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  1. Annoying: people who like a lot of posts in a row for some reason, spamming my notifications with uselessly generic and identical 'updates'. Or, the forum equiv. of Brief and Match/Fiverr notification spamvertizing. 

    Less annoying: said likes seemingly building my "rank" (but presumably not my "posting privilege" because lol).

    Overly long P.S.: I don't regard posting on any online forum as a privilege. This can clearly be seen from the huge amount of useless posts on here (thanks, congrats, all that jazz) and indeed any other forum where anyone may share their thoughts, whether they be insightful or particularly stinky guano. It did strike me from that discussion elsewhere on the forum where the drama fizzled out because everyone was nice and thoughtful (boring, but congrats on the adulting!) that the only people who seem to care about "posting privilege" are those who have fallen on the wrong side for whatever reason and are silenced. I suppose that would wake your sense of privilege up, but it's not privilege, it's just lazy, automated [bad wording] that hardly solves the issues and indeed brings up more. 

    Anyway, it's nice to see that people have been warned for suggesting that more shepherding might be a more effective tactic than limiting posts. Is this where the ugly specter of racism comes in - as in "not wanting to seem" by "impacting certain groups" who are "more likely to"? It's certainly discrimination if you approach it from that angle (and what large corporation isn't at least a bit woke these days?), but the way I see it, it's a wimpy excuse. You want a good forum, then it needs consistent, fair [bad wording] based on concrete rules that apply to everyone. You want millions of "congratulate me for doing something that tens, if not hundreds of thousands have achieved" posts, um.... yeah. And there will always be some chippy little [insert your favorite bad word for an irritating person here] who screams racism when they are disciplined for something that had precisely [bad word] all to do with their skin color. Let me be clear in case someone tries to misread this: in instances where someone has done or said something racist, of course action should be taken. But if that person had, for example, consistently posted their gig in the wrong category and been blah blah blah and then got disciplined and then said "YOU ARE RACISTS!", well no, shut up and sit down because it's time for a good [old-fashioned and unfashionable disciplining method typically involving slippers and/or wooden spoons]. 

    So, basically, active sheeple managers are needed, not automated beep-boops. Those sheeple managers will of course be racist, simply because of the task that befalls them. And there's the issue, in a nutshell, and why the people who shouldn't be worrying about something as nonsensical as "forum posting privilege" do - and their counterparts go on their merry way. With, I expect, zero thought to any of this and more to how this is going to make them $$$.

    And that's my 2c. I've probably said nothing new! And this won't get fixed, so us privileged limited posters will simply have to tug our forelocks and pray to the Gods privileges favors us today. On my wall, because I can't be bothered to wade through the forum posting labyrinth... and perhaps it's like 0.0001% safer to post this stuff on my wall. I have no idea! Well, thanks for coming to my TED talk, you can go away now. 

    EDIT: I didn't proofread this or anything so w/e, have at it

    1. coerdelion


      Well, yes, Emma - and you left out the misogeny, which still happens regularly and is ignored by those who should know better.  Mostly on being given the "infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me ..." excuse I surmise. 

      And not to excuse any behaviour at all, the only thing I can think of that might be why all that you mention above is "active members", which is a key metric for publicly quoted stocks ...

      BTW, just fyi - those  annoying notifications can be turned off - it's in the settings somewhere, but you'll have to hunt for it.



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