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Everything posted by krheate

  1. Hi there! So your conversion rate is basically - out of all the people that clicked on your gigs, how many of them actually purchased that gig. I remember as a new seller, my conversion rate was pretty low too. You are a brand new seller (as your profile shows that you joined Fiverr in June), so it’ll take time to establish yourself on Fiverr. As for me, my conversion rate began to increase once I received more orders from new buyers. Some things that might help increase your conversion rate: adding to your gig gallery so that the buyer has more visual examples of what they will be purchasing and updating your gig descriptions to make them more appealing to the buyer.
  2. If the promoted option stopped working, that means that you no longer meet all of the requirements. And since your gig isn’t being promoted anymore, that’s probably why your gig is not ranked as high in the search results. Here are the promoted gig requirements: -You are a Level 1, Level 2, or Top Rated or Pro seller. -Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating. -Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs require only 5 reviews. -You meet additional quality metrics.
  3. I do. When I first got Fiverr, I decided to take the PayPal route because I thought it would be the easiest. I've tried to see if there was any way I could withdraw directly to my bank account, but I wasn't able to find an option for that, so I stuck with PayPal.
  4. Ice cream, boba tea, and watermelon are definitely top contenders!
  5. Buyers are not obliged to leave the reviews, and asking for a positive review can result in a warning! And even if they didn’t leave a public review, they could’ve still left a private one.
  6. Haha! I read it with the SpongeBob time card voice 😂
  7. Same! I never really notice what country any of my buyers are from unless I see that there’s a huge time zone difference (for buyers on the other side of the world).
  8. You’ll need 9 more 5-star reviews in order to have an overall review of 5 stars for that gig.
  9. All your gigs are WordPress related, which is one of the more competitive categories, so that's something to account for. I would just work on making your gigs better and see what you can improve on because you had a couple reviews that weren't 5 stars. Check out what your competitors are doing, and try to stand out from them.
  10. Your gigs are in categories with over 10K sellers, meaning you need to find a way to stand out from your competition! In addition, you've only been on Fiverr for 2 months, so it might take some time for you to establish yourself! I would recommend doing some research in the Forum, especially in the Tips for Sellers category, because you can find some important info and key tips on how to become a successful seller. For starters, here's an amazing post that basically covers everything: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  11. Nope, you don’t have to create 7 gigs to get your first order. Although it might help with your chances, it won't be helpful unless you demonstrate that you have quality and experience within each of those seven niches. When I got my first order, I only had like 2 or 3 gigs. Just make however many gigs that you believe will BEST showcase your talents and abilities!
  12. One of the requirements for having your gig selected as a Promoted Gig is that you meet "additional quality metrics". Since you just moved your gig into a new category, Fiverr staff probably has to review the gig again and ensure that you meet the quality metrics within that category. And no, I don't think Customer Support will be able to help with this. Hope this helps!
  13. I would just turn it on. My guess is that it'll notify you if there's any changes to your account or your settings!
  14. Hey Vickie! I haven't been on the Forum in such a long time - is there a new emoji game? I miss that game! 😊

  15. 1. Try to get as fluent as you can in English, as that’s the language that most of my clients speak (could vary for everyone) 2. Don’t say “ma’m” or “sir” or “bro” because it can feel disrespectful for the client. 3. Don’t rush the buyer into placing an order- make sure they know what they want to order first. Sometimes when you keep sending messages like “you can place order now” or “please place order”, it can be annoying to the buyer. 4. Be kind! If you feel yourself getting frustrated, take a second and then respond.
  16. Well, either he blocked you, or Fiverr banned his account (so he can’t be contacted anymore). If he did block you, it shouldn’t have an impact on any visible stats because buyers, and sellers, block people all the time. There could be something behind-the-scenes that maybe occurs when someone blocks you, but nothing happens to your main stats.
  17. Are there any new changes to the Forum? I haven’t been here in a loooooong time 😂

  18. Ohh okay! To add to what @theratypist said, there are ranks on the Forum which you can get by contributing helpfully (keyword: helpfully). For example, just posting random nonsense on the Forum is not what you should do! Currently, spam is the biggest problem in this Forum. FYI, these ranks have absolutely no benefits! They’re just for visual beauty 😁
  19. No! No! No! No! Posting and commenting on the Forum will NOT help you rank your gigs. Well, you get to interact with other Fiverr buyers/sellers and have some fun!
  20. I definitely got more orders after reaching Level 1, but not immediately. Like I didn’t get tons of orders the day after I became a Level 1 seller, but the amount of orders I got started to gradually increase over the next month (and so on).
  21. I’m assuming you’re talking about your profile picture… Perfect varies for everyone, so first try to think of what message you’re trying to give to your potential buyers out there! You could order a logo through Fiverr or you just make one through websites like Canva. BTW, the profile picture that you have right now looks fine. Don’t stress too much about your profile pic (as long as it’s not inappropriate, you’ll be fine).
  22. Hi! I would suggest checking out the Tips for Sellers category for some tips/info on how to improve your gigs and get more orders. Good luck!
  23. Did anyone else notice the new congrats reaction on the Forum?

    I love it, but I just wish it didn’t look exactly like the thanks reaction!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. krheate


      I wish the up/down voting (or just upvoting) could be added to all the sections! I think the up arrow is kinda like an “agree” button. 

      We’ll have to see how useful the up arrow will be! 😅😁

    3. krheate


      Noooo they got rid of the congrats reaction! 😢

    4. maitasun


      Yes, the up arrow is just an agree emoji, but that's all what they're willing to give us 😔, so we need to be creative and work with what we've got. 

  24. I would suggest adding it to your bio! If you're feeling overwhelmed with Fiverr, you can always take a pause for a little and go Out of Office, or you can extend your delivery times. I completely agree with @looseink about education coming first. With a good education, you'll have the chance to pursue many opportunities out there instead of sticking to only Fiverr.
  25. Maybe the buyer had a valid reason. In my case, I was the one initiating the cancellation, so I'm not sure if the buyer received that email. I've had to cancel if the buyer didn't submit the requirements properly, or they accidentally ordered, etc.
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