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Everything posted by breals

  1. Wow! It was only 5 days ago you were asking the forum how to get your first order. Now you've become an expert! It's amazing what a ChatGPT account can do isn't it ? 😆
  2. You've been on the platform for over a year, and you haven't gotten 1 order. Yet you claim to be a digital market and lead generation expert? How can you be prepared to take money from your customers to grow their business if you can't grow yours? My advise is to not set up gigs in areas you can't deliver in!
  3. @ahmad_webs So as a web designer myself I can offer you these tips. 1) You have 7 gigs, yet I can't see any examples of your own work on them. You just have a gig image with the standard wording. This would tell me that you either have no work samples, or your quality of work isn't as good as you make out? 2) You gig prices are confusing. You offer a 3-5 page gig and a 5-7 page gig?if I wanted just 5 pages I would always choose the cheaper option. 3) If you're using elementor to build you websites, then reassure customers they will get a full version of elementor as part of the service. If you're using nulled or free versions that your customers can't update your complaints will go through the roof. 4) I only checked one gig and that is showing as plagairised. Do us all a favour and write unique content. let's therefore assume your other gigs are the same? 5) Because you've copied other peoples gigs, your content is just a word dump, it has no personality or emotion. Your gigs are rushed, they lack any form of personality, and they give me no reason to buy from you.
  4. @smrakib You're consistently asking the same questions on the forum whilst not listening to any of the feedback that people are giving you. You STILL have the same errors as yesterday. If you're not prepared to listen, then people will not be prepared to answer!
  5. Once again @sabbirhossan666 you are commenting on posts that are ancient. This one is 5 years old. If you're trying to comment on these thinking they will increase your sales on the main site and give you better forum badges then you're wrong.
  6. Please explain why your advising freelancers NOT to update their gigs? I would love to know your reasoning!
  7. I think that all of us at some point in our freelancing careers have experienced a day like this. And for some of us, maybe even more than one. Thanks for bringing the subject up though @katakatica. It takes a lot of courage to talk about mental health due to the stigma that's still attached to it. But I think you've given a really good snapshot of what it's like to be a freelancer. A website in the UK did some research a while back that looked at the biggest factors that impact self employed people. And the results were really interesting. If you would have asked me what I thought would have been top, straight away I would have said 'the pain in the ass customers' But actually it goes a lot deeper than that. Finding work, irregularity of income and work-life balance came out top. Actually, customers came quite low down the list. But, the more I think about it, the more I realise how tough it is being a freelancer. Every day we literally wake up to put food on the table, where you're only as good as your last review. We can't rely on a sick day, and we can't switch off when we go on holiday. So it's unsurprising that a lot of us (Me included) feel constantly burn't out. 19% or 1 in 5 of the people surveyed felt that they didn't have the right amount of help and support, and I guess that this is why we keep coming back to the forum after a shitty day. It's the help and support that I get from regular posters that keeps me sane sometimes. So your post @katakatica kind of makes us all feel that we're not alone, and we can be open about our struggles. A great topic! Thank you!
  8. I agree with @vibronx I think a lot of us would read it and definitely reflect on our own situation. It's a lonely old world being a freelancer sometimes, add to that the stress of not having a guaranteed income or sick pay and you can very quickly spiral into a dark state. I think you'll be surprised how many people would read it and think. 'that's me too' We don't talk about mental health enough (Especially in the UK) and there is still a stigma attached to it that prevents people from opening up. Your post may 'open the floodgates'. but it would definately be a worthwhile topic and discussion.
  9. I shudder to think about what the 'Five Secret Course' contains... I may risk getting malware just to see what the content is 😀
  10. @smrakib So what have you done to try and gain orders? I recall your profile from a few months ago where you were advised to sort out your spelling and grammar issues. Yet all of your gig images still have the word 'expart' instead of expert. Your gigs are also still littered with spelling errors. Your whole selling point as a data entry 'specialist' is to be accurate in everything that you do. So if you can't get that right then i'm not surprised that you aren't getting any orders. Finally, in your gig descriptions you claim to be in a team of 10 people? I suggest you speak to your colleagues and ask them (if they can) to appraise your gigs for the errors, as you're clearly not listening to anything that the forum is telling you. Harsh words I know, but if you're not prepared to put the hard work in, find and correct the errors in your gigs, then you need to consider if freelancing is for you.
  11. So you asked Fiverr if you could add their badge on there? And they said yes? I'm interested to know in what capacity you worked for Fiverr? As well as wordpress and Elemenentor.
  12. @illustrationwe You have no sales on Fiverr, and you joined the platform last month. why are you asking people to follow you in exchange for tips? Also, the link you have given is completely illiterate and contains no information/tips whatsoever. Please concentrate on your own profile before lauding yourself as a Fiverr guru!
  13. Based on what evidence? There are lots of successful sellers that manage to make a decent income with very low impressions. I'm interested to know where you have got this number from?
  14. So you're saying that there is a Bangladesh specific way of doing Social media Marketing? Please enlighten the forum on what this is, I'm sure we could all do with a laugh!
  15. I find your post extremely hard to read yet you claim to be fluent in English? I'm not qualified to comment on your illustration skills. But, you need to be honest with yourself about your communication skills before you even consider hitting the share button!
  16. @jashim560 According to your profile you're a lead generation 'expert'. Getting the sales should be a walk in the park for you?
  17. Then don't take money from Fiverr customers if you don't know what you're doing! You're either an expert or you're not!!!! Don't make it up as you go along!
  18. You claim to be a lead generation 'Expart' You should know who to get orders.! If you don't then you're not an expert and you shouldn't be taking people's hard earned money from them. As for the rest of you who are recommending that the OP share his gig on social media to get sales. Think about this! This is getting embarrassing for Fiverr! Illiterate gigs are being flooded on social media by people claiming to be experts in their field. @engrmanik40 Your gig image is littered with spelling errors. THIS is why you're not getting any orders! So do us all a favour and at the very least correct your errors, before you share your gig, and stop embarrassing the rest of us who are trying hard to keep the standards on this platform high. You can't even spell the company your working for Correctly!!!!
  19. I'm intrigued to know how you think being active on the Fiverr forum will increase sales! Please let the forum know how you think this happens
  20. But you're a digital marketer who claims to be able to grow businesses? Shouldn't you know this?
  21. Here's by Advice! @zradnan360 Joined 13 months ago. No Orders! @wordpresspro133 Joined 8 months ago. No Orders @majharul_tanvir Joined 5 months ago. No Orders @divesh_kk Joined 21 months ago. 5 Orders You ALL claim that the best way to get orders is staying online all of the time, Yet your 4 years combined time on Fiverr has generated just 5 orders?????? You must all be holding your eyes open with matchsticks, and caffeine addicts after this long. ? Stand down, get some rest and allow people who have actually gotten orders to give the advice, as the proof shows that yours isn't working!
  22. I would consult with a lead generation expert!!! Oh wait. You are one!
  23. Sure it will have some impact in the short term. But your gigs are organic documents. If they need to be changed then change them. Fiverr appreciates that people need to update their content, so this fear factor about doing it in steps, or not at all is complete madness.
  24. You're speaking Rubbish! If you need to change your gig then change it! Please don't listen to this incorrect advice! @wasifjewel some advice for you. If you don't know an answer, don't make it up for the sake of forum badges, you will only be caught out
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