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Status Replies posted by vickieito

  1. Hello everyone, I lost my Fiverr account password and was not able to access it for one month (there were some technical issues). Now, I am not able to reply to anyone in my chat. Is this going to affect my response rate?

    1. vickieito


      Hi @dazonntech, We are just other users of this platform. You'll need to contact Fiverr Customer Service by creating a Help Desk ticket here:


      Or, you can email Fiverr CS at support@fiverr.com. They should be able to help with this issue.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Miss you Vickie! Hope you've been well. :)

    1. vickieito


      Hi Fran! It's good to see you! 💖

      I miss seeing your posts on the forum. I hope that means you're busy working on a lot of fun projects!

      I've been busy working on home projects and helping my kids with their business ideas and getting ready for college. I hope life's good on your end! 😊

  3. Hello everyone! I'm Aleena from Gujranwala. I just joined.


    1. vickieito


      Hi @naveedashraf259! Welcome to Fiverr and the Forum!

      You are a graphic designer but only have one gig picture to show off your skills. You'll need more samples to show buyers your skills. Start by reviewing Fiverr's Help Center on how to set up a good gig here (this is a great step-by-step guide for getting started):


      You should also take Fiverr's free online course for new sellers:


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hello friends
    What are the benefits of seller plus, because so far I have not received any job. Where are the benefits of sellerplus premium?

    1. vickieito


      Hi @meraki_digital,

      The Seller Plus program doesn't bring you more sales - it provides you with tools that can help you have greater insight into your business - such as Advanced Analytics, Keyword Research, and a Seller Plus manager. If you are having a hard time getting business without Seller Plus, the program may not help you. This program is a "nice-to-have," not a necessity. You can do great without it, but the tools are nice and it's also nice to be able to try out beta features before it's rolled out to everyone else on the platform.

  5. Is Fiverr going to contact me if there's an order for my gig?

    1. vickieito


      Hi @serena123serena, if you set up Notifications in your Profile Settings, you will receive notifications when you get an order:



      Just click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and click on "Settings" from the dropdown menu.

  6. @vickieito Please can you check my gigs I can’t get a single order. I started last week . I’m having 133 impressions and 4 clicks. Please need you to check my page

    1. vickieito



      I started last week . I’m having 133 impressions and 4 clicks.

      Hi @nwachukwu12345,

      It took me two weeks to get my first order ....and I didn't nearly have as many impressions or clicks as you. Many people don't get their first order for weeks or even months. And even then, it can take a long time to get your first 10 orders. 

      While you wait, feel free to browse the forum and Help Center to learn how you can improve your gigs, your videos, and your gallery samples. Make sure you are using all of the features that Fiverr does to set up your gigs and profile. Use the 10 FAQs on each gig. Add relevant gig videos that clearly describe your services (and have a strong call to action at the end). I noticed the two videos that you have up don't seem to be related to your gigs, so change that because buyers can see that from Fiverr's search page.

  7. Hey vicki

    i took your tips to my attention and i changed my gig.

    it would be awesome if you could check it out and give me any other advice

    i certainly started reading in the forums but i would love some personal advice.


    thank you alot



    1. vickieito


      Hi @yonatansegev, personal advice is best sought on the forum - just create a post and other sellers can look at your gigs and give you feedback.


      it would be awesome if you could check it out and give me any other advice

      I still think you need a stronger portfolio - before and after pictures are just of you (and clients will want to know that you can help them as well).

      I'd like to see client photos/success stories so that clients can know who you cater to. It looks like you only cater to men, who want to bulk up (so no women, people who want to lose weight, etc.). It's okay to just focus on the niche you've selected - but if you want more clients, it might be helpful to expand to allow for other body types.

      Either way, client success stories will resonate the best with potential buyers.

  8. My fiber id is old from 2017 and I have not done any work. But now I want to use my id. There is no review on my id. In that case can I work with my id? Will I get buyer knock? Or I have to make a new id?

    1. vickieito


      Hi @mhrudro, you should be fine using your current Fiverr ID. I had my Fiverr ID for almost 3 years before I posted my first gig.

      Since your account is older, once you do post your gig, you can potentially hit each seller level faster (e.g., Level 1 within 1 month & Level 2 within 2 months), if you are able to hit all the metrics for each level that quickly.

