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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Good for you, it’s an easy to “solve”, just remove some of the “website” words
  2. Why are you asking on this forum? Fivlytics or whatever it is, is not an official fiverr extension and if fiverr would’ve wanted you to see those analytics it would’ve implemented it on their own fiverr site.
  3. Hate speech is not ok in any case, no matter what is the situation. Especially I would assume that if you feel guilty then someone pointed out your mistakes and that’s not the reason to get mad and make a hate speech back, that’s a call to change a mistake rather than getting mad.
  4. Algorithm changed a lot since then. Having your gigs unqualified for promotion is a very strong hint that your performance dropped and doesn’t fulfil certain metrics. And you know, if you have worse performance then your gigs are also not “ranked”. yes yes, I know, all 5 stars reviews, however there are a lot of hidden metrics that you don’t see including hidden reviews which can be very different from what clients left on public review. Read this 👇
  5. First of all, you can’t add duplicated gigs, it all has to be different service for each gig. Secondly, do you buy seven routers expecting your internet to be better?
  6. This is someone else’s topic and it’s better to open your own. However sellers can not mark orders as completed. They can deliver your order and you have 3 days to reject the delivery if they sent empty delivery and report him for that. Now your best bet is to open a ticket with support and report that seller.
  7. Was it a school assignment question? did you include the link to fiverr support to the source where seller stole the code? How long has its been since you opened your ticket? why not to wait till you get the response from the support team before jumping to conclusions that there is no protection? 😉
  8. What new edition of fiverr? Time never stops on the order however as I mentioned as long as the original delivery was delivered before the deadline then revisions and the late sign WILL NOT affect statistics.
  9. Because sending buyer requests and staying online doesn’t equal to getting orders. It’s like saying you are hungry and instead of cooking and eating you will be just sitting in the kitchen and opening a fridge occasionally to see if the food magically appeared there.
  10. There is nothing complex, he stole pretty overused logos that I saw many times plus you can just right click on any of the images and do Google search.
  11. There wouldn’t be a nice answer from me. 1. ALL of your logo examples are STOLEN from the internet. Every single one of them was not created by you. That’s a HUGE violation and your account can be banned right away. 2. your gigs are duplicated and that’s another violation. 3. You can post your links only in “improve my gig” category and “my fiverr gig”. But the first point of you using someone else’s work to present as your own is already enough to kick you out of the platform.
  12. Are those skills in demand? There are THOUSANDS of sellers offering the same services and struggling. In fact if I’m correct then data scaling is not allowed service of fiverr anymore. Did you do the market research to understand market needs before you acquired those skills? How you will be selling it if there is no demand and too many other sellers offering the same? For example: among all my friends and people I know there is not a single person who doesn’t know how to use excel, including advanced formulas, it’s simple and they don’t even consider selling it as a service because nowadays it’s quite a basic skill.
  13. Then it’s something about your offer, style, gigs etc 🤷‍♀️ Nowadays you can sell even a plastic 💩 if you present it right. Have a hard look at your gigs and improve.
  14. Then you did break the rules. As I said, if the client reports you fiverr looks into the case and if you did nothing wrong then they will never ban your account. If they banned you they they saw that you broke fiverr rules. And now you show that you didn’t even read fiverr TOS even after being banned by opening another account 🤷‍♀️
  15. Fiverr doesn’t disable accounts if someone reported you unless you indeed broke fiverr TOS. And no, there is no solution for you as fiverr banned you, any new accounts including this will be banned sooner or later too as per Fiverr TOS you are not allowed to open new accounts if you got banned
  16. There are wrong questions when you are trying to build a business. Asking right questions is part of being successful. You see all this sellers here asking the same questions on how to get orders daily, how to increase impressions etc, that’s the wrong approach and as you can see less than 1% of them are really getting orders But if you just want to argue that you questions will bring you success then seems that you have it covered on how to reach your goal. Good luck
  17. No it will not as long as you sent your original first delivery before the order deadline
  18. You are asking wrong questions. Would you rather receive 5$ every day or a 1000$ order but two times a month? Did you do the math what will be the difference in earning potential? You can also search and see a lot of level 1 or level 2 sellers complaining about no sales at all and then being removed from the search. Do not expect that you’ll get more orders if you reach higher levels, you actually might be dropped lower in search because now you’ll be competing in a new category with more experienced sellers and your performance might not be as good compared to theirs even if it was ok as a no level seller. There is no such thing as a gig marketing. That’s something that all this parrots 🦜 like to repeat and refer to posting gig links in groups and comments. That’s not marketing. You either create a proper strategy and plan for marketing or you don’t do it at all because it takes months of work and creating a lot of meaningful content to attract audience, not only waiting for orders and do the work on the orders. check this topic and hopefully you will change your questions from “do levelled sellers get orders daily” to “what value can I bring to my clients that they will hire me”
  19. And that’s also normal, they can appear one by one at any time when buyers are posting them and disappear after certain amount of people applied for it. You just need to check it regularly to catch them
  20. They do. But limited because as a new seller they don’t know the quality you provide, that’s why they allow you to apply only to 10 buyer requests so you could think about each and submit only quality proposals.
  21. Do you have impressions more than zero on that gig?
  22. You move out at age 16, make a tongue piercing, make a “rebel” tattoo and dye your hair pink to top it up. I can not confirm or deny or comment if it was me doing all that 😂
  23. Yep, they also changed my SSM and the replies I received from a new person were not better than CSs copy pasted replies. I even cancelled my last scheduled call because I felt meh after those responses 😑
  24. Worst part that a lot of them are not even lying, they really believe that pressing three buttons to remove background makes them “photoshop exparts” and “digital marketers” after they took 5 min course on how to publish FB ad.
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