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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. I would suggest you to ask the Customer support about it. There are a lot of people who have joined Fiverr recently and have the same issue.
  2. This is most probably because of your performance. The buyer who gave you 3 stars a month ago may leave a private negative review. The way you fix it, for now, is to work with your repeated buyer, or get buyers organically without promotion and make them happy for the service you provide. So that your performance increases.
  3. Hi. If you haven't started yet the project, and you contacted the CS to cancel the order before something, then it does not affect your completion rate. Read the articles below.👇 https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/17120664805521-Reviews-for-canceled-orders- https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/12864193979793-Cancellations The best solution is the request to order feature for seller plus members only. In this case, buyers should contact you before ordering.
  4. michmikaia


    You do not have any active gig yet.
  5. Hi there. It's better to ask Fiverr Customer Support about the reason why your seller account is not approved.
  6. And it does not even help you to get any single order. 🤔. Stop giving such a wrong advice.
  7. If you receive this kind of messages, mark them as spam.
  8. If you do not receive the email next week, you can contact the customer support.
  9. Nice design. I offer mechanical engineering services services too here on Fiverr. So, you are more specialized in large machine design.
  10. This is is a waste of time. If you do not reply messages, edit/improve your gig or deliver your works, then, there is no need of staying active. Instead, use that time to learn new things or improve your skills.
  11. Indeed. This is very risky. And it's very hard for Fiverr to protect OP in a such situation.
  12. If it's your channel, I would not recommend to put the link into your gig or profile description because there is your personal information in your channel. And putting your own channel link on your gig description or profile description is like promoting your channel even if it's not your intention.
  13. Hi. Why didn't you use Fiverr message for communication? You violated Fiverr terms of services and it's hard for Fiverr to protect you in this case.
  14. @Yoav.M, Can you give more information to @lutfor13?
  15. It is said "access any available or pending clearance funds for withdrawal". Correct me if I am wrong, but it does not mean that you can withdraw the existed funds you have. If I understand it well, you only have access to the earning funds and if you have an ongoin project and pending clearance, you will still get it after clearance into your earning. But you cannot withdraw it until Fiverr has made a decision.
  16. Hi. If your account is under review, you cannot withdraw your funds until the decision has been made as the CS said.
  17. If you haven't taken the advantages of getting orders after a few weeks of creating your gigs, then your impression and clicks decrease. I would suggest you to re-work and improve your gigs. Speaking of which, what is the difference between your 2 gigs? I think these gigs are quite similar even if the tilte and the details you describe in description. If you offer the same services in the 2 gigs, you should delete one of these gigs. Duplicate gigs is not allowed here on Fiverr.
  18. Hi. Unfortunately, these spams are unavoidable especially for newbie. Sometimes, Fiverr mark it as spam automatically, but you can do it by yourself too.
  19. Getting order should not be hard for you. You have skills in digital marketing and SEO. So, I think you can figure out by yourself the reason why you get less order.
  20. Hi. Just search for the brand or company you worked with, and if it's on the Fiverr database, then you can see it.
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