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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Did you even read the question carefully? What are you answering? 😕 Kindly read the question again as the OP has clearly mentioned that "I will be moving to a country where Paypal is not available." 😑 The process of opening a Payoneer account is easy. You just have to provide the accurate and original info and documents for verification purpose. Whether it charges you less or more for transfering funds to your bank account, you have no other option than it. So go for Payoneer. It's safe! Good Luck!
  2. If you have created a gig today or yesterday then give it 3-4 days. Meanwhile keep an eye on its impressions and clicks.
  3. Within 1 month, you have received two 4.3* and one 4.7* reviews. With these reviews, buyers might have given you negative private reviews too which resulted in low buyer satisfaction rates plus your performance score dropped. That's why Fiverr has pushed your gigs back in the search results and you are not getting enough impressions or clicks. So you need to improve your services and deliver quality work.
  4. Hello too Staying online/active is useless as it does not help you with anything (not even helpful in increasing clicks or impressions) Fiverr Forum is not associated with impressions or clicks.. also your buyers are not in the Forum, they are on the main Fiverr platform. So staying active in Forum is also not helpful for it You can work on optimizing your gigs i.e. improve your gig gallery by adding some of your previous work in a creative way (mainly primary gig image should be attractive which unfortunately yours are not attractive).
  5. Make sure you read everything in the following topic except Buyer Requests part:
  6. Kindly focus on your gigs/account first. Don't focus on becoming TRS yet as you have zero reviews yet and joined Fiverr in April 2023 as well. Work on yourself first. 🙏
  7. Depends on orders that how much time it requires and discussion with buyers as well None as I have never promoted my services via any medium. Direct Orders and Repeat Clients are enough for me.
  8. Update: Now, I can see your gigs. Checked your gigs. Your gig gallery is not good and it's kind of distracting. Kindly work on improving the images. If you are "Graphic Designer, UI UX Designer, Branding Expert" then why have not you created gigs on these like Ui UX Designing, Branding Expert etc.?
  9. Kindly elaborate your point. Why is that? Why should not all the gigs be published in 1 day? Any reason?
  10. Hi too Question for you: Where are your gigs? I am unable to see them in your account. Or is it me that I cannot see them? 😕 If your gigs are paused or under-review etc.. then how will you get orders as they are invisible.
  11. Focus on improving your services first as you have gotten two 3.7* and two 4.3* reviews within 3 weeks. Among those reviews, one of the buyer in his/her stated that service was good means it was not good enough and he/she was not much impressed with your work/services. There is also a possibility that those buyers might have given you negative private reviews too. Hence, you have low buyer satisfaction and performance scores. Your gigs have been pushed back in search results by Fiverr because of these scores. So you are advised to improve your services and deliver quality work.
  12. Question for you: Did you read the Terms of Services after joining Fiverr?
  13. Being a SEO Professional, Digital Marketer, Facebook Promoter, you should know the answer of your own question. 😕 Can you answer it so that we can have an idea and knowledge about it too. You are embarrassing yourself by asking these type of questions. Kindly avoid it please. It's like that you cannot do anything on Fiverr using your skills and also unable to help buyers too 👀
  14. Well SEO has become the highly competitive niche on Fiverr as well. You are a Digital Marketer so I think that you should use your expertise to get orders. You can do this much for yourself. Right? Also, your gig gallery is not attractive and kind of distracting too. So do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche and observe how others are selling their services using their gig gallery and gig descriptions. Since you have 3 years of SEO experience, then add some of your previous work in gig gallery.
  15. If you are getting impressions but not clicks then it means something is wrong with your gigs (mainly gig gallery). Upon checking your gigs, this is the main reason I can see as you have not added your portfolio in gig gallery. Secondly why have you added 1 image three time (thrice) ? As per your profile description, you have 4 years of experience in WordPress then add your portfolio in gig gallery yet. Work on it.
  16. Have you checked your Spam Folder (Email's Inbox)? There might be a Fiverr's email there..
  17. Read the thread (link has been given already). Everything is explained there
  18. Buyer Request is no more on Fiverr. We have Get Briefs instead of it. Kindly read this thread:
  19. That's fine. You can still present them in a creative way via gig gallery.
  20. Well continue working with your existing account (current) because you cannot create a second account which is actually a violation of Terms of Services. So you are recommended to use your old account and optimize it further.
  21. Then get an experience first before suggesting tips to others. If you have been not working on Fiverr since 2 years then do you think that you are in position to guide people? Do not guide next time unless you have any experience 🤦🏻‍♀️🙏
  22. Have you implemented these tips for your own gigs? I don't think so because since July 2020, you have received 3 reviews and your last delivery was 2 years ago 😕😕 So, Kindly avoid guiding anyone else as you are not in position to do it. Work on your gigs first so that you can get orders 🙏
  23. Kindly check this article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/sections/13701504441617-Seller-Plus-benefits-and-features Click on each benefit to see the details..
  24. If your gigs are ranking but not getting orders then it means something is wrong with your gigs. You are getting impressions but very few clicks so it means your gigs are not attractive for buyers. I can see it clearly that why is it happening. It's because you have not added your portfolio in your gig gallery. Kindly improve your gig gallery. Also, use your Digital Marketing expertise to get orders. You can do this much for yourself too. Right?
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