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About ah_likhon

  • Birthday 01/05/1995


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  1. If you have any idea, can you explain this feature? What is the benefit of this feature (Profession) and are any disadvantages of this feature?


  2. If you have any idea, can you explain this feature? What is the benefit of this feature (Profession) and are any disadvantages of this feature?



    If you have any idea, can you explain this feature? What is the benefit of this feature (Profession) and are any disadvantages of this feature?


  4. Great information. Those informations are very important for a new seller.
  5. Welcome to the Fiverr Forum Community @clickables_by_s
  6. Congratulations. Carry on. @jahangir02it
  7. I noticed your gig images are not more attractive, you can try to update those with attractive ones for that I would like to tell you to research some top seller's gigs in the same categories. Then you can find some idea about that. @manoharshetty1
  8. It would be better if you could write something in detail, then others can understand what you want to say. Thanks.
  9. If your account is active yet and you are unable to text only the specific buyer, then it might be blocked or suspend the buyer account. But you should focus on the Fiverr text rules when writing anything in the inbox.
  10. I also faced a similar issue after getting a 2-star review three months ago and I still have this. Then last month I opened the promotion option and after 1 month of promotion, no improvement. Still, I am working with repeat buyers and I haven’t found any new buyers yet. We may keep patience. @diana_design
  11. I stay or am locked in a room lonely and focus on tailoring designs and functionalities to other specifications. haha😂
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