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Everything posted by kendal1747

  1. I believe what she is trying to say is that Fiverr's market starts at 5/10 dollars for someone just starting out. But on the other hand, I believe what she is trying to say is that Fiverr's market starts at 5/10 dollars for someone just starting out. But on the other hand, she is saying that Fiverr is making thousands of dollars. At least that is my take on her comment.
  2. Won't this make it harder for new sellers? Just a thought.
  3. “I guess it comes down to a simple choice. Get busy living or get busy dying.” — Shawshank Redemption
  4. Has anyone heard anything about Fiverr standardizing Commercial Rights?
  5. Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. Jerry Seinfeld
  6. Cancellations will hurt your seller stats, but they are better in my opinion than getting a bad rating. Ratings stay on your profile, but as you do more work cancellations eventually go away. Provided you keep getting good ratings.
  7. I just got an order and tried to answer him. It kept coming back that it did not go through. I sent it 5 times. It finally did get to the buyer and he said don't worry. So he must have gotten all my messages. Gosh, I hope this gets straightened out. We don't need anymore surprises.
  8. kendal1747

    Fiverr App

    Has anyone experienced a problem with the 5err App? I came on here Saturday and my profile said that I was unavailable until the 20th. I am going to go back and check my settings. Maybe I have checked something by mistake to cause this. I checked the app and it shows that I am not available. Not sure about what is going on with it.
  9. I think it depends on what your line of expertise is (What you are selling on Fiverr) that requires you to do a video. I do voice over for videos, so I needed my video like yesterday. Others that are here to proofread or rewrite documents, don't really need one. But on another thought, buyers may want to see who they are doing business with and a short video might accomplish a selling goal. Maybe you could tell a little about how you decided to get into this line of work?
  10. Intelligence and intuition are two very good friends.
  11. Yes, they did. However, they do have an office in New York.
  12. Hi Vickie,

    I just finished my video. May need to tweak it some more, but it took me many hours to look for videos and learn to use imovie and premier pro. Putting my audio to the videos was a challenge to say the least.

    Hope everything is going well for you.

    All the best,


    1. vickieito


      I love it, Kendall! Great job putting together your video! It looks so professional now with all the video clips in there. And great job syncing the videos to your voice!

      Now you have a new skill that you can use to make more samples of your voiceovers, if needed. It'll get easier the more you do it!


    2. kendal1747


      Yes, it has gotten easier. Thank you so much.

      How are things going for you? Still covered up with work?


    3. vickieito


      Yes, things are going really well, so I'm working on creating new gigs. It's just taking me forever to set them all up! Hopefully I can start 2023 with my new gigs. ☺️

  13. kendal1747

    Fiverr Secrets

    Sorry, but Fiverr Forum will not get you work. You can learn a lot about Fiverr on this platform though.
  14. We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life. William Osler
  15. If you have not done so, move the little button to on for Briefs. It will turn green. You can locate it by going to your Dashboard, then click on My Business. Under My Business is your gig. Then click on Gig and it will take you to that page and over to the right; you will see Briefs. Click on the button and move it till it shows green which means it is on. You will have to put a price that you will be willing to work for and that is all you do. You may already have done this, but maybe other newbies may not know this. Hope this helps.
  16. Buyer Request is still on my iphone and my IMac desktop. I have not done an update that Fiverr sent. That is probably why it is still on my iphone. I do check it because sometimes you will find a good job. I haven't seen much the past month. So everyone of the buyers or most are probably diverted to Briefs. I will kind of miss Buyers Request. It was always something that I checked every morning when looking for work. Also, there were some good laughs on there too.
  17. Yes, I agree that Fiverr is the best platform. All of them have little quirks from time to time to master, but I do think Fiverr is at the top to get started.
  18. I already filled out a W-9 for them. They have all that information. They are refusing to go look at that. They still want a picture of me with my drivers license.
  19. No, I do not owe the IRS anything and I am not hiding from anyone. I already filled out a W-9 for them, so they can report the income to the IRS. Not one site has asked for a copy of my drivers license with a photo of me holding the license since I have been working for the past 4 years. I did audiobooks on ACX for a year before coming on here. If you have ever had anyone steal your ID, then you would know the harm and trouble that this can lead to. You are left trying to pay off debts that you never incurred (for your info, I do not owe anyone now). The law does not protect the victim. It protects the criminal. Of course there is LIfelock that you can pay to protect your Identity. There is titlelock to protect your home. Something isn't right about this whole mess. People that steal your ID or your home are criminals, and they should be put away for a long time so they can't do it to anyone else. But also the people that make the loans on someones ID or home (be it mortgage companies or just loan companies in general) should be required by law to know who they are lending to. It should not be put on the homeowner or person that their ID was stolen, to make things right. I rest my case.
  20. Well, this is exactly what is happening on Upwork. They are requiring me to give a drivers license and a picture of me holding the license. I have refused to do that because I had some trouble in the past. Now that I have refused to give this personal information, Upwork did block me and I could not even get into my account. They now have unlocked my account, but I am unable to get my money because I did not give them all my information that they asked for. They never asked for it when I joined, but later Freelancer started asking for it and I refused. Then Upwork gave us 30 days to comply. I never have and never will. This is how people get their ID stolen. All that information in one place is not good. I have asked for my money, but they are not budging.
  21. Fiverr is doing away with Buyer Requests. It would be wise to join Briefs and put your price and just wait to be matched with a buyer.
  22. Yes, I agree with you. I think Fiverr has trouble getting around to everyone. I have had a change on my skills words and they have been pending for many months now. I don't understand why they are even questioning E-learning, because I had a company that I did that for when I first came on here. Also they have a question mark beside English. By the way, this is my native country. Maybe because I am from the south that I have a different language or something?LOL Or maybe because I am Cherokee and am speaking it to all my clients. 🕵🔍
  23. Rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle the weight; Tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain.
  24. That is funny. Fiverrlings sounds familiar. Is there a movie that has a similar name in it? Wait, it's Star Wars. The Changelings are the ones I am thinking about. It's "Attack of the Clones", I believe. Great Movie
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