for you? Kindly avoid guiding anyone and focus on your gigs first.
  18. Read this topic. Ignore info on Buyer Requests
  19. You are looking at 1 cancelled order but I can see that why are not you able to get it? Reason is that you have not recovered from those reviews (1*, 2* and 4.7*) yet and still your gigs are under-effect. Those reviews have clearly stated that you have not performed the task very well according to their requirements. Also, those buyers have given you negative private reviews too that resulted in lower Buyer Satisfaction Rates (BSR). So you need to focus more on improving your services.
  20. Yesterday, I got an invitation to join their meeting but @smashradio has already asked and explained everything which I actually wanted to ask.. Thank you for the update! 😊
  21. Status on clicks or impressions? Increasing or dropping?
  22. Because your gig gallery is not impressive and good enough to click on them. So improve your gig gallery. As per your profile description, you have stated that you have 3 years of experience then why am I unable to see some of your work in gig gallery?
  23. Did you even bother to read the experienced seller's responses here. And don't laugh. Laugh at yourself first as you are still a newbie with zero reviews 👀
  24. I think you should focus on completing those 9 orders which are in queue.. Deliver quality work. It will take time but your gigs will be back to track soon. Don't worry about it. Just complete your orders first.
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