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About mehedihasan1710

  • Birthday 07/24/2004


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  1. Your first gig needs work, but your second gig is pretty good.
  2. Hello, I am a new seller on Fiverr. I have requested that you, the experienced seller, please check my gig and suggest any improvements I need here. receiving no orders for the past month🥲 My gig: 1. https://www.fiverr.com/s/lyQ4aQ 2. https://www.fiverr.com/s/qv7XDy 3. https://www.fiverr.com/s/9WZ5GE 4. https://www.fiverr.com/s/BeZAwy
  3. To succeed in this field, you'll need a lot of patience and time.
  4. Welcome to community
  5. Please, kindly, help me with some best advice. and if you have a moment, kindly look over my Fiverr profile and gig to see what the issue is. My profile Link: https://www.fiverr.com/mehedihasan1710?up_rollout=true
  6. Fiverr doesn't want the same person to use multiple accounts. If you want to link a new Payoneer account to a Fiverr account, you need to contact the CS to remove the existing Payoneer account. After that, you may add the new payoneer account.
  7. Hello. I, too, am a new freelancer. I'd appreciate it if someone could advise me on how to get your first order. Thank you ahead of time...:)
  8. How can I increase my gig impressions and click to acquire an order? Lately, my gig impressions and click has been nearly nonexistent. https://www.fiverr.com/s/BeG7D1 Kindly review my gigs and offer advice on how to get better and land a job, if you are an expert in the field. Thanks
  9. Welcome! And best of luck on your Fiverr journey 🙂
  10. I am new to Fiverr. please kindly give me some tips how to get order and rank my gig .
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