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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. thanks brother… waiting more congo,,,,, pray for me
  2. I don’t think so, but then again, I don’t know what you’re saying. As a buyer, I’m very happy about this. It was useless. Also, I’m sorry, but I think you might have to improve your English before offering a translation gig here on fiber.
  3. every day is fiber day good knight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vibronx


      sorry I didnt mean it not good knight im oneline alllways

    3. imagination7413


      Gud nite two u, to.

      (In all seriousness, that "online 24\7" is one of those things that keeps triggering the auto-filter, if you were curious.)

    4. vibronx


      Haha, I was trying to see if it would get approved automatically if I cut it down but it didn’t. Good thing you were here 😅

  4. Maybe you could try reading this forum where this question and similar ones have been asked thousands of times.
  5. I have been a buyer for 6 years and a seller for 4 and a half years. I’m transitioning back to being more of a buyer now as I’m working on a passion project that will hopefully allow me to stop selling on Fiverr within the next year.
  6. Don’t work for them. It’s a scam.
  7. I would love if they got rid of the response time metric. I understand why they have it but I think it creates an unhealthy environment for sellers. We HAVE to respond within 24 hours - and ideally within an hour - even though the message might not be relevant to what we offer or is a total scam. If I want to spend a relaxing Friday evening on my couch, I don’t want to have to worry about someone messaging me. Do I respond right away and maintain my response rate? Or do I wait until tomorrow morning and risk hurting my average response time? Personally, I always feel like I have to respond as fast as possible although I might not have time. However, I always do respond properly. Not like what you showed above. Honestly, I have come to hate hearing the Fiverr notification after 4 years of selling. It basically means “go and respond to this message right now—or else”
  8. thanks many time for your valuable Congo 😍
  9. fiber

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vibronx


      how can become alive sir 😢

    3. vibronx


      you will shear your gig social media with trendy hashtag 

      bro it work my experience.,,

  10. thanks dear for your valuable image
  11. my chipotle Oder arrive 🥳 congo me 🇨🇬🇨🇩
  12. You’re a “digital marketing expert”… Shouldn’t you know how to get customers for your gigs?
  13. did it work for you bro? you get oder????
  14. You claim to be a marketer. Shouldn't it be easy for you to promote your gig using marketing techniques and get customers?
  15. sir how can i active all time in fiber?
  16. “It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done.” - Rocky Balboa
  17. do you think i could get sell 🥺 Why are you giving advice when you haven't made a single sale?
  18. Offer something people want to buy, don't use a fake profile picture, and don't try to scam people with services you can't perform. You say you're a digital marketer. You should be able to find buyers on Fiverr using your skills.
  19. sir how can i recharge my keyword?????
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