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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @saddam95950, you can send your direct gig link to your contact in Insta. Since I don't have your gig link, I used a gig link for a different seller to show how it looks: From a mobile view: When your contact clicks on the link he can scroll down and order. From desktop view: When your contact clicks on the link he is brought to your gig page and can order directly from there. Both methods give your buyer the option to "Contact Seller" or "Get a Quote" if you want to give your buyer a custom offer.
  2. That's nice of you @dannykojima1! But I'm a relatively new Level 2 and still pretty new to freelancing and this forum. I'm also not a creative writer (but would like to be)! I'm a technical writer who likes to summarize data and organize information. I do like your WWF-style logo, though! If you want the true contenders in the Fiverr marketplace, the lists that @imagination7413 and @mbamunna provided are good places to start. The lists includes many of the forum members that I follow. As an underdog, I wouldn't last more than 2 seconds in the ring with these top performers. Luckily Fiverr isn't done WWF-style!
  3. This is from the Help Center:
  4. The desktop is showing a zip file, which you'll need to download and unzip (right click on the file and select 'Extract All'). Once the zip file is unzipped, you can open the folder and access all the files.
  5. This message is for @dannykojima1 again, because I'm post limited so I can only do status updates on my own profile, but not yours!


    Here's what I tried to post on your status update with the fun WWE style Fiverr logo:

    How fun! You're so creative @dannykojima1!

    What would your ring name and signature moves be if you were a pro wrestler on the Fiverr marketplace? I guess since I proofread I could be the "Red Pen Scrutinizer" or simply "The Scrutinizer." And my signature moves could be the "Eraser" or "Mark Up." 😂 I'm not too creative with names! 

    1. dannykojima1


      Hi @vickieito. I have not watch WWE (since the WWF World Wrestling Federation) in 1999 until I stopped watching while back in 2002 after my high school graduation, where I started college year. I'm not sure what my ring name would be if I was a pro-wrestler. Maybe jsut Danny? Funny, today I was thinking to add your name in the Fiverr 2023: The Money In The Bank logo I was working on it. I think you and few other Level 2 sellers would be great my favorite top level sellers I would one day order some of the creative writing content from you guys for my comic one day. 😉

      About the signature moves, I'm not sure I have one yet. [Still thinking about one moves]
      I don't know why it won't let you post on my profile status. Weird. 😞

