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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. You can ask buyers to review your order, as long as you don't say what rating they should leave or what they should say. If you just encourage them to leave a review, that's definitely not against the platform policies. However, manipulating the buyer to leave a SPECIFIC review you want is against the TOS and it can lead to an account warning.
  2. Well if you read the first post.. you would see this is postponed for now. It's not implemented, sellers were upset, so Fiverr is trying to revamp this and improve it. My guess is that it will be back at some point, but we will see.
  3. The thing is, we don't have any idea what was said aside from a redacted screenshot. So you can understand why we can't agree/disagree with you without knowing the whole story. It depends, the seller might have all the gig info in the description. Some sellers might choose to block someone because it felt they are not a good fit for them. And since a buyer can easily order without the seller's consent on Fiverr, maybe he wanted to avoid an order that he can't do. Then again he could have said he is not available or can't work on the stuff you want. As I said, it can be a number of things. At the end of the day it's clear they are not a good fit for you anyway, so might as well choose someone else. If anything, this situation might be a blessing in disguise, if you don't like how this person behaved, then adding money into the mix would make things messier.
  4. I didn't mean Promoted Gigs. Regular gig sharing on social media and other platforms, everything you can. It does but if you don't have any orders within the next two months, that won't really matter since there's no incentive for the Fiverr algorithm to push you because you offer great work. But yes, cancellations are only taken into account over the past 2 months.
  5. It depends man. I never used AI tools and always write manually. If someone delivers great work, they usually have very good reviews and Fiverr ranks them high. Bad reviews are obviously going to push a profile down. There are still plenty of buyers however there was a huge influx of sellers in the past few years. There won't be enough work for everyone, that's a given. And honestly, there are also a TON of low quality writers here, some of them use AI to write and just sell for a profit because they don't do any work. Needless to say, there are also buyers that shifted to AI tools because many Fiverr sellers were offering AI-written content at a more expensive price than what they could generate themselves. However, if you are a great writer, you'll always have a solid demand for your services. Even in this ever-shifting world, great writers are always in high demand. Did AI damage our business? Absolutely, but then again we need to adapt. I already saw that Fiverr has removed a lot of gigs from the writing section.
  6. Well canceling orders is a problem and it will end up bringing issues like either being removed from search or having less impressions. So yes, that's what most likely happened in your case. There's not a whole lot you can do. Promote your gigs wherever you can, deliver any orders you do receive on time and ensure you go overboard with your work and customer service.
  7. No it doesn't. First, it's a good idea to read the forum and find posts that will guide you on how to create a great gig, how to improve it, etc. You also want to experiment with different gig descriptions, images, videos. Also, you want to become an expert within the niche you are offering. Try to offer something unique and don't copy successful gigs.
  8. You can fully cancel the order and he can reorder when he has the file/stuff you need. However this will penalize you for the cancellation and that can mean less work on Fiverr for at least 1-2 months. You can refund him and re-send an offer for the partial payment you want. If the buyer agrees to this, then it's fine because even if you refund, when the buyer orders within 14 days of that refund you won't be finalized for the cancellation/refund. But the buyer needs to reorder within 2 weeks at most. The third option is to wait even more. Other than that I don't see any good or reasonable options.
  9. Those can be main reasons. But also if there was enough communication from both sides (a few messages) and a delivery was already sent. Anyway this is the old way they were going to do things, so we have to wait and see. I am pretty sure they will still allow buyers to leave reviews for canceled orders in some way so keep that in mind. Refunding just to avoid a bad review might bring a bad review if they go ahead with this. Still, the idea is.. bad reviews will push you back in search, especially if those are bad private reviews.
  10. The new measure they want to implement is that whenever someone cancels an order, they can leave a review. So even if you gave back the money to that person, they can leave a review for the order. You can reply to it, of course, but still... it's clear Fiverr wants to stop sellers from refunding, because refunds don't give a cut to Fiverr, obviously, completed orders do. And this type of change will be good business for Fiverr, while also encouraging sellers to stop canceling. If you end up with a bad review anyway, might as well get paid right? It was met with backlash from sellers, so Fiverr is rethinking it now. But at the core they want more transparency with reviews, so buyers will be able to leave reviews to canceled orders in some way in the future. Keep that in mind.
