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Everything posted by catwriter

  1. Probably as many times as I contact Customer Support. Which I haven't done in years. But it's not about me or you. It's about people who would use live chat because they can't figure out how to use a browser, or how Fiverr works, or why they have fewer orders than before, or how to tie their shoelaces, or simply because their Fiverr guru told them that using live chat was the secret sauce to getting even more orders on Fiverr. I mean, even people who seem oblivious somehow manage to become level 2 sellers, which is when Premium becomes available. More sense than making it available for everyone, sure, but probably still not cost-effective enough to implement it.
  2. I'm not so sure, considering how many people are eligible for that one. It still wouldn't pay for the manpower. Just think of all the complaints about Success Managers not responding to messages, or taking forever to respond, or only giving vague AI-generated advice that doesn't help at all.
  3. To keep it at 100%, all you need to do is respond within 24 hours to the first message that a new buyer sends. That's it. Now, the system can get buggy, sometimes you don't notice a spam message, but other than bugs, you'd need to get hundreds of messages daily in order to fail to respond within 24 hours. You could also fail to respond within 24 hours if there's a natural disaster in your area and there's no internet, or if there's a family emergency, or you end up in a hospital, or something like that, but how common are true emergencies? My response rate is at 100% and my average response time is at 2 hours, and I don't respond while I'm sleeping or out. It's not that hard, just log into your Fiverr account at least once a day, respond to everything, and you should be fine.
  4. Imagine if everyone who ever got an order did that for every single order, though. Hundreds of thousands of sellers, some of them with tens of thousands of orders. One topic for each and every order. Imagine how cluttered the forum would be, making it impossible to find answers to any questions, to get advice when you need it, to get news about the main site... All it would ever be would be congrats, congrats, congrats. Imagine feeling scared because things are going wrong, desperately needing advice and support, but not being able to get it since nobody even sees your post because of all the congrats.
  5. They're faking their language proficiency, though. And that can lead to misunderstandings (and very angry buyers).
  6. Using AI makes those people all look and read the same. As ChatGPT. Instead of looking like, you know, actual people. Not to mention that people who constantly use ChatGPT to communicate seem, well, shady. To put it politely. Not to mention: if I want to talk to ChatGPT, I'll go talk to ChatGPT. At least it's going to be far more entertaining.
  7. Closed captions in this one are fun. ChatGPT becomes Cheshire PT.
  8. Not everything! There's copypasta, too! 😸
  9. Why didn't you withdraw your balance? Fiverr isn't a bank, and keeping your balance here for 2 years couldn't possibly be safe. @Lena, can you help the OP, please?
  10. Ouch. And then your success score gets dinged because the buyer was rightfully annoyed. Or it turns out that it wasn't okay, after all. Or both.
  11. They don't need your email to buy from you. They're scammers trying to scam you.
  12. Are you trying to get them to contact you outside of Fiverr? That's strictly forbidden.
  13. You can hire as many sellers as you like, as long as you pay each and every one of them.
  14. Not true, you just haven't been on the forum long enough to see them. We've seen plenty of rule-breakers on the forum who pretended to be innocent (including people who pretended that they didn't know forgery was illegal). ( @pdkmusic, just in case: I wasn't referring to you, and I'm sorry this happened to you)
  15. There were one or two who posted about it on the forum, and who knows how many who didn't.
  16. Oh, ok, by mediocre I meant world-average, and not bragging about their expert skills, but being honest about them.
  17. It wouldn't be such a problem if they were mediocre. Mediocre is perfectly fine for basic tasks, and many of the intermediate difficulty. Not everyone is looking for high-end or complex solutions. The problem is that they have no skills. It doesn't surprise me. Quora has been advertised, for a very long time, as a great place where you can share your expertise (and by doing it, indirectly advertise yourself). No expertise to share? AI to the rescue.
  18. To get money. Just like they were allowing selling likes, subscribes, followers, reviews... Before it became too risky for Fiverr.
  19. Most of what Fiverr puts out is written by GPT these days. It's easy to spot and it makes their staff look like amateurs "Amateurs" isn't the word I'd use, but I better stop here.
  20. Err, I'm not the one with the flagged account. You asked what would happen to your account, and I just told you that none of us were psychic, and therefore none of us could see into the future.
  21. None of us can see into the future.
  22. Nothing can be done. Buyers don't have to complete orders by themselves, they can leave them to be completed automatically. And nobody can force them to tip you, even if they promised to do it. Learn from it.
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