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Everything posted by vibronx

  1. I always think of this guy when I get called “bro” by forum members or buyers …
  2. Meanwhile, the buyer: When a new seller is told by the forum that they have broken the Terms of Service … (I am out of hearts, so I will give everyone later 😀 PS: I love this thread so much. Thanks for creating it, @vickiespencer! )
  3. When a buyer says you are too expensive …
  4. Last one for a bit then I have to start working! (wanna give someone else the chance to post, too) 😛 When a buyer asks you to communicate outside of Fiverr …
  5. When @lloydsolutions sees a new seller write that they are “waiting for their first order …”
  6. Oh, here we go again … 😛 When someone asks a question which is easily answerable by reading the Terms of Service:
  7. A freelancer after a long night of working …
  8. It’s coming! When a new competitor enters the scene …
  9. When a buyer cancels an order and uses your work anyway …
  10. When you finish six orders in a day just before the deadline …
  11. When your order queue is getting bigger and bigger, and the buyers just keep coming and coming …
  12. When a buyer asks if you can do a free sample …
  13. Well, you are saying that you are from Pakistan. So, are you from the USA? No. Therefore, you are not a U.S. person. The answer is: NO.
  14. I would be very interested in seeing your results. Keep us posted! 🙂
  15. Impressive! 😲 Mine is 25% … world domination1143×553 86.2 KBI rarely get orders from English-speaking countries. In fact, it took me more than a year (and around 150 orders) to get my first order from the UK! I get most of my orders from western Europe and the Nordic countries. The smallest country I got an order from was Faroe Islands (not really a country, but whatever). I really want to get Greenland as well to complete the Kingdom of Denmark set. 😁
  16. I produce music, as a side-hustle but also because I love doing it. Unless I’m too tired, that’s a good option for me. I love doing something creative with zero boundaries. Playing the PlayStation is a bit of a guilty pleasure too. I don’t do online stuff (I can’t be doing with 14-year olds destroying me at online games) but tend to go for story-driven stuff like The Last Of Us etc… Oh, yeah, tell me about those 14-year olds. As gaming has become more popular, they just keep getting better and better. And they can be dang mean, too. I used to be a very big (and quite infamous) troll in Denmark when I was younger, but even I think that they are becoming a tad too ‘toxic’ for lack of a better word. I don’t really want to use my days listening to someone screeching at me. I will stick to my Bioware games. It is pretty much all I play anymore.
  17. As I get older, I must admit that bad days are usually the result of more serious things (and things out of my control) than they were when I was younger, so sometimes it can be difficult to know what to do. But, I usually just try to stay busy. Otherwise, lifting weights usually also lifts your mood, so that is what I do. 🙂
  18. Yes, it is possible within 10 days of the order completing, but you should not ask him to leave a review. Discussing or asking for a review can lead to a warning. Some buyers do not like to leave reviews, and that is completely fine.
  19. Figure it out yourself. We are not going to write proposals to your clients for you, and it is, frankly, very rude that you would expect us to. That being said, you should check these tips out: https://sellers.fiverr.com/en/article/responding-to-buyer-requests
  20. I barely ever get orders when I am online. In fact, I usually get most orders during the days when I am busy doing other things and spending very little time on Fiverr. So, I think the new go-to advice should be: Stay OFFLINE 24/7 🙃
  21. I was really looking forward to trying this out, but since it is not currently available for the ‘Translation’ category, I will have to wait. It would also be cool to have some sort of (geographical) location targeting.
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