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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. Are you gonna make me break my boycott, dude? Well, then so be it (but only for you 😘)! The forum spammers when they find a new thread to spam: Me when I see the PoPs (people of power or people with power privilege, whatever you wanna call those peeps) visiting my profile: Sellers when buyers order "by mistake" and ask to cancel:
  2. Funny how certain PoP (people of power) continue visiting my profile every day. 😂

    Oh, we could also call them people with power privilege!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vickiespencer


      You are special! All people of Viking blood are! 

    3. gig_freak


      Ah, you two, you are such liberals. #JustMekSelingsAndChill or abbreviated #MekselAndChill

    4. mariashtelle1


      I didn’t get the pleasure of PoPs visiting me 😕 me no important 

  3. can i alowwed have 2 acounts?

    1. mariashtelle1


      very important sir to have 2 accounts, more accounts more orders 

    2. vibronx


      Thanks for your impotent advice for neww sellar!!!

    3. mariashtelle1


      Impotence is very importance for new expart cellar thanks 🙏 

  4. We have the same amount of followers! 😱 First to 50 wins!

    1. lloydsolutions


      Just noticed how many I have. I had better keep posting then! 

      Although, who could resist your lovely smile! 🙂


    2. vibronx


      Awww, thank you! That's so nice of you to say! 🙂

      Keep posting and you will have it in no time! Unless the spammers also tired you out! 

    3. nusratjebin185
  5. Fun fact of the day: Spam doesn't exist on the Fiverr Forum. 😇

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. mariashtelle1


      Alien bad suggestion thanks 🙏 

    3. mariashtelle1


      Happy spamming new day! 🙏

    4. maitasun
  6. how can i get oder??? 😢

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vibronx


      Your post was approved for 1 min a bit over an hour ago. I had time to throw a "haha" reaction but it was deleted almost immediately. Guess you were silenced after all. 😉

    3. miiila


      Ah, well, it's just a game. I'd quote something from "The Wheel of Time" now, but it wouldn't be appropriate. 

    4. vickiespencer


      I read all of the Wheel of Time books! 

  7. fiber 😍😍😍



    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. maitasun


      yes, u last page and never come back. 

    3. mariashtelle1


      Fiber last page no come back? 

    4. maitasun


      Yes, no come. U down the drain... 🤔

  8. How was your sweet 116?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vibronx


      We have two vampires then! And a PoP just visited your profile!

    3. gig_freak


      I alder than u two hehe. 

    4. mariashtelle1


      I’m sure it was a Gulash talk that made PoP visit me 🙈

  9. I hope you will be the first to get the Grand Master badge! You are almost there! 💪

    1. mariashtelle1


      Unless one of the spammers will get there first 😂

  10. sanda5, fonthaunt, annai80 (I think she changed her name to Anna on the forum?), and sue_mcl. Last I checked they still had their badges despite not having posted much (or at all) for years. I have seen annai take actions on my posts (or threads I posted in), although she hadn't posted since 2019 last I checked.
  11. That is simply not true. I can mention a few names, but it is not allowed to negatively call out users, so I will not do that. EDIT: I can only conclude that Fiverr does not view spam the same way that its regular forum users do. Therefore, we should not expect any elimination of spam. Got it.
  12. Also, if I may add, it is quite rude to dismiss @mariashtelle1in this way and criticize her communication without trying to understand why she said what she did. Then again, we can go in a circle, and you can criticize my communication, too, but I am done being vague and subtle, so I will be totally direct and honest with my feedback as that is the only way to be heard here. The fact is that I have never seen a forum in my 15+ years of being active online where spam is allowed to run this rampant. On any other site, the problem would have been dealt with. Not here. A kind of related thing, since I have your attention: I have mentioned this many times in feedback, a video call with someone working on your team, and a CS ticket, but we have a number of moderators who still have the badge and sometimes take actions in silence although they have not posted anything on the forum in years. Is forum moderator supposed to be an eternal position? Since you talked about transparency in communication, do you think it is very transparent to moderate in complete silence without letting us know what is being done or why?
  13. Okay, I was boycotting the forum for a variety of reasons (most importantly, the spam), but I have to break my boycott early for this. What is being done in so many threads here on the forum is clearly spam. Many users have made their voices heard about the enormous amount of spam on this forum during the past year. Something that has only gotten worse on the new forum. It is one of the main feedbacks for the forum being shared. But for some reason, it keeps being ignored. It seems Fiverr Fiverr clearly does not care about the quality of the posts here but rather about the quantity. Like you only care about being able to share that forum participation has gone up by x% instead of focusing on the experience worsening for the regular members. Also, I suspect you might get a different view of the "spam messages" if you actually hung out more on the forum. As far as I recall, you had a total of 2 days of read time on the old forum, which is not really a lot over the span of several years. Maybe you should try an "Undercover Boss"?
  14. Can cereal be considered a soup? 🤔

