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Status Replies posted by vickieito

  1. Hey Ashley! Long time no see! How are things going?

  2. Hey Ashley! Long time no see! How are things going?

    1. vickieito



       is there a "posting limit"

      Hi Ashley - you get 5 posts/emails and 1 status reply & 1 status update. I can talk with you here because you can still use emojis to respond to me when you are post-limited (you can't do that in private messages)!


      I got my 1 year badge now! Woot Woot! I'm moving up in the Fiverr Forum 🙂

      Lol! You're too funny! I do miss your woots!


      Did you get my message about the image editing offer that I got?


      Yes, it was definitely spam! There's been a lot of spam lately.


      So, you're officially a top dog on the forum now. Does that mean you get to make forum choices and actions (reporting posts, moving posts, stuff like that)

      Anyone can report posts (even you)! And these badges are really meaningless - it just means that I've spent too much time on the forum!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hello Fiverr,
    I want to inform you with great sadness that for many months there is no order in my account as before. I am very worried that no order is coming to my gig. Is there any problem with my gigs can you help me with this? My financial situation is very bad right now I need a lot of work in my Fiverr, which earlier I had a lot of work in my Fiverr but now I have no work in my Fiverr. I can't figure out where my main problem . Can you help me in any way? I will be very thankful if Fiverr gives me any guidance on what to do and how to get more clients.

    Thank you

  4. Hy Dear, 

    I'm Designer sizan .Glad to meet you. Have a nice day.I am a Graphic Designer & i have a lot of experiences in this sector.I am trustworthy, fast and hard worker.My Expertise are Adobe illustrator, Adobe PhotoshopEtc and I can make Any Logo, Business card, Flyer, Banner, poster etc.If you want any kind of design please let me know. I think i can help you to create your design.Don't be hesitate if you have any question.Looking for your soonest reply.

    You can check my portfolio : https://www.behance.net/designer_sizan
    And aslo my fiverr account : https://www.fiverr.com/designer_sizan

    Thank you 


  5. Hy Dear, 

    I'm Designer sizan .Glad to meet you. Have a nice day.I am a Graphic Designer & i have a lot of experiences in this sector.I am trustworthy, fast and hard worker.My Expertise are Adobe illustrator, Adobe PhotoshopEtc and I can make Any Logo, Business card, Flyer, Banner, poster etc.If you want any kind of design please let me know. I think i can help you to create your design.Don't be hesitate if you have any question.Looking for your soonest reply.

    You can check my portfolio : https://www.behance.net/designer_sizan
    And aslo my fiverr account : https://www.fiverr.com/designer_sizan

    Thank you 


  6. Impressions are literally going down!!! :classic_sad::classic_sad::classic_sad:

  7. Didn't receive any single brief How can I get brief and how many dollars to  ‍set?

    1. vickieito


      Hi @shamiulgfx, I didn't get briefs for the first two months when I had the "Get Brief" options turned on. Then I started to get many briefs, but they weren't relevant. After 2 weeks of training the AI to send me briefs, it started to send me 2-3 relevant briefs a day. I currently have it turned off because I'm getting enough orders through organic search that I don't need briefs.

      Here are some things you need to know about briefs:

      1. I didn't get briefs for two months with my minimum set at $50. Once I changed it to $150 I started to get more orders. Others on the forum have the opposite. They started with a $100 minimum and then started to get briefs at a lower rate. Play around with the prices to see where you start to get offers.

      2. If you think briefs will be like buyer requests, think again. For buyer requests, 50+ sellers could make an bid on one buyer request. Briefs are different in that there will only be 1-2 matches at a time for each brief. This means significantly less sellers will see a brief. You should not depend on briefs to get orders. Instead, focus on becoming visible in Fiverr's search so that you can get orders through organic search.

      3. Although some forum members are complaining that only higher leveled sellers are seeing briefs, this is not the case. New sellers and Level 1 sellers are also getting briefs.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. How many days after publishing the gig shows in the search engine?  My gig is active but can't find it!

  9. Hello!
    I am so happy to see that how you helping other sellers by giving your suggestions about their gigs. Can you please check my gigs and give me your expert suggestions because as a New Seller I am always looking to learn from experts to get success on fiverr. 

    Please have a look on my gigs and give me your expert suggestions. 

    Thank You!

  10. Hi, I am new here. How do i get my first order on Fiverr?

  11. Getting Impressions more than 7k and Clicks more than 100 but no orders or messages. 

    1. vickieito


      Only for a couple of days, then it should climb back up. You should always monitor to make sure the changes you make have a positive effect (e.g., for you, this is getting more orders). If you see less impressions but more orders, that's a good thing.

      HIgh impressions (and no sales) might mean you're being shown to buyers who aren't really looking for your services. In that case, it's better to update your gig so that you get the right audience.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Recently, I have lost my level 1. How can I get again ?


  13. How important is test taken after publishing a gig on Fiverr?

    Fiverr forum post 01.jpg

  14. Getting Impressions more than 7k and Clicks more than 100 but no orders or messages. 

    1. vickieito


      That means you are getting seen by buyers, they are looking at your gigs, and deciding not to order from you or talk to you.

      This means you need to update and make changes to your gigs so that they are attractive and appeal to your target customers.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. How do I respond to a Fiverr security question?

  16. How do I price my gig on Fiverr?
  17. Hi everyone.

    How is turned you on Fiverr forum? Already I spent the time 20 hours in this platform. You can suggest it is enough for me? 


    Thanks 👍

  18. Mustafa Airouta from syria.. 

    Looking for a job to earn money and get experience, I'm a photographer, photo editor, video editor, I'm good at translation, data entry, excel entry and I'm good at Microsoft programs, you can check my resume.. 


  19. Suddenly, buyer brief notifications totally come to stop  from 5 days ago, but why?Capture.thumb.JPG.d35db47e1246879919f0a11b34d50ed9.JPG

  20. @vickieito can you review my restaurant menu design gig and give suggestions to make necessary changes in my gig to get orders

  21. Hi dear @vickieito

    Can you help me to rank my gig again? How can I rank again my gig on 1st page? You're really a helpful person. I'm really grateful to you. Thank you. 

    May this season be full of light and laughter for you and your family & sorry for being late.


  23. Impression Impression Impression!!!!!!

    I am active always on fiverr and then a few time marketing my gig. But I cannot get impression My impression is more than 800. When my Impression is 800 one/two buyer knock me then down My impression 400/300/200. I will follow al statergy. I am depressed. Just I need impression How to get many impression just tips me please. Advance thanks

  24. Everyone to welcome my gig ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️..

    I am new in the fiverr.

    I know one day i will be success. 🌿🌿







  25. Hi, I recently got a level one seller badge on Fiverr but still, my gig got de-rank and it got to the last page a few days back it was on the first page I don't know what to do.

    Can you help me with what to do?

    Screenshot (56).png

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