  6. I love the list that you have there @smashradio! I think I started from the bottom up: first with #3, then #2, and then #1: #3 - Make a Plan. I like how you simplified the plan to focus on the why, how, & who. The "why" can't simply be "to make money." My why includes how I love being able to help my customers achieve their goals and dreams - whether it's launching them into the job market with a strong resume or creating their first ecourse. I also love how I can be at home and more present in the lives of my children. The "how" refers to your skills (your #2) and the "who" refers to your customers (your #3). #2 - Be Good At A Skill. Yes, we do have to be honest with ourselves! The "skills" I thought I had initially weren't really the skills that my customers were asking for, nor were they my strongest skillset. I had to be flexible to change my business and adapt when customer feedback told me what skills I should focus on. #1 - Be Unique. This point is so important! Too many newbie sellers make the mistake of blending in with their competitors. You really do have to be unique, specific, and stand out. As a seller, I don't need to cater to the masses. I only need a handful of clients in my specific niche to do well. This is HUGE! Why do new sellers always think it is about them? All the complaints from new sellers use the word "I" ... "How can I make more money?" and "Why don't I have any orders?" Very rarely do I see a new seller complain, "How can I provide value to my customer? What do they want? What do they need? How can I listen better to my customers so that I can provide the optimal experience for them?" Once new sellers start realizing how important it is to provide value to the customer, and can provide value, then they'll start making money. I think experimenting is good and opens the door for fluidity. My business plan that I created when I started Fiverr is so different from the business plan I have right now. Had I stuck with the original plan, I probably wouldn't be making any money. I adapted my gigs and tried out new skills because my customers were asking for it. I had plans to just do donkey work (data entry and proofreading). I specifically put in the plan that I would not write, because it uses brainpower, and always thought my writing was boring. However, my customers love my writing and it's really the only thing I do on Fiverr (research & summaries, writing ecourses/curricula, etc.).
  7. Hi @mayaest, I think you have great VO samples but would remove "unlimited revisions," because it opens the doors for abuse. I've had a lot of negative experiences from offering "Unlimited revisions, until satisfied." You are a professional, and should be paid for the work that you do. Offer a limited amount of revisions with your package and charge a fee if they want more. Buyers may also see unlimited revisions as an excuse for poor quality work, which I don't think is the case for you. Here's perspective on unlimited revisions from a Top Rated Seller: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282412-what-to-do-if-a-buyer-asks-for-endless-revisons/ And here's a perspective on unlimited revisions from a top buyer: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/205473-buyers-request-39-offers-should-you-bid-❓/ For your script editing, I like the first image in your gallery, but the two samples following didn't really showcase your skills very well (since you've blurred it out, it doesn't really show off your skills). I understand that the information may be proprietary, so one way around that is just to create a script yourself that clearly shows off your skill. I also noticed that you haven't had your first order, so you might want to read the following:
  8. You have a very common name, so search is bringing up 3 pages (about 115 names) of sellers with the same name as yours. I also couldn't find you through search, so maybe search is limiting the results to 3 pages. However, the only buyers that will be looking for your exact user name are the ones that you can give direct links to access your gig page. These are buyers that already know you through your marketing or by association. All your other buyers won't know who you are and won't be looking for your name. They will be looking for a specific service. If your service is relevant, your gig will show up in search and you can be found that way.
  9. I guess the car colors were just a random thing! It looks like all your cars were inherited @imagination7413! I like inheriting cars because those are the cheapest and you don't have to worry about being scammed. I've bought several cars from Craigslist before and some of the sellers were pretty shady! .... ooooh, the psychobabble BS Kia Sportage does look nice. Maybe you can use your TRS earnings, @emmaki! A couple of website reviews and you're there, right? 😜 You seriously had me scared when I read about the apparent beheading, @ozan_erdi! That's one of my fears when I drive. That someone is going to end up mangled because of my driving. ... I've hit an animal before and it was pretty traumatic for me. Yes, it must have been the smooth voice and your suave appearance! 😊 I can't believe they made you sit in a prison cell for that long without making sure you were okay or taking care of your injuries! Glad things worked out for you!
  10. ☀️Happy Summer Solstice! 😎

    Yesterday was the hottest day of the year in Japan!

    More hot (and humid) days to come!

    1. dannykojima1


      The temperature will reach 101 coming this Sunday, so California is going bone dry soon. 

