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Everything posted by rawque_gulia

  1. Did you even read what I said above? Did I say that buyers are not able to cancel the order? Yes, buyers are able to cancel the order, but according to the Fiverr policy, you have every right to ask for compensation from Fiverr if the work done was 100% as per the requirements. In these cases, Fiverr compensates you from their own funds and bears the loss. So, in simple words, you already have some sort of insurance in place.
  2. It's a scam. Do not scan anything and never share your personal information or credit card information with anyone who approaches you through the inbox. -------------------------- @Kesha Kesha, it's been about ~6 months since this spam has been going around. People are putting "Fiverr" and "Support" in their username and scamming others. Could you please pass this to the website technical team to address? It’s hardly a 20-minute job and about 50 lines of code. Sorry for the hard words, but this is about the livelihood of people. Scammers are coming and taking away the entire hard-earned income of sellers (from their bank). If the billion-dollar company doesn't have capable developers, I can provide contact numbers of some friends who can help them with that 50 lines of code. The way these problems are still persisting makes us question the capability of the Fiverr team. 3/10 for website developers from me!!!
  3. Fiverr has banned you -- which means they do not want you to interact with the platform at all. So, no, you can not use that balance to order something on Fiverr. After the account suspension, you are neither allowed to sell nor buy. You can only withdraw the balance into your bank account, and that is all!
  4. I would say that the decline in orders may have more to do with your "expertise" and "performance" rather than AI. Yes, AI is impacting many jobs, but it has not even fully entered the 3D animation field yet. Search "3D animation" in the search field and compare yourself with those who are appearing on the top pages. You will likely notice a significant difference in the quality of thumbnails and animations, so maybe try making some improvements in your services. For instance, here is a screenshot of two of your gigs that are related to '3D animation'. However, the animations you added appear to be very low quality and look completely 2D at first glance. Also, 3D animation is a very vast field, so try targeting a specific market or audience instead of just saying, "I will create a 3D animation." Another example: This is one of your gigs, and the textures appear to be 256x256. I mean, it's 2024, and if you're providing such low-quality textures for $80 (upper price segment), it's unlikely that anyone will place an order.
  5. There's already a policy. It's just that many sellers are not aware of it, as most think that reading the lengthy Terms of Service pages is a waste of time. However, in reality, it's not. Fiverr policy clearly states that orders are not eligible to be canceled if the service was rendered as described in the requirements. Even if the quality of the work was poor, it can not be canceled based on that -- as long as it was created according to the client's requirements. Below is the section from the 'Payment Terms' page: Sometimes customer support fails to understand your work, as it's not necessary that they are familiar with your field and services. So, you have every right to make a well-written report with evidence to prove to customer support that the work was as per the client's requirements. This way, you can potentially get compensation for that canceled order.
  6. VPN is not even against Fiverr's terms at all. It's nowhere written that using a VPN is a violation. Even customer support "only recommends" not to use a VPN. However, there's a difference between "recommended to not use" and "not allowed to use." So, banning based on using VPNs (if the tabs were open in the background) doesn't make any sense. If the user is accessing Fiverr using a VPN to fake their location, that's a different story, and I never support this behavior and understand that it's against the terms. But here, I am only referring to situations where a person is using a VPN, and the tabs are open in the background. The main issue seems to be that customer support is very confident in the decisions made by their AI algorithm, which can be false on many occasions.
  7. You have done nothing wrong and it's just the algorithm. As we all know, the algorithm compares you with other sellers within your category and accordingly defines if you're a good seller or a bad one and where you stand in the competition. Earlier, when you were Level 1, you may have been at the top of your competition. But now, after being promoted to Level 2, you're entering a new crowd and a new competition. It's not necessary that you're still on top of the competition. Now, you're being compared with new people whose stats may be better than yours. You can't do anything other than wait and keep delivering good results. Give some time for the algorithm to settle your gigs in the new crowd, and from your side, do your best in your active orders.
