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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. vibronx

    AI Update.

    If AI has a million haters, then I am one of them. If it has ten haters, then I am one of them. If it only has one hater, then that is me. If AI has no haters, then that means I am no longer on Earth. If the world loves AI, then I am against the world. (if you can't tell, I'm definitely very happy with this ruling)
  2. I’ll close my Fiverr gigs down for one week this summer. I’ll probably end up doing some other work but I’ll try not to.
  3. 1. I have PKU (1 in 10,000 people have this) and photosensitive epilepsy (1 in 3000 people have this). So, I'm kinda... unlucky, I guess? 2. I never tasted honey till I was 21. 3. I have a very good memory. My girlfriend often gets annoyed by me remembering conversations from many years ago. And I used to remember all the capitals of the world. I replaced that with other useless trivia but I still remember nearly all the flags.
  4. Game dev here... Don't start with an MMORPG. I know it's tempting and I'm sure you have a great idea. But please make a small game first—even if you're using a freelancer. You will learn so much you didn't even know you needed to know. It will indeed be a disaster.
  5. To become the best video game storyteller in the world. And to win a BAFTA Games Award.
  6. I didn't watch the webinar. Didn't have time. So, I'm gonna comment more "in general." To me, the whole AI thing that Fiverr has got going really feels like they're shitting all over the sellers doing things manually. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: I thought Fiverr valued human creatives, but I guess this AI thing is just too shiny... Also, I really wanna meet the people who hire sellers to use ChatGPT for them. Must be some very special individuals.
  7. Unfortunately, I'm too busy to participate in a roundtable currently, but I just want to emphasize that many of the things @mariashtelle1mentioned above are things that impact my mental health and things that could be bettered to create a more "humane" work experience for sellers.
  8. So much this. I started out as a buyer, too (and still am), and was only a buyer for my first 18 months on the platform. When you're a new buyer, you assume that all the people selling here have good intentions and are honest. I found out about Fiverr from a book I read about writing ebooks, and it was mentioned as a good place to find people to make quality covers. So, I didn't really know anything about the platform when I started buying. I didn't know about the scammers or about anything from the seller's point of view. I've made many mistakes as a buyer as a result and bought from some people that turned out to be... not honest, to say the least. Now, I know how to find good sellers, of course, but it's not always easy for new buyers. That's why I also really like that Fiverr got rid of BRs, so the scammers have a more difficult time gaining traction. I also do believe that Fiverr should be patrolling this forum more... some of the "sellers" here outright expose themselves as scammers when they post. Why isn't something done when it's obvious to anyone with a working brain?
  9. Thank you so much for posting this, @katakatica! Beautifully written. I gotta say I really identify with this. As freelancers, we can often be alone a lot and not have many people around us who truly understand what it takes to be a freelancer. So, you can feel lonely, isolated, and anxious. And that's okay. But it's also important to find a place to voice those feelings. Or a person to do it to. At least, it's important to speak these feelings aloud, so they don't fester inside and turn into something worse. I have a tendency to keep things in and not share them. So, I do get lonely and anxious, and whatever other bad feelings might pop up. On the Fiverr Forum, we are among other freelancers, so maybe it could be something we could do more. Talk about mental health. I went through a crazy series of unfortunate events that pushed me to my very limit and a bit beyond that, too. It was, basically, what started my freelancing career because I was too "broken" to do anything else. I'm not gonna go into too much detail since there are other people involved who were hurt by these events at least as much as I was, so I don't want to be disrespectful to them by sharing publicly without their permission. But being pushed to the edge has really made it difficult sometimes to manage a freelancing career when there are so many other things going on in my life that just made everything difficult, to say the least. At least, things are better now, so I'm starting to look to the future.
  10. I would be interested in reading it, that's for sure. I think we could do with more discussion of mental health in freelancing.
  11. Yes, I did. That's why I don't know the specifics, as I was very unsure about it after the first call, so we didn't get very far. I did consider it seriously, though. Ultimately, it wasn't because of the lack of pay at the time that I turned it down.. well... I guess being offered something would have helped. I just realized that if I started preparing something, it would take me weeks because if they wanted me to do an educational webinar (they weren't really too clear on that), I would basically be presenting an abridged version of my business degree adapted to a Fiverr context. It was just too much work to wrap my head around. Now, though, I wouldn't consider saying yes to something like that without the possibility of being compensated, but I know that this is something that differs from individual to individual. Some would be fine doing it for free, but I wouldn't.