      It took me a bit longer to hit Level 2 (it took me 3 months from the time I posted my first gig to get to Level 2). However, that was still a month faster than what Fiverr allows for a new account (new accounts have to be active for at least 4 months before reaching Level 2 status).

  9. Hello mrs i need a orders i am new in fiver please help me .


    This is my gig link

    1. vickieito


      Hi @bilandkhan, I took a look at your gig and you are offering background removal services - this is something being offered by 94,669 other sellers on Fiverr. You have a lot of competition.

      In order to build your business, you have to stand out from the crowd. Currently, your gig looks like all the other gigs offering background removal services - try to find ways to make yours unique.

  10. 2. The OP did not ask CS to change the review (which the OP did)

    I can understand if OP was issued a warning, but doesn't make sense to ban the account based on mere inquiry. I mean CS does have the tools to verify the legitimacy of the claims made by the users, so I really don't get why there has to be a ban over a perceived manipulation. This act on part of CS/Fiverr promotes the notion that a user is guilty until proven otherwise and sets a bad precedent as well. Not sure why people aren't pushing back on this one.
    Sorry for posting my thoughts here, I have reached my daily posting limits 😅

    Anyhow, I understand this is how things are right now, but they will only continue to be this way if people accept it as they come (I am referring to blindly accepting rules btw).

    1. vickieito



      I just hope not too many people are impacted every time some random user contacts CS and quotes usernames of these unassuming people followed by the word "review". 

      I think it does. On the main platform - I'll use the word "comment" or "feedback" instead of "review." I also will tell buyers to "look over their orders" just so my messages won't trigger anything related to reviews. So it does feel like we're walking on egg-shells all the time!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. 2. The OP did not ask CS to change the review (which the OP did)

    I can understand if OP was issued a warning, but doesn't make sense to ban the account based on mere inquiry. I mean CS does have the tools to verify the legitimacy of the claims made by the users, so I really don't get why there has to be a ban over a perceived manipulation. This act on part of CS/Fiverr promotes the notion that a user is guilty until proven otherwise and sets a bad precedent as well. Not sure why people aren't pushing back on this one.
    Sorry for posting my thoughts here, I have reached my daily posting limits 😅

    Anyhow, I understand this is how things are right now, but they will only continue to be this way if people accept it as they come (I am referring to blindly accepting rules btw).

    1. vickieito



      This is where the benefit of the doubt has to go to the users, if Fiverr doesn't have the resources to tackle a situation, they can't be issuing ultimatums on the basis of mere suspicions.

      Not really, Fiverr is a business, so they can choose who will work on their site or not. And this isn't "mere suspicion." Just like me marking messages as spam, Fiverr can suspend accounts if the users did actions that they didn't approve of. They don't have to investigate "why" the user did the action, only that it was done.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. 2. The OP did not ask CS to change the review (which the OP did)

    I can understand if OP was issued a warning, but doesn't make sense to ban the account based on mere inquiry. I mean CS does have the tools to verify the legitimacy of the claims made by the users, so I really don't get why there has to be a ban over a perceived manipulation. This act on part of CS/Fiverr promotes the notion that a user is guilty until proven otherwise and sets a bad precedent as well. Not sure why people aren't pushing back on this one.
    Sorry for posting my thoughts here, I have reached my daily posting limits 😅

    Anyhow, I understand this is how things are right now, but they will only continue to be this way if people accept it as they come (I am referring to blindly accepting rules btw).

    1. vickieito



      This act on part of CS/Fiverr promotes the notion that a user is guilty until proven otherwise and sets a bad precedent as well. Not sure why people aren't pushing back on this one.

      I have been in many government, customer, and third-party audits and "guilty until proven otherwise" is a very common stance that many auditors will take, especially the US government. This isn't a problem if you can provide documented evidence of your innocence ... otherwise, they can and will shut down your operations for good.


      I mean CS does have the tools to verify the legitimacy of the claims made by the users, so I really don't get why there has to be a ban over a perceived manipulation. 

      This is really a part of a bigger problem. If all sellers were honest and never manipulated reviews, Fiverr wouldn't have to be so tough on this issue. In reality, there are tens of thousands of sellers who purposely manipulate reviews for their gain. Yes, Fiverr has the tools to verify the legitimacy of each account, but they don't want to spend the time to do a deep analysis on each case - they will use questions like, "Did the seller contact the buyer about the review?" and "Did the seller contact CS about changing the review?" as initial screening questions to narrow down the pool of flagged accounts that they will do a deeper investigation on.