  8. Hey, it's a SCAM. Thank goodness your bank didn't allow this transaction -- or else the scammers could have emptied your account by now. Report the person who sent this QR code or link, as they are not official customer support. Customer support never approaches you through the inbox to ask for any personal details (including credit card information). Also, your account is not suspended as I can access your gig and profile without any issues. For any questions regarding your account, you can try reaching out to real customer support: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets
  9. @javedstar22 Most of the time, Fiverr flags accounts due to the connection with other disabled accounts (meaning if you had any other account in the past). There could be other reasons as well, but this is usually the reason for the flagging. Many times, we have seen people on the Forum getting flagged (due to false warnings from the algorithm) and then unflagged, so try requesting customer support to review this once again (even if they tell you that the decision is final -- which is just a copy-paste automated message) -- only if you're confident that you have not violated any terms and did not have any other account in the past.
  10. 🍎 -- Only for three reasons: 1. Security 2. Premium feel 3. Seamless connection across all Apple products (so paying extra for that ecosystem feels worth it)
  11. That's the thing! The most customer support (or you) can do is get the order cancelled. Customer support can't force the buyer to accept the order because the buyer is the one paying for it, and it's against the Terms of Service and even the law to force someone like that. The buyer has paid for the service and now has the right to take the time to review it. And of course, cancellation wouldn't be a smart move, so why not just leave the order as it is and wait until the buyer either accepts it or requests real changes.
  12. Who was "them"? Are you sure you were interacting with the real customer support? Fiverr never asks for your personal information (including credit card information). There's a scam going around where scammers message sellers in their inbox and ask for credit card information. Did someone pretending to be customer support message you? Can't say for sure until you clarify. I recommend you write a ticket to the real customer support here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets
  13. Firstly, it's against the forum rules to mention the buyer's username. And actually, no, he is not wasting your time, and this is not impacting your gigs. Sometimes buyers indeed need some time to review the order. They have their business to run and this delay can be for any reason -- maybe they're stuck with investors or team, busy with another project, or dealing with health issues (like in this case). It's completely okay to give them the time they need to review the order. If the project is stuck for a month or two, that's a different story, but keeping the project in the active or revision stage for a few days is completely fine. And if you think practically, it's not wasting your time in any way because you've already completed the order and you are not actively working on it. You will just receive your funds a little later, and that's it. Try to put yourself in the buyer's shoes and think accordingly. If you had invested "x" amount of your hard-earned money, wouldn't you want proper time to review the order? It's their right, and nothing else can be (or should be) done other than cooperating with them.
  14. As per the 'Payment Terms', buyers are allowed to cancel the order up to 14 days after order completion, but we have seen cases on the forum where people have reported that their orders got canceled even after a month or two. There's always a risk with every order and every buyer, but if you're starting to get a feeling that the client is a red flag, refrain from working with them.
  15. Completely agree! Even for the algorithm, it wouldn't be difficult to identify who is working as an individual and who is working as an agency. Honestly, it already knows that! If 90% of people are delivering an average of 1 logo per day, and on the other hand, others are delivering 20 logos per day, it's clear that those are outsourcing the work. Fiverr should definitely consider this while comparing us with those agencies. Still not sure what the solid reason for this is. No customer support will provide wrong information, so contradicting their statement (who knows internally how the algorithm functions) by us (who are just assuming things) doesn't add up! But yeah, everyone is welcome to share their point of view!
  16. To be honest, it's best that the info is hidden -- otherwise, the entire marketplace will go into trash. Everyone will start downgrading their prices to fit those brackets to avoid any competition with high-level/high-priced sellers. It's best for us that certain aspects of the algorithm remain untransparent (to keep the entire ecosystem balanced). I think you missed the second part of my message. Yes, they have not revealed the price brackets, but they have certainly confirmed that they take prices into consideration. So, saying that "they compare everyone regardless of the price" directly contradicts customer support's statement (which knows better than us), I guess.
