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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. I think the issue is on the price you set. You have a gig of $5 for the basic and $15 for the premium. And you send an offer almost 30times of the price you set. But you can ask for clarification from CS.
  2. That's why I said that your work has already done. And you said that you have sent a video guide about it. So you should not worry about it. If your client have issue in setting up the software in the future, they will contact you. Then, you can send an offer for the help and do the call through the order.
  3. Exactly, you do not have it in your inbox. But you have it in order page. So you should have an active order, in order to have access to this feature.
  4. We can only use Fiverr zoom meeting for any call or sharing screen on Fiverr. We cannot use google meet. You will get warning for this. If you are sure that you delivered properly your work, with a video guide as you said, then your work is done.
  5. A few days. As new seller, Fiverr temporary boost your exposure on the marketplace
  6. Log in with your payoneer account and you will see the link of customer support help on the right side. Then choose the live chat if you need a quick assistant
  7. Do you mean, you have an issue with your Payoneer account? If your Payoneer account is already approved then you will receive funds from Payoneer after 3-5 business day. But if your Payoneer account is not approved, and you have already withdrawn your funds from Fiverr, then it should return back to Fiverr. By the meantime, it's better to contact Payoneer Customer via live chat to get a quick assistance about your concern.
  8. What? If you have a difficulty to explain your issue, it's better to add some screenshot in order for us to understand it and providing to you the answer.
  9. Use your skills of digital marketer.
  10. Top rated is not like getting level 1 and level 2. It's a manual vote. Meaning that there are some hidden criteria that only Fiverr team knows including your BSR. Just keep the good work. If you are elligible for TRS, then you'll get it.
  11. You will not get impression and clicks immediately. It needs a few days for your gig to be in search and get a temporary boost.
  12. You might get a private negative review. That's why there was a drop in your perfomance. But, I want to say that having your gig on the search, even if it's on the 20th page is OK. Especially in your niche. There are some gigs that do not even appear in the search.
  13. You can ask your buyer to review your past work. But, you cannot ask buyer for a specific review. Do not press your buyer to leave review. If not, they will probably report you for spamming. Anyway, it's totally up to buyers to leave a review or not. You cannot force them.
  14. If you want to create another gig, you should delete one of the gigs you have.
  15. You have already had an active gig. Which means that your account was approved.
  16. If you are elligigble for these features, Fiverr will always notify you. Just wait and keep the good work.
  17. Do you mean, client couldn't make payment?
  18. I see you have an active gig. That's why you get an order.
  19. Wait for a few more hours and try again. If that waiting warining appears again, then it's better to get help from CS.
  20. Do you mean, you haven't verified yet your phone number? You have to wait 24h then.
  21. Due to this long break, Fiverr push back your gig. To make it appears again in search, I would suggest you to update your gigs so that Fiverr knows that your gigs is live again.
  22. Hi there. If I really understand, that client needs an invoice. Is that right? If so, I think this article can give you some information. 👇 https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012004977-Invoice-FAQs
  23. I think, everything you asked here is already written on the article.
  24. Hi. Please, read this article. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404324058513-Top-Clients
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