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Everything posted by breals

  1. You should consult with a SEO expert who has helped businesses grow with organic traffic! Oh wait! You are that expert, So why don't you apply the principles that you claim to be an expert in and grow your business? If you are charging customers upwards of $500 this should be a walk in the park for you!
  2. Your comment has just made me 'ugly laugh'!!!!!! So you believe that there is a Fiverr bot crawling this forum, looking for people to punish on their main selling account? And a confused bot at that! Unbelievable!!! If you read the forum, you would understand that there is NO link between this platform and the selling platform. None whatsoever! You're advice is complete gibberish, and is only seeking to confuse people. Please don't post guidance on here unless it is based on true facts you have researched, or personal experience based on many sales. You have neither!
  3. 1. Read the forum 2. Implement the changes 3. Evaluate the results 4. Rinse and repeat. 5. Ignore any posts that have the words, congratulations, buyer requests, promote social media, or online 24 hours contained within them Don't post on the forum for the sake of it. You will not get extra sales / impressions the more you contribute on here. Listen to the advice, you are given, don't ignore it and post again hoping to get an answer you like.
  4. A bit of advice. Your gig description made my eyes hurt. What's with the icons and colours? This may be the reason you may not be getting orders, because your customers will need to take a paracetamol after reading it.
  5. Really? One of your gigs is wordpress technical SEO? I am Sumiya Islam. I am a Professional Technical On Page SEO or WordPress Yoast SEO working in this field for the last ten years. Apply your 10 years of experience, if you're an expert in this field there is no one on this forum that can compete with you!
  6. @stormborn9862 This option seems to have been live for about 6 months now, and it appears to be linked to the cash advance option. If one is available then so is the other. If I recall it became available after a particularly good month in sales, so it may be on that basis that people see it. Just in my opinion, but yes, it's a good feature if you're prepared to forfeit some of your income for instant cash.
  7. So, an experienced contributor in @vickieito takes the time to give constructive advice to a new seller, yet you feel that you can give an answer straight after that doesn't help at all and is completely wrong. You have no sales on Fiverr, and you still post answers that are completely false and fictitious. What is the point in sending buyer requests if there is still work to do on a gig? and staying online does not increase your likelihood of getting more sales. As a bit of advise for you. I would say that YOU need to spend more time reading the forum. and less time posting comments for the sake of it.
  8. You have ask this same question multiple times already since Saturday. Have you not yet read the forum from the contributors and applied these changes to your gigs? It's a very lazy approach to keep repeating yourself until you get an answer you like that doesn't involve heard work and dedication.
  9. 81 posts on the forum and a member for over 6 months Clearly you're posting this fictious information to gain badges, as you're not reading the forum for the correct information? You have NO sales on Fiverr. I would suggest that you spend your time reading what experienced contributors have to say, as opposed to posting absolute rubbish.
  10. The solution is incorrect. Being active on Fiverr DOES NOT increase your impressions or ranking. If you read the forum before posting you would be aware of this. Also, you can post to social media as many times as you like, but unless your gig is of a high quality, you will be spamming these platforms will low quality services. Please don't share until you're 100% confident that you are the best you can possibly be. Research your niche, read the forum, implement your changes and, evaluate the outcomes. Please appreciate that as a new seller you have to work hard to stand out from the crowd, and posting on this forum and promoting a substandard gigs will not help you. It will only divert your focus away for your main goal. Being the very best at what you do!
