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Status Replies posted by vickieito

  1. My gig has 105 impressions and 18 clicks O_O I am unavailable until next month omg where are these impression and clicks coming from I thought Fiverr hides my gig if I am unavailable 

    aaaa I am panic there's people that wanna buy but I am unavailable 

  2. I'm going to see if I can do this while post-limited...

    @nomuffinsforyou, you had a question on orders in queue. Basically, when a buyer places an order AND fills out the order requirements the timer on the order starts. That's why I moved my delivery times to two weeks for resume orders even though I can complete most in 2 days. I had to, because there was a time I was getting 11 orders a day (all with the same delivery dates). Other things you can do is extend the delivery dates for each order, have the buyers hold off on submitting their order requirements until you are ready to get started, or limit the orders in queue.

  3. Hi vickieito. I followed your tips on "Post a Request" via Fiverr, and I'm not sure how did I not see that by clicking on the top drop menu on top right corner. And again, thank you so much for being helpful! You're the best, vickieito! 🙂

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