      I do the same when dealing with spam in my inbox - if the buyer only states "Hi there" in the initial message, I often immediately flag the message as spam. Yes, there might be some legitimate buyers who approach their sellers with a "Hi there" but sometimes I get so much spam that I just start marking all "Hi there" messages as spam. I don't want to spend the time to do a deep analysis to see if they are a legitimate buyer, because chances are, they aren't.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. mem i got 202 impression but 0 order and 2 click 


    1. vickieito


      Hi @varshaa_khatri - If you are getting impressions but no clicks, that means Fiverr is showing your gig to buyers but the buyers are not interested enough to click on your gig card. So you have to convince them to do that.

      Make sure your gig thumbnail has 1-3 words that clearly defines your services and is unique so that it'll stand out from all the other sellers who are listing their gigs for the same services.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Hi @vickiespencer! Great job getting your seller intro video done! 👍 Looks professional!

    1. vickieito


      This is still on my to-do list. My video/sound quality isn't the greatest nor is my camera presence. However, since I'm getting regular reminders to post my seller video, I'm going to try to get this done. Great idea to shoot in segments! 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. I have to be more careful about how I spend my posts for the day:


    1. vickieito


      @imagination7413 & @Lena ... is there any way to get my unlimited posting back on the forum? I used too many trigger words in my posts about my Fiverr account getting hacked/shut down (but the posts passed review with no issues found). However, since then, I have been limited to 5 posts a day.

      If it's possible to remove that limit, please let me know!

      If not, I'll just be patient until the post limit falls off again. 😊

      Thanks for your help!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Seller spam is in.cre.dib.le. Losing so much time with reacting to that, alongside the Telegram scammer spam. If this isn't going to get better, or even worse than it already is, Fiverr should really rethink registering accounts, and the response rate system. At least exempt time-proven sellers, who, you know, would not leave an actual potential customer without a reply for too long, from having to react to all that nonsense within 24 hours all the time. Retroactively and automatically restore the response rate if sellers fail to react within 24 hours to a message by someone who is eventually reported for spam, I don't know, but there must be a better system than the current one.


    1. vickieito



      I don't know, but there must be a better system than the current one.

      I agree ... the current system can be really brutal with the amount of newbie seller spam on the platform. It wouldn't be hard to respond if everything was in the same place, but some spam messages are hidden immediately in the spam folder (only to be counted against me).

      My seller success manager confirmed last month that some spam messages (flagged by the platform or marked appropriately by me as 'spam') were still unfairly being counted towards my response rate (so she adjusted it for me). 


      Fiverr should really rethink registering accounts, and the response rate system. 

      I would love this! My efficiency would be so much better without all the interruptions I get every day!

  17. Hi @vickiespencer,

    I'm out of posts for the day:



    On briefs:

    I have my minimum budget for briefs set at $200 and this works better than when I was in the $50-$100 range. I also changed how I approach briefs - I used to submit offers but now I only contact the buyers. This has been really effective for me because usually, the brief lacks detail and the amount doesn't match what I'd like to offer the buyer. I find buyers are just happy that someone actually read their briefs and responded differently (most will just send an offer at their prices).

    By responding to their criteria/requirements, asking questions, and sharing relevant portfolio pieces, buyers often respond and ask me to create custom quotes different from the amount they posted. For example, most briefs are set for $200, but I had a buyer accept a custom offer tailored to their needs at $325.

    I also think you have to limit what types of orders you want to get through briefs. I only plan on getting resume or pitch deck orders and reject/mark everything else as "I don't offer this service" (even if I do have a gig for it).

    1. vickieito



      How is life in Hawaii? I know a family that lives on the big island

      We're on the Big Island, too! It's really nice living here - you get a little of every climate here and I like the laidback lifestyle. There's a strong sense of community here and the kids are really thriving in school. I really hope we can stay here for a very long time!


      I prefer to work with 15,000 words or less. Today I changed my budget to $200.

      The Brief & Match feature is really limited. It would be nice to be able to set different parameters (I also don't like working with a high word count). Hopefully, this new price will attract clients that fit your specs better! 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Am getting impressions and I have a fiver choice badge but my gig is not yet promoted. what could be the issue?