  11. Now I know why no one responded to your question! Both of our messages were flagged for review for the W***App word ... 😟 In the future, keep all conversations on Fiverr and ignore any attempt from your buyers to move conversations off the platform. Note: I was approached by my largest repeat buyer yesterday to connect on LInkedIn. I've been ignoring that invite. I'll send a reminded in our order chats to keep all conversations on the Fiverr platform. This happens often and makes me wish that I didn't use my real name as a screen name on Fiverr! It's too easy for people to find me.
  12. @sawoda_sumi_29, sorry you didn't get a response to your question yet! I see that you posted this question two weeks ago. How did this turn out? I'm wondering how your client found you on Whats App. I don't think you can just look someone up on that app. Don't you have to be contacts in each other's phone or have their contact information first in order to communicate? And did your client find you before Fiverr? It looks like you and your client are talking about orders and prices outside of the Fiverr platform, which is against Fiverr TOS. You are a very active Level 2 seller with a lot of positive reviews. Communicating off platform risks getting your account banned and Fiverr can't give you any protection if you are doing this. If you were contacts before Fiverr, I would think that as long as you kept all communication regarding project, orders, or prices on the Fiverr platform, Fiverr could help you if your buyer was aggressive or violent towards you. Or, if your contact was especially aggressive or violent towards you on Whats App, you could reach out to Whats App because it would be violating their TOS.
  13. Hi @rabia_sabir, Anyone who sees that review will see a very happy customer as well as a nice Live Gallery image. So I think your response of, "Thank you so much" was appropriate. Who knows what the customer was thinking. It could have been an accident (I've had one buyer accidentally give me less than 5 stars) or maybe she wasn't happy, but couldn't bring herself to say so. All we know is the buyer left you a good review (even though the stars show only 2 stars). And a good review is a good thing for you. Potential buyers will see that and will be satisfied with how you handled it. I wouldn't reach out to the customer because it could be seen as trying to manipulate the review.
  14. Here are a couple more badges that haven't been mentioned in this thread yet: I am also very interested in the hidden reviews ... it would be nice to see those reviews! I'm curious! I'm going to be looking around trying to find them ...
  15. So earlier today I was looking at my Fiverr stats on my phone. I had delivered several orders and wanted to see my order completion rate. It was still stuck at 97% (the same place it had been for the past month). Five minutes later, I checked my stats again, and it was 100%. Could it be? Did I finally hit the 60-day mark? Sure enough, when I looked at my last canceled order, it was exactly 60 days ago. Lately, the forum has been busy with threads about order cancellations and order completion rates: @iamattique had a good thread going on here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283337-okay-guys-lets-share-how-much-and-why/#comment-1789396 and so did @rabia_sabir here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283348-fiverr-order-cancellation-could-make-you-0-from-hero/#comment-1791002 And then today, @coder71 had similar questions here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283552-order-completion-rate-cancellation-rate/#comment-1790987 During the last 60 days I have also been doing a lot of thinking. Wondering what went wrong. And trying to get things set up to avoid unnecessary cancelations from happening again. Here's a list of things that I learned: 1. My gig prices were set too low. This opened the door to an influx of orders and amplified problems such as Point #2 below (unlimited revisions). I have since increased my prices and my business is running at a much more manageable pace now. 2. I was offering unlimited revisions. Normally I get 13-20 orders a month, but in April, I had 87 orders. With so many orders, it was impossible to do what I claimed: "unlimited revisions, until satisfied." I had to cancel an order with a client who didn't know what she wanted but was sure that I would eventually come up with something. However, I didn't have time to do that, so the order ended up as a cancelation. Since then, I no longer offer unlimited revisions. 3. I didn't cancel through customer support when I should have. There were several orders that could have been done through customer support so they wouldn't affect my seller stats. I didn't know that was an option when I first started out. Now I always reach out to customer support if cancelation is a result of a buyer-caused problem. It helps to have a Success Manager, too. 4. Canceling orders was my "quick solution" to buyer problems. I see this too when I am acting as a buyer. As soon as I (the buyer) state that I am unsatisfied, I often immediately get an order cancelation request. I usually reject those, because really, order cancelations should be the last resort, not the first. When a buyer is unsatisfied, the first thing a seller should do is communicate with the buyer to find out exactly why the buyer is not happy. Then, the seller should try to work out a solution with the buyer to make it right. 5. Most of my cancelations are because I took on more than what I could handle. I would misquote the order, not realizing the full scope of the order until after the order was accepted. I now spend more time defining the scope of each project and I'm a lot more selective of what orders I will take on. I can say 'no' if I have to. 6. I should seriously consider shutting down one of my gigs. 100% of my order cancelations (affecting seller stats) have come from one gig. As @rabia_sabir and @coder71 point out, cancelations significantly affect how your gig performs. For me, this one gig has consistently has a cancelation rate of 50% or higher and the cancelations often result in the gig not getting any inquiries for several months. This gig is also the hardest for me to quote accurately because it is so complex. Below are examples of the types of cancelations that have affected my seller stats. (they all seem to be related to not having clear order requirements). I had an unsatisfied buyer (this is my unlimited revision customer who I could not figure out what she wanted) and the rest were all cancelations due to underestimating the scope of the project.
