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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Yes, there are better ways to convert withdrawn USD than fiverr. No it will not happen in dollars. You can change currency at the bottom of the page and it will be showing you precise amount in dollars and it will not be changing. Fiverr is based on USD and any conversion will be changing with market, doesn’t matter if it’s a refund or if you are buying something, it’s adjusted to the current exchange rate.
  2. As a grown @$$ adult I’m eating all chocolates I want any time of a day! Even instead of a proper meal 😏
  3. You can already see if it affects your stats or not on your dashboard. Usially all cancelled orders affect stats however because it’s a chargeback fiverr might’ve excluded it from your stats.
  4. Well, we are forgetting one more: honey as a sticky yellowish fluid made by bees from a flower’s nectar.
  5. I don’t see honey there, I only see @theratypist. That was the quote from fiverr TOS that you both signed and agreed to and it’s ultimately part of your contract.
  6. The only way to shine is to have an outstanding portfolio, quality gigs and work that you deliver.
  7. Why would fiverr let you remove it? You did a bad job and client left their review. Why do you think it will be fair to remove that review?
  8. No, it’s not. Every person sees different results and even the same person looking in the search at different times of a day or week will see different results
  9. No, it’s completely pointless because algorithm still adjusts for your search history. And if a client has a search history on fiverr then fiverr will adjust search results for them. You checking it with vpn etc will not make it more “true” result.
  10. It doesn’t matter if you can or can not find your gig in search. Impressions is literally how many times your gig was shown in search to other people. Fiverr algorithm chooses whom to show what gigs and on what placement based on how likely people to buy those gigs.
  11. Hod please stop it. Fiverr is already removing buyer request feature and a lot of people already don’t have it. Stop giving advices that doesn’t help at all.
  12. Fiverr asks you to read terms and conditions and then then ask you to tick a box to confirm that you read and understood all “rules and regulations”. If you didn’t read it and just ticked a box that’s not fiverr’s responsibility. What do you mean they cut seller? I never saw fiverr not allowing sellers to withdraw their funds or withholding the money 🤷‍♀️ What exactly is your problem?
  13. We are just sellers here but I never saw fiverr giving back banned accounts to people who broke the rules. Zero cases.
  14. How can you get clients? As everyone else by creating quality gig that fiverr notices, pushes it up in search and clients find you there.
  15. You have only 12 reviews in 6 months 🤷‍♀️ mother sellers always have a problem of not selling but it doesn’t mean it’s fiverr’s fault. All it says that bunch of sellers with their gigs here don’t know how to sell their services and only relying on fiverr algorithm. there very well could’ve been bad private review that one of your clients left. Everything on fiverr depends on performance in any shape and form.
  16. The one that has your target audience 🤷‍♀️ It doesn’t matter which social media you use but how you use it. Just spamming your gig links on social medias is not marketing.
  17. Look, that alone doesn’t speak to me that you are at a TRS level if you didn’t even bother to read a help page 😉 the wording is “to get level two” and “to be nominated to TRS”. To be nominated it means that you will be looked at not that it’s an automatic process. And if you look at levels requirements it says there that TRS is a manual process.
  18. Top rated level is not granted. You might get it soon or you might never get it. It’s a manual process and very small percentage of people get it.
  19. And how many people that don’t work with Photoshop and illustrator you think have it installed on their computer? 99,9% of my clients don’t even know how to open or what to do with psd and Ai files that I send them
  20. No buyers can’t cancel it since you delivered your order. Your order will affect your on time ratio on the dashboard since you delivered it 3 hours late. However buyers can cancel the order only if you didn’t make a delivery and order went into very late stage 48 hours later
  21. You didn’t do anything wrong. editing gig have nothing to do with evaluation. Evaluations have their own requirements to fulfill and editing gig is not one of them.
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