    1. vickieito


      HI @merisenet20 - Congratulations on getting the Fiverr's Choice badge! That really speaks to your seller quality and gives a great boost to your business.


      but my gig is not yet promoted. what could be the issue?

      Promoted Gigs is VERY fickle, because it not only looks at your score, it compares it to other sellers in your vertical. It's also heavily influenced by the private reviews, which you'll never see. Even buyers that leave you 4 or 5 star reviews can give you negative private reviews, which can affect your account for 90 days or more.

  19. between 16 October to 26 October  , I face 3 Order cancellation  within 10 days.

    Due to overload of work i was unable to finish job within given time so it was reason od order cancel .

    after this period i don't face any cancelation and not i made any changings in my gig . a 6 month ago i just changed my gig description and image.


    Know i don't know why still it is in de drank period.

    1. vickieito



      what is will helpful for my gigs?

      Promoted Gigs usually don't help if you aren't already visible in search. You could try it though, and stop after the $10 is used up.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. between 16 October to 26 October  , I face 3 Order cancellation  within 10 days.

    Due to overload of work i was unable to finish job within given time so it was reason od order cancel .

    after this period i don't face any cancelation and not i made any changings in my gig . a 6 month ago i just changed my gig description and image.


    Know i don't know why still it is in de drank period.

    1. vickieito


      How have your orders changed during this same period of time? Have orders drastically fallen or have they remained consistent during this time?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. between 16 October to 26 October  , I face 3 Order cancellation  within 10 days.

    Due to overload of work i was unable to finish job within given time so it was reason od order cancel .

    after this period i don't face any cancelation and not i made any changings in my gig . a 6 month ago i just changed my gig description and image.


    Know i don't know why still it is in de drank period.

    1. vickieito


      Hi @aliking_786 ,


      i don't know why still it is in de drank period.

      I'm not sure why, either - you are delivering orders consistently and quite frequently. Order cancelations fall off your record after 60 days and negative reviews (private ones) can affect your profile for 3 months or longer. However, the more good reviews that you get, the better your gigs should perform in search.


      between 16 October to 26 October 

      How have your impressions, clicks, and orders changed from the end of October until now?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. HI there I read your answers of the seller question and realize you are a  helpful man. I have the same problem if you have time please check my Fiverr account


    1. vickieito



      you are a  helpful man.

      I'm actually a woman. 😉


      I have the same problem

      Can you clarify what this problem is? I've helped multiple sellers with different problems.


      please check my Fiverr account

      Here's some feedback that I have for you:

      1. Please proofread and correct your errors in your bio, gig descriptions, and some of your gig images.

      2. I love seeing your face on the gig images - as for the text, however, you have too many words on each gig image (you only need 2-5 words clearly describing your services). Buyers only have a few seconds to decide if they will click on your gig.

      3. Consider adding gig videos for all your gigs. According to Fiverr, it increases buyer engagement by 40%. I found gig videos to be very helpful for my gigs.

      4. When you write your gig descriptions and your FAQs, you seem very focused on the technicalities of what you will do. Don't forget also to speak to the buyers' heart - what pain point will you be solving? Why are you the solution? What can you offer that no one else offers?

      5. You could add more images and PDFs to your gig galleries. Consider moving a lot of the content on the gig thumbnail onto several images in your gig gallery.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  23. Respected vickieito

    i need help about my gig ranking


    more then 90 days are going to spend , nut only two to three new customers was coming.   but my old customers was placing orders again and again.   nut any new customer.     main thing is that my gigs are not on ranking page , they are not showing in search results. if make a filter then they are showing . 



    so i like your friendly communication so please vickieito help me. please

    1. vickieito


      Hi @aliking_786,


       i thought i is manual . but more then 90 days are gone pass and no new customers are coming

      There are some times when you will only be working with repeat customers (and no orders seem to come from new sellers).


      my old customers was placing orders again and again. 

      I think it's wonderful that you got 20 orders in 15 days! Treat your repeat customers like gold because it's them who will carry you through the slower periods of time like now.


      i need help about my gig ranking

      What have you done up until this point to increase your visibility in search? Have you made any updates or changes?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Hey Ashley! Long time no see! How are things going?

    1. vickieito


      I saw that! I saw you were posting and sending private messages, too. I guess you have more privileges than I had when I became a forum Grand Master! Maybe because you've hit the 1-year mark now? You should see what limits you have, if you have any.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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