  16. Car stories with pictures ... Thanks for your entertaining stories, @emmaki! I'm glad that you weren't harmed in any of the incidents! Especially that first one where you could've had a head-on collision with that tree! It sounds like the cops were never called on that one (or is it typical for cops to ignore a report)? Thanks for your car stories and pictures too, @imagination7413! I loved the odometer pictures! It seems like both you and @emmaki got into accidents due to bad drivers! Ummm.... I think I have a good idea on which LED emoji you would get!😆 I think you and my husband would get along well. He likes to tease "road rage" drivers, just for fun. When we first got married (before the kids), he was always trying to find the drivers that were impatiently trying to pass other drivers. He would pull up right next to their cars and, after getting eye contact with the driver, would flip them off. He would then take off (checking in his rearview mirror to see if they were following). Most of them did take up the chase and some of them were hard to lose. Some would even follow us off the highway. I hated when my husband did that! Car color and personalities ... @emmaki do you always drive red cars? I noticed both car pictures are red. And @imagination7413, I think I saw a green car and the last one was a white one. Both of your pictures got me thinking about car color and people's personalities, so I read an article by Jason Unrau on Autoguru.com. This is what he said below... does this match your personality? I've been a gray car owner and his description pretty much matches who I am:
  17. Great stories, everyone!!!! Keep them coming!!! 😊 I'll keep checking back on this thread. My responses will probably be in multiple posts. Here's what we have so far: Never got into an accident, BUT before the driving test ... Your story brings back fun memories of learning drive, @zeus777! But did you really have to practice at 3 am? That's way too early! And dark! My driving is always impaired when I drive at that hour! What a way to get your license, @mariashtelle1! 😂 I'm glad you did get it and that you had zero incidents during your first three months of driving (I wasn't so lucky)! Cars that fall apart ... @poshlulla, I had an old car that broke down like that in Wyoming and I never saw it again. I'm glad you and your brother were okay! It could've been very bad, especially since you were very far away from help! Ah, goodbye, trusty old jeep. What a surprise! I'm so glad the windshield popped off when you were wiping it (rather than it coming off while driving)! That would've been a scare! 😲 Better safe than sorry ... I'm glad you chose the safe route and bunkered down! It would've been dangerous if you tried driving in the heavy snow! Your story reminded me of Alaska ... getting "snowed in" was my favorite reason for missing school! ❄️I used to wish for snow days, but as an adult I don't enjoy them as much! Shocking. ... someone who actually uses their turn signals? 😂 Actually, I should be thanking you. I would've gotten into a lot more accidents if it weren't for good drivers like you! Yes @animie_video! You are awesome! And I agree the "no car, no driving" life is the best! @dannykojima1, you've almost listed every danger/disadvantage there is on the road but forgot one - me! Yes, vickieito is very dangerous on the road. 😂 It's good that I don't drive now. Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with that awful racist passenger, but I'm glad you had such a nice bus driver to take care of you!
  18. I can see @vickiespencer and @theratypist both have the "Highly Responsive" badge and the "1 Hour" response time. However, I have a "1 Hour" response time and have never gotten that "Highly Responsive" badge (even when checking my gigs with other browsers). I might be borderline on the 1 hour response time because I do get messages when I sleep.
  19. You're right, @animie_video! It is different. We are actually looking at three things: 1. Highly Responsive Badge (a lightning bolt icon) - this shows up on your gig page, not on the search page. 2. Quick Delivery Badge (a timer icon) - this shows up on the search page, not your gig page (and only if search thinks it's relevant for you). Note: I clicked on a seller to see exactly how quick he was delivering. Apparently, this seller has a 3-day delivery window and can deliver 4 days early!!! No wonder why his customers are "honestly blown away"!😂 3. Repeat Buyers Badge (a trophy icon) - this one appears on your gig page and search (if relevant) and you can track it in your Analytics page. @newsmike, this is the one you were seeing!
  20. And it's not just a badge. It also means your gig will have a chance to be showcased on the first page of search in the "Quick delivery, top quality" section. However, I'm not sure on what criteria they rotate through all the quick response gigs (if it's random, or based on other factors, such as performance or use of top keywords).
  21. We have a lot in common @dannykojima1! I think we were in 4th grade the same time and I wear hearing aids too (since I was 4). The last time I checked my ears I had moderately-severe hearing loss in both ears (but that was 10 years ago). I noticed my ears have been getting pretty bad over the past year, so that's one reason why I've switched from teaching English to Fiverr. It's a lot less stressful.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dannykojima1