  11. Yes, so if a buyer leaves a review to a canceled order, you as a seller can reply to that. I think it's pretty clear from what they said in that screenshot. However Fiverr is rethinking this so who knows how the new version will appear and what it will include. So we will see. They said they will rethink this and come back later, so I can only assume later this summer we will see the difference.
  12. Well the problem with that is Fiverr has announced they wioll soon implement a system where if you do cancel orders, buyers can leave a review even if the order is canceled. It was met with backlash, however they said they will implement it in a more seller-friendly way. So yeah, that won't work. The focus I think is to take less order, over deliver and ensure that people are happy, improve your customer support skills and communication.
  13. These stats are tracked over the past 60 days. Ideally, you want to deliver everything on time and not deal with any late orders. That can lead to cancellations and other problems. So the only thing you can do is to deliver on time.
  14. Warnings are permanent. It's not something you can remove. There's a reason why Fiverr gives warnings, because you most likely did something wrong. Instead of trying to remove warnings, try to focus more on sticking to the rules and not doing things that lead to another warning. Because if you have 3 warnings, you're banned for life.
  15. I already told you. Personal experiences differ. You are new, I've been here for 10 years at this point. So we can't compare when it comes to what we want and expect from such a service. For a newcomer the ability to have a success manager can be great, since they can guide you. Someone with experience on the platform won't need a success manager every month, just once in a while. The extra features are also very subjective. Some people will like them, others will find them just cannon fodder 🙂 So it's a varied experience. I would suggest you browse the forum and learn more about the platform, etc. If you have money to spend, try the service. Even if someone says it's worth it, it's worth it for them and not for you. That means you won't know until you try.
  16. You have thousands of forum posts on this. All you have to do is search the forum. Do people really expect us to repeat the SAME thing over and over, when there's a search function. Come on man.. being a freelancer involves hard work and research, don't expect people to hand the magic money making machine to you 🙂
  17. There's a lot of information you can find on the forum. That being said, as a new seller this might help you, if you talk with someone from Fiverr. I would recommend getting yourself familiarized with Fiverr, how it works, seeing how others made their gigs, etc. So it's up to you. If you have the money to spend, you can try it. But if you struggle for money and think Seller Plus gives you orders, it won't...
  18. Well there are people like me which had it since the beginning. Don't get into the program expecting sales, it's just a way to consult with someone from Fiverr, receive some tips and access a few extra features. You should try for a month and see for yourself, then cancel. Every person has a different experience.
  19. You don't know if the message is automated or not. But I think we are trying to examine things too much. It's clear that the seller in question either disliked your request, or he doesn't want to work with you for some reason. While it does seem a bit unprofessional to block a person, I guess they might have their reasons. At this point it's better to just move on and find someone that can actually fill your request. There are tons of sellers on Fiverr. If that person refuses work, they will eventually run out of customers 🙂
  20. After checking your profile, I think I can tell you why you have issues. A 1 star review, 2 star review, 3 star review all within the span of 4 months..These are public, but you don't really know what people left as a private review, you might have more bad reviews. So yeah, bad private reviews lower the buyer satisfaction rate and the way Fiverr rates gigs. So if you had a bad review, your buyer satisfaction rate decreases and you have less exposure. That's why you have few impressions and clicks, Fiverr gives the spotlight to sellers that keep buyers happy, if you have a bad review you get pushged behind. Try to do the best work you can with any current orders, go overboard with the customer service and also encourage your buyers to leave a review (don't influence them in any way as that's against the rules).
  21. Well one thing you can do is to learn how to write in English!
  22. Well sellers have to say something before blocking since our response time is tracked by the platform. So that's why you got the point as a reply. Without knowing what you askedss, it's hard to understand why they blocked you.
  23. In an update they already said a seller can leave their own review to a cancelled order's review.
  24. Buyers come here to work directly with people. If you use AI to interact with buyers, you are in the wrong busines. Then again that's my opinion. There are way more pressing matters Fiverr should focus on like allowing people to start/stop gig multiples and having more control over what people can buy. That I think is a way more important thing for Fiverr to focus on.
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