  12. My fingers are very delicate, so I require $10,000 in compensation for typing messages longer than three lines. Nah, I'm just joking around a bit in this case. Of course, we shouldn't be compensated for sharing our opinion on this forum, but I do believe Fiverr should perhaps compensate community leaders, especially those who host webinars, create educational content, etc., which take time to prepare. Maybe they already do. I was once approached about being a community leader and doing a webinar, and there was no discussion about pay at that time. As for my ideas on this topic, I am willing to share that perhaps some official Fiverr videos explaining the TOS and the Community Standards could be helpful as I think the people who don't understand them would have an easier time understanding them in video format.
  13. The thing is that Fiverr wants only the "best of the best," as @mariashtelle1said, to be able to advertise and show up in the best spots because of it. If a buyer has a good experience with a seller, they're more likely to stay on the platform and spend more money. Fiverr believes that your gigs would not give buyers the best possible experience right now, and you can disagree with that, but that's how it is. We can keep going around in circles but I doubt Fiverr is gonna change their mind about this any time soon. Not with the crazy amount of scammers still roaming the site (Not saying you're one, just saying that it would be a bad look for Fiverr if scammers are suddenly buying ads).
  14. My idea is to stop offering webinars on AI. Like @mabelmaI have also not learned using other freelancing platforms. I have learned other places, though, but I would have to know what pay you would be offering for sharing?
  15. Exactly. I really don’t understand the thought process. “We have a freelancing platform based on human creatives, so, of course, we need to promote AI!” It makes zero sense.
  16. im so excited youre embracing the future fiber 🥰🥰🥰 i cant wait for judgment day and Skynet ☺️🥳
  17. fiber plz allow us to buy banner ads on other people's gigs and directly on their gig images and profile pics oh wait another idea from me fiber plz listen. unskippable ads on gig videos plz!! no no wait again another one!!! we need ads on deliveries too. when buyers accept they will need to watch a gig video before they can download
  18. Exactly! I'm a buyer, and I only used BRs maybe three times out of now 250 orders. I usually look through the gigs of both new and established sellers. And I think many buyers do the same. So, I do give everyone a chance to impress me. However, I gotta admit that new sellers have disappointed me more often than not, and often their gigs just don't look that great, so 95% of the time, I'll end up choosing an established seller. If I had a very strict budget, though, I would still choose new sellers as I used to primarily do. And I gotta say that I think Fiverr thought primarily about the buyers when deciding to get rid of BRs. It was an absolute mess from the buyer's side. It just wasn't a good look for Fiverr with all the spam and incoherent messages you would get, and I think many buyers would be turned off from buying on Fiverr if they went there. In addition to the three times I did end up buying from BRs I tried several more times without getting anything but spam, spam, and more spam from people who didn't understand or even read my requests. Out of 50 messages, you would get maybe two or three coherent ones if you have a straightforward request. But as soon as it's something a little specific, you will get nothing but unrelated spam offers.
  19. It should be made available to every seller no matter their category. Direct orders affect my experience as a seller and have started putting a lot of stress on me during the past year. I want to be able to control who I work with and what I work on without having to cancel orders. I think @donnovan86has mentioned in the past that it's about consent. And I agree with that. Putting the ability to consent to orders behind a paywall is ridiculous.
  20. Don't do this! It's considered spam and could get you reported! I have bought more than 200 gigs as a buyer, and I have had people do this. It's annoying every time!
  21. “Oh, that’s nice. I better do a good job.” That was about it. Not really any big thrill as Fiverr wasn’t a big priority at all for me at the time. It was more of a hobby.
  22. Oh, that’s nice! I left a review yesterday too and it wasn’t there until I left another one today, so I guess they just rolled it out to me! I like being a superstar more, though!
  23. I know what I'm definitely NOT looking forward to... Turning 30... I'm starting to feel old when I look at that number, even if people say that I'm not. But my parents are coming for it, so that's something to look forward to. And I'm going for a short trip to Cambridge to watch a live show with the YouTuber Dan Howell. Well, it was my anniversary present for my girlfriend--she loves that guy. I don't know too much about him, but it's gonna be fun, I think.
  24. Feverr now lets us know how many words we need to write as buyers for it to be considered a "compelling" review And when you complete the word requirement for a compelling review, you become a superstar!!!! 🥰🥰 🥰 Thanks, Fiber!!!!!!! You can request my autograph for $500 + shipping.
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