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About parvez_marketer

  • Birthday 12/16/1999

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  1. Can a user work from different country?
  2. Welcome to the best freelancing platform. Be aware of the fiverr rules.
  3. You are allowed to have only one account in any device.
  4. First, You should learn & be vigilant about fiverr rules and regulation.
  5. you should ask buyer about the work and ask him if you need anything to do his job. congratulation for your first job on fiverr. Hope you will successfully complete the job. Best wishes for you and your future.
  6. Welcome to Fiverr Forum. Best wishes for you.
  7. you should not change anything in your gig when your gig is ranking.
  8. Helping to prepare academic academic work is not allowed on Fiverr. 1st we should know about fiverr TOS and then provide services on fiverr.
  9. Please stop spamming the forum with this nonsense and read the previous posts. There is alrady given answer of your questions. thank you
  10. 1st you have to read carefully and understand what is the buyers need and then write a effective offer about what and how you will do the work.
  11. What's your opinion about fiverr forum? Is this helpful for new seller like us?
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