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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. I think, everything you asked here is already written on the article.
  2. Hi. Please, read this article. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404324058513-Top-Clients
  3. So, contact customer support about it. Next time, hide the username. Here in the forum, it's not allowed to call out member with their username. Forum Rules #3
  4. Hi. Why can't you report the person? You can contact customer support and provide all evidence you have.
  5. What keyword did you use in search? I see only a gig on your profile. And if I search your title I find it.
  6. Hi there. Your last delivery was a year ago, which means that your performance is bad. That's why your gig does not appear in the search. I would suggest that you update your gigs first so that Fiverr knows your gigs are live again. Then, it might appear on the search again. And try to turn all inquiries you get into an order.
  7. No need to bother CS for a paused gigs. You can activate it by yourself as @md_imran5722screenshot.
  8. Hi there. These are absolutely a spam. And you can report it as spam. Communicate out of Fiverr platform is also against Fiverr ToS. So be carefull. As you are new here, you will receive a lot of spam at the beginning. Another thing, you cannot call out Fiverr members by their username here on the Forum. Forum Rules #3.
  9. If you search for someone who provide the services, you can search gigs on Fiverr. Not here in the Forum.
  10. Hi. I am not in that niche. But I play music and do voice record sometimes. I am used to Fl studio. But for voice record, I prefer Audacity.
  11. Fiverr zoom meeting is OK. It you are a leveled seller and you meet the criteria, then you have it in the inbox. If not you can have access to the zoom meeting through an order. Read this.
  12. That's not true. They can upload pdf file even more than 10mb. Just tell your buyer to send the file on Fiverr. And tell them also that sharing personal information is against Fiverr ToS.
  13. Short answer is No. My question is why can't they share their requirements on Fiverr? Ask your buyer to send the requirements on Fiverr.
  14. Hi. You should be careful. Do not open a link that seems suspicious. You can also increase the security on your computer and browser.
  15. You will get a refund after cancelling the order.
  16. When you meet the criteria for level 1, then you will get it. https://www.fiverr.com/levels
  17. Hi. I am not a great graphic designer. So I will not comment on your gallery pictures. These pictures seem OK to me. But regarding your description, using "we" and "us" might be confusing for buyers who see your gigs. Well, I would suggest you to improve your gig description. Another thing; the "unlimited revision" attracts more spammers than real buyers.
  18. So, Have you already had another account that was banned apart from this one?
  19. Hi. I had never had an issue about zoom call before. But last week, one of the buyers who contacted me wanted to have a call with me. I sent the Fiverr zoom call. And he said that he did not get the zoom link.
  20. This is strange. I've never faced the same issue. I don't know the others. But I would suggest you to ask Customer Support about it.
  21. Isn't there anything on "Payment being cleared"? (I used Fiverr mobile App in the attached file)
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