  15. I am pretty certain that a buyer will be asked to leave private feedback about 24 hours after the order has been marked as complete. So a buyer should be able to leave private feedback without leaving a public review. However, I cannot be 100% sure as I always leave a review for sellers. I purchased something a few days ago, and like @krheateI was only asked to leave private feedback after completing my order (I left a review). I was asked to leave private feedback the following day. Oh, and since the buyer is asked to leave private feedback after completing the order, a buyer could perhaps be tempted to leave negative private feedback as revenge for a seller leaving a less than 5-star review for the buyer. For this reason, it might be beneficial for a seller to only leave 5-star reviews for buyers unless they are absolutely sure that the buyer is going to be leaving a negative review. I don't like the way this is set up, but that's how it is.
  16. Tour de France begins today! Go Fuglsang! 💪🐦🎵🚲

  17. Me neither. It was just a fun side project for me in the beginning. The amount would have had to be very low for me to join back then. Also, putting a flat fee as high as $250 would make it very difficult for talented people from lower-income countries to join. I don't think Fiverr would want to make it almost impossible for people from certain parts of the world to start selling. That is not to say I would be totally against a fee. It would clean up the marketplace, which is sorely needed. I just think Fiverr has to be careful how high they put it.
  18. I would like to inform you all about a great feature of the new forum! If you go to your "private" messages, you are now able to see who has been eavesdropping on your conversations! If you are lucky like me, you might be able to see some enlightening results! 😍🥰

    1. mariashtelle1


      What I realised that everyone who has as time Saturday midnight it means that they checked your messages before new forum was rolled out 

  19. Which team are you guys rooting for in the Euros, and why is it Denmark?

  20. Well, hello back, Vickie! 💬

    I hope to see many great threads and posts from you on the new forum! Also, I like the clouds on your cover!

    1. vickiespencer


      Hey, @vibronx, click on my cover image there is a lot more there than clouds! I took that picture in Glacier National Park on day when my family was there paddle boarding. 

    2. vibronx


      Oh, wow, I didn't know you could do that! Very beautiful!

    3. vickiespencer


      I live in a gorgeous part of Montana! 


  21. Wow, you are already an Apprentice!!! I need to catch up...

  22. Since my post a couple of hours ago, the sponsorship offers have been coming in left and right, and I am happy to announce that my profile is now sponsored by "Water"! 

    Remember to drink at least two liters a day, people! 🚰


    1. enunciator


      Everyone knows the "Water" company is a total sellout! They give their product away for free all the time, yet make a fortune in selling their "Water in Plastic" product line!

    2. vibronx


      Think of the plastic as DLC. The "Water" brand is only trying to enhance your experience just as EA does with their "Sims 4" DLCs. It is not at all about money, only the customer experience! 😍

  23. What are the monetization options like on this new forum????????? 🤑

  24. I am sorry to hear about your experience, but you have “100% satisfaction or refund.” in the gig description for your website gig, so the buyer has every right to cancel even if they are 99.99% satisfied. You shot yourself in the foot by putting that in your description. I suggest you remove that and “unlimited revisions”. If you offer unlimited revisions, you can be stuck doing revisions until the end of time.
  25. I agree with this. but don’t forget the feature of creating custom offers is there for sellers to create offers tailored for the requirement of the buyer, If everything can be done as the price showed in the gig packages Fiverr would’ve not added such a feature. That’s why I said: If the requirement belongs to the package, yes seller should not ask for more. If the requirement is too simple or too complex, the price can be low or high than displayed in the gig package. that wouldn’t be a ToS violation and that’s what I talked about. Just because the seller asked more doesn’t mean it’s a ToS violation. There are other facts to be added in according for it to be a ToS violation. That was the case here. I saw the profile of the seller in question before the link was removed. Sellers need to protect themselves by not stating something in their packages that they are not ready to fulfill at the stated price. Also, sellers should have clear packages and descriptions. Don’t just write “I will write anything for you until you are satisfied”, for example. As a buyer, I could go and order that gig directly and tell you to write 100 epics of 1000 pages each. Your gigs are clear. You say in your gigs that the price will depend on the task. That is completely fair, and that is not the problem I am talking about. This case had a seller who had a very vague package and description, as in my example above. Not as extreme, but the buyer could have ordered directly and reasonably expected the seller to write a full terms of service for their website, no matter how long. That is the problem with not being precise enough when creating gig descriptions or packages.
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