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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. You still get an impression and clicks, which means that buyers still see your gigs. But, it seems that buyers see your gig on the search, but they do not want to click on it to see the details. So, as @khansawaqar150said, spend time to update, and improve your gigs. In fact, As your performance drops, it will take time for your gig to get on track again. If you have repeated buyers, then that helps you too. I am not saying to beg for work from your previous buyers as it's spamming. But if they need your services again, then do it to increase your sales.
  2. I am not sure. But there are some who got this boost more than a month. Like OP. Probably I should say a "few weeks" 🤣. Exactly. But, I think it's OK if new sellers take advantages of the boost they have.
  3. Hi. Fiverr gave a boost to a new gig to be on the first page temporary. After a few months or so, that gig will be like the other gigs in your niche. Fiverr ranks it according to its performance. As long as your gig impresses buyers and get clicks, which means that your gig is on Fiverr marketplace and it's searchable. Always keep the good work. Good luck.
  4. Hi. How about your impression and clicks? Do you receive messages from new buyers or not? I think the reason why you got less order is that sellers in the same level as you in your niche are doing better than you. And seeing your performance for this year, it's quite bad. So
  5. It's quite hard to guess why your seller account is not approved. You can ask the Customer Support about the reason.
  6. Staying active for 18 hours is a waste of time if you have nothing to do on Fiverr. Instead of wasting that time, you can use it to learn new things and improve your skills. You are in the most challenging niche. There are more than 200k gigs about logo design here on Fiverr. That's why it might be hard for you to get your first order.
  7. It does not affect your account. If the brief you got does not match your skills or your price, you are free to reject it. Personally, I do not rely on Brief because neither did the brief I got match my skills nor the price was too low.
  8. You are a level 1 seller not level 2. You will receive a brief if the price you set and your skills is matched with the client's project.
  9. What services do you plan to sell here on Fiverr?
  10. In fact, you can only add your clients brand, company or business name if it's on Fiverr database as @smartdezignssaid. You can ask your clients about their brands, company or businesses; and ask also a permission about adding their brand as your clients. And if it's ob Fiverr database, then you will provide the proof that you worked with that client.
  11. You have 24h to reply all messages so that it will not affect your response rate. And if you receive spams or non-serious messages, you can mark it as spam.
  12. The reason is not really about the price you set. But more likely about your performance. That's why you get less order.
  13. If your client is on Fiverr database, then you can add it with proof. But there are some brands that you cannot add as your clients. You can read this article for more details https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404324058513-Top-Clients
  14. You'll get into trouble for that. Even if the other account is not yours.
  15. You are right that new sellers (most of) have difficulties in setting up their business. But as the other said, we all started as new seller here. That means a lot. But if you have skills, you will surpass that difficulty. The main issue I found is that most of new seller follow the trend. They see or hear that graphic design, for example, is the trend now. But they do not even have any single skill about. Just doing what the others do not doing what they masters.
  16. Is that an active gig or paused gig? Because you do not have any gig yet on your profile. Perhaps your seller profile is not approved yet
  17. On my side, everything is OK. Did you refresh your browser and mobile App and still happen? Do you use an updated App? Try to clean cache and cookies on your browser or logout and login again on Fivsrr.
  18. Fiverr always sends an email about the reason why your account was disable.
  19. Why was your account disabled? As you said "suddenly", it might due to violation of Fiverr Terms of Service. And if that the case, I guess you cannot create another account.
  20. Do you see the N/A on fiverr mobile App or on web browser? And if you refresh your browser or App, is it still N/A?
  21. There is no buyer request anymore.
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