  11. Hey @samus_x 1) I live in Wales, so I am a native English speaker. (Although I have a stupid accent) 2) What a lot of people outside the UK don't realise that people from Wales also have another language. (Welsh) Whilst I don't speak it fluently myself, I know the basics to get me by. To prevent it from dying out it is part of the curriculum at our schools alongside French and German. But one thing I have found about British people is that we arrogantly expect everyone to speak our language . Most people on mainland Europe speak 2 or even 3 languages pretty fluently, so in that respect I think that we are a little narrow minded. Ian
  12. You claim to be a digital marketing expert. Why don't you take these skills and apply them to your gig? You have one gig and you need to make it the best it can be. If I'm honest, you have a very basic gig image, with an uninspiring description. This should be your first stop
  13. Some of my best work is designed with a pint of beer, and the genius that is Dave Grohl to keep me company 🙂
  14. Hi @mohin_g Welcome to the forum. I have had a quick look at your gigs and they look great. Cyber security is an area we can all learn greatly from and you seem to be 'the man' when it comes to this subject. I have a feeling that the quality of your gigs will be snapped up by a lot of customers. I'm looking forward to seeing how your gigs perform in the coming months. Good luck! Ian
  15. @smashradio I use it all the time to go through the requirements of a website with clients. We are able to share screens, talk through designs and ask any questions the they may have. The best bit is the auto record functionality when the participants join. This means that if a client or seller isn't sure on a particular element that was discussed at the planning stage, you can go back and watch the recording. It also allows for a 'right first time' delivery as the expectations are clearly set during the call. I have been using it for a few months now and I have to say, it's one of the best features that Fiverr offer in my niche. I'm not sure if it will apply to everyone, but if you're in a design related industry give it a go. As a footnote, it's also worth saying that I have this option for all clients, not just business ones. So it may be gig based, not status based?
  16. Even though I'm not a fan of bugs in general. I have to say that the one that does freak me out is the huntsman spider. Even though it isn't poisonous, I have read that these fellas just pop up in peoples houses in Australia. On the walls, in clothing etc... So with no disrespect to our Australian freelancers. You can keep this one native to your island guys!
  17. Well, Sorry to burn out your candle. But that is absolute rubbish. Your Fiverr forum profile has nothing to do with your selling site. NOTHING! By posting on here you will NOT get more sales. This Forum seems to be awash with people who post to get badges with the view they will get more impressions and sales. For anyone reading this, it's inaccurate information and will only seek to spam the forum even more.
  18. Just so I'm clear, are you saying that you got your first order by being active on the Fiverr forum? Wow!
  19. Well that comment will not motivate anyone to help you with your query. @melanielm provided you an answer which is correct, but it seems it's not the one you're looking for. We're all just sellers here that attempt to help new freelancers like you with answers based on our experience. The guidance is clear. You can not have 2 accounts, even it you choose to use one as a seller and one as a buyer. If you have an issue with this I suggest you take it up with the CS team.
  20. Please tell me as I'm really curious. Why does being active on the Fiverr forum increase your impressions and sales? I would love to hear your answer
  21. breals


    At 44 years old am I the only one thinking how cool it would be to jump into a massive ball pit full of those balls? Maybe from a diving board? If not, I clearly I need to get out more 😀 #bigkidatheart
  22. No is doesn't, please stop spouting fake information to new buyers. It's posts like this that litters Fiverr with unnecessary and duplicate gigs. With 10 sales in a year it has hardly helped you. I agree with @samus_x Do it if you feel you can stretch your skills, but don't compromise on quality. The race to 7 gigs competition that seems to be going on at the minute is unhealthy and foolish. If you can't get one gig right, why will the others be any different? @niazseopro you claim to be an expert on rankings and Search Engine Optimisation? I suggest you read more about how Fiverr works on this forum before posting fictitious information.
  23. Do you think it might be something to do with the fact that your gigs are plagiarised by legitimate digital marketers? A simple plagiarism check on your social media gig shows that you have taken the content from here. I'm sure the Fiverr bot has this on it's 'to do list' But just in case I have reported you for non original content. You claim to be a digital marketer, with the 'upmost of sincerity and honesty, yet your own content is not original. Anyone doing their due diligence can see that you're clearly not as experienced or as trustworthy as you claim.
  24. I take it that you also have permission to use all of the names and telephone numbers of real people that you have plastered all over your gig images right? Because that would be really stupid if you didn't. The laws in almost all countries around the world say that you need to get consent or it is considered a data breech which is punishable by large fines. Why would anyone hire you if they think that all of their personal data is going to be shown off like a trophy? That and the comments from @newsmike and @jonbaas might give you a few things to ponder over your breakfast!
  25. What type of extra work is it? As a fellow web designer I can probably lend some extra advise on what @vickieito has already provided
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