      It's never too late to learn ASL, @vickieito! It's weird being a hard-of-hearing kid grew up around the deaf community, I have never thought I was put in this school by my parents. When I first goes to kindergarten class with other deaf kids, I didn't know what was going on. While on the yellow school bus, 2 other deaf kids thought it would be funny to teach me a middle finger sign language during school bus riding on the way home. I was only 6 at the time. Once I turned 10 and moved to Sacramento from Yuba City in 1992, I realized these kids taught me the sign language was bad and I'm glad I never used it on other deaf kid.

      There is no shame to wear hearing-aids. I remember while back in high school during 1999, I met the very same (Vietnamese) kid went to same school with me in Caleb Greenwood Elementary School in 1993. He was too embarrassing to hang out with deaf kids and wearing a hearing-aid. I saw him take off his left hearing-aid and put in his pocket pant before entering the classroom. That was high school year 6 years after we were split from Caleb Greenwood. He didn't recognized me when I saw him walking right pass when he take off his hearing-aids. It just sad for me to see him embarrassed like that to be honest. I'm not quite sure what was his reasons for doing that. Maybe he didn't want his friend to know he was hard-of-hearing? Or wearing a hearing-aid? I don't know. To be honest, I'm glad I didn't have to meet him again because he was always a rude kid and arrogant.

      Most audiologists at Kaiser Permanente Hospital I went to are very nice person. While back in 2018, when I finally got my new (Oticon Bluetooth hearing-aids) from a blonde lady, when she put a hearing-aids on both of my ears after the hearing test. A friend sat there and she saw the audiologist have some tears in her eyes when she asked me if I could hear it. I said "yes" she then wiped her tears. I can tell she was very happy. This really brings joy to me and I can now finally have hearing-aids again after 14 years.

      I used some ASL and ESL mixed, because ASL still little bit new to me. But I'm still learning from YouTube. 🙂

    3. dannykojima1


      @vickieito, I went back to re-read my comment replied I didn't realized I typed "that it is indeed a lot stressful on here". I mean, it is indeed a lot less stressful on Fiverr. LOL. I am so sorry about that. I guess that's why I type way too fast and mess up my grammar! 😂

      Sorry... [Bow]

    4. dannykojima1


      "So I have gone to the audiologists, but I don't think they like working with me because my Japanese is so limited". That's not good, this is why I'm glad I don't live in Japan. I... I mean no offend. But living in the U.S. is nice, because I'm glad to know that there are still some good people like the audiologists and doctors from the hospital near my place take good care of their patients, even during hearing test.

  22. It's been very quiet these last three years living in Japan without a car. I love it! I can get everywhere I need to with just my bike or the train. However, driving on the road was definitely more exciting! Here are some things that made it more interesting for me: I'm a terrible driver - I have wrecked 5 cars in 5 consecutive years. All my fault. 😟 Multitasking drivers - I've been impressed with friends who can drive with one knee while they do other tasks with each hand, such as making a salad and putting on makeup (note, they drive better than me). Road Rage - It doesn't take much to get some people riled up. My husband thinks it's funny to "tease" those people. I think he's crazy. Winter driving - This is the scariest for me! I hate spinning out of control and off the road. One crazy but true driving story: While on a work trip in Chicago, my taxi driver and another taxi driver had some type of issue going on between them while we were driving on the freeway. My driver kept trying to get away, but the other taxi driver would cut in front of us and slam on the breaks. Both drivers kept this up - weaving in and out of 70 mph traffic at very high speeds and stopping abruptly. It was scary! I was sure we were going to crash (either into each other or into other traffic on the freeway) and was pleading for my driver to stop so I could get out. Eventually both taxis did stop and both drivers got out and started to fight. I saw that as my opportunity to quietly escape and get away. Whew! 😅 Now it's your turn! What crazy, funny, or scary driving stories do you have? I'd love to hear!
  23. It sounds like you know exactly what you want! Hopefully you aren't compromising or "settling for less" too often! You're a lucky to have strategic buyers, and to be one yourself! I'm the opposite of you - window shopping feeds my impulse buying, so I have to wear blinders and shop with lists so that I'm not distracted from the goal. Shopping without a list is very dangerous for me!
  24. “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” —Tina Fey

    Happy Saturday! Let's make it happen! 😊

  25. Writing and designing both take a lot of brain power! It can be draining at times. I really struggle with design work if I've done a lot of writing. And I can't write if I'm doing a lot of design work. I'm trying to figure out a way that I can have the brain power and creativity to handle both. 🤔 Hmmm ... think, think, think ...

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