  17. Fiverr definitely considers pricing when comparing you with your competitors. Of course, it won't compare a $5 seller with a $500 seller. This has already been confirmed by Customer Support today when I reached out to them regarding a cancellation query. Source: Customer Support
  18. The best thing would be to stay quiet, keep working and strictly follow the Terms of Service in the future. TOS are no joke and Fiverr is very strict nowadays. This TOS violation (that you just did) may result in a permanent suspension without any prior warning. Reaching out to customer support won't help because "Fiverr was slowing my PC" won't be a justifiable excuse for what you just did -- even if that's true! By doing this, you will only bring yourself into the spotlight and face major setbacks that you definitely won't want. And since you were at fault, just hope for the best and be prepared to face whatever consequences you have to face. Good luck! 💫
  19. It's never recommended to make many changes at once. Whenever you make any change, it's recommended to wait 3-4 weeks as it takes Fiverr some time to go through your edits and update the algorithm. Also the question is, how did your gig impressions drop? Have you conducted any self-analysis on your profile, orders, and interactions with clients to see where things went wrong? There could be three reasons for your dropped impressions: 1. Did the impressions drop after you edited your gig? If yes, consider reverting the changes to the old ones. 2. If your impressions dropped overnight (without you touching the edit button), then there's a high chance it's due to a negative private review from a buyer. Scroll through your order chats again (to the time when your impressions dropped) and analyze if you faced any conflicts with any client or if there was any dissatisfaction in chats from the buyer. This won't restore your ranking but will help you improve yourself in future orders. 3. Since you're a seller with just 39 reviews, there's a possibility that you were on a 'temporary boost' from Fiverr as it wanted to give you an opportunity to get some sales. Now that boost may have ended, and you're back to normal impressions. And, since you're selling very generic gigs (like removing background and fixing images), you may not be getting many impressions because the market is flooded with such gigs. Also, not to mention that after the AI tools, there are fewer buyers demanding these gigs.
  20. Why do you want to spend the maximum amount of time online in the first place? To get more orders? That's a myth, and being active doesn't guarantee orders. I only open my Fiverr when there is a message notification or if I have to give updates/deliveries, and that proves that staying online doesn't give you any sales. Your 'response time' (less than 1 hour) is enough to give clients an understanding that you're active and responsive in chats, so you do not need that shiny 'online' badge on your profile. So, get a life, spend time with friends and family. Come online if there is a need, and do not follow the wrong and fake advice that staying active gives you orders. Good luck! 💫
  21. /search/gigs?query=logo&page=21 This is the URL that is used to filter pagination. Even if you change the direct URL or try other workarounds, you can only access "21 pages" (only 1 more than the 20 that is normally available). Getting access to more than 21 pages is simply not possible as it doesn't exist in the system (in the frontend -- of course, things could be configured in the backend).
  22. You can not use the PayPal account of any other user (your brother in this case), and the credentials on the Payment Providers app must strictly contain your information (the information you provided to Fiverr). So, it is strictly against Fiverr's TOS, and there is a high chance that it will result in a direct account suspension without any warning. The probability of getting banned in these cases is 1000%. The algorithm is very smart, so it's not possible to trick it or avoid the ban.
  23. Getting a badge doesn't directly improve the impressions or performance of your gig. There are multiple factors involved, so it's hard to give a definitive answer. But looking at how the algorithm functions, it can even make things more difficult after getting promoted to a new badge. Since Fiverr evaluates your performance and success score by comparing it with your competitors in your category, so if you're a New Seller, it would be easier (not really easy, but at least a bit easier than other levels) for you to dominate your niche, since most of your fellow sellers will be low-quality sellers, spammers, scammers, etc. (since this is how the marketplace is flooded). By getting promoted to Level 1, Level 2, or Top Rated, you will start competing with more skilled, more experienced, and more passionate people, which will be harder to compete with. So, no, getting promoted doesn't necessarily improve your sales. In fact, you will find multiple topics on the forum where sellers stated that things were going very well on their end, but after getting promoted, impressions dropped (which could be due to the reason I stated above).
  24. My actual point here is not to contest anything, but to prove that you and I are in the same boat. I just saved myself over 500 hours over these three years.
  25. Absolutely, if my barber gives me a free facial for 5 months (since I go to the salon once per month), it will make it a habit to expect that every time. Also, what's your take on my previous comment about working 